And who defines what is hate speech?
At least the USA has free speech. Just because you don't like what is being said does not mean it is not free.
Facts trump feelings. German Govt = #antifa
8 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Nov 2007
Would someone stop Simon making sense?
I mean ... where does common sense fit into the NBN ? It's a political football and normal economics, common sense and rationality have no place in this debate.
Please! Think of the children before they get the notion things should be done simply and properly.
The physics of light dictate that a bigger lens is going to do more for you than a smaller one.
Sensor size (pixel size) is another physical factor (consider the limit of diffraction issue)
You can't bypass the laws of physics !
So while phone cameras *may* impact compact camera sales in time (P&S), the DSLR with interchangeable lenses will be here for the rest of my life at least.
In summary: happy snaps for sure; serious photography DSLR's rock!