Evan Williams creates Blogspot. He sells it to Google.
Evan Williams creates Twitter, which is Blogspot with a 140-character posts. He sells it.
Next, Evan Williams will create Bitter, which will be Twitter with a 1-bit posts.
12 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Nov 2007
As I mentioned in The Reg's recent story about Mozy's internet backup:
I use Jungle Disk, which can backup Mac, Windows, and Linux computers to Amazon's S3 data centers. Jungle Disk is a one-time $20 cost and then you only pay Amazon for the bytes you actually use.
Plus you can mount your Jungle Disk backups from another PC. It's like an infinitely-large USB drive.
I use Jungle Disk, which can backup your Mac, Windows, and Linux computers to Amazon's S3 data centers. Jungle Disk is a one-time $20 cost and you only pay Amazon for the bytes you actually use.
Plus you can mount your Jungle Disk backups from another PC. It's like an infinitely-large USB drive.