The numbers are what they're pushing
Yup, those are the numbers they are pushing for the desal plants here in Australia.
They tend to gloss over the extra-ordinary amount of power needed to run the things though - and it won't be renewable power either, it comes straight from the coal-burning power stations.
There's a big push by the eastern states governments at the moment to put desal plants everywhere - even though there are more environmentally friendly ways of getting more water, but nobody wants to look at recycling water - drinking water that's already been "used" - icky! Sheesh, where do they think we get the water from in the first place....
Unfortunately anonymous coward, as I said it won't be powered by renewable energy. So far the gov. has tried to turn as much a blind eye as possible to renewable energy, too much $$$ and too many jobs rely on the coal industry :-\