* Posts by Chris Peterson

12 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Nov 2007

Apple buying Twitter!

Chris Peterson
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Evan Williams creates Blogspot. He sells it to Google.

Evan Williams creates Twitter, which is Blogspot with a 140-character posts. He sells it.

Next, Evan Williams will create Bitter, which will be Twitter with a 1-bit posts.

Ubuntu's Koala food hits open-source supermarket

Chris Peterson

no Karma Khameleon?

You come and go.

You come and go.

Lenny might be late

Chris Peterson

Software project behind schedule! News at 11!

Especially Debian.

Netflix to sell set-top box for streamed movies

Chris Peterson
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Go Netflix!

Buy TiVo now!

Isabella Rossellini romps with praying mantis

Chris Peterson

Sundance Channel

These short films (not trailers) were produced by the Sundance Channel. You can see higher quality video at their web site:


Rebit: This is your grandmother's data backup

Chris Peterson

Jungle Disk + Amazon S3

As I mentioned in The Reg's recent story about Mozy's internet backup:

I use Jungle Disk, which can backup Mac, Windows, and Linux computers to Amazon's S3 data centers. Jungle Disk is a one-time $20 cost and then you only pay Amazon for the bytes you actually use.

Plus you can mount your Jungle Disk backups from another PC. It's like an infinitely-large USB drive.


Carbonite sprinkles some fancy over online backup service

Chris Peterson
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Jungle Disk + Amazon S3

I use Jungle Disk, which can backup your Mac, Windows, and Linux computers to Amazon's S3 data centers. Jungle Disk is a one-time $20 cost and you only pay Amazon for the bytes you actually use.

Plus you can mount your Jungle Disk backups from another PC. It's like an infinitely-large USB drive.


BT Fusion is alive and well

Chris Peterson

BP Fusion?

I was expecting some fusion research project sponsored by BP ("Beyond Petroleum")..

Wikia unsheathes antidote to 'unhealthy' Google

Chris Peterson

Wikia is a joke

Search for "wikipedia" and none of the first 100 search results include any link to en.wikipedia.org?! I gave up looking any beyond 100 results.


Amazon SimpleDB: a database server for the internet

Chris Peterson

SQL façade for SimpleDB?

How long until someone writes a SQL-compatible façade on top of SimpleDB?

Google builds very own Ethernet switches

Chris Peterson

Is there any indication that these switches are more than just internal use?

Just because Google built them, doesn't mean they will sell them.

Babbling net software sparks international incident

Chris Peterson

They could have at least "round tripped" the text to their native language.

Maybe I should write a live Babelfish roundtripper, so you can massage your input text to improve the roundtrip output..