* Posts by DaveE

3 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Nov 2007

Freelancers might be taxed as employees after High Court ruling


Pay up

Just pay your tax & NI, sunshine. The rest of us on PAYE salaries don't get a choice about it, so why should you? Great decision closing off another loophole quite a few contractors leech off the rest of us. Bet he was more than happy to drive on roads, have a GP, use schools the rest of us paid for through tax. Sort out the whole 'salary as loan' and 'decreasing value currency' fudges whilst you're at it please, Special Commissioner.

Yorkshire police head off pillow fight anarchy


"a thousand drink-filled youths fighting each other"

So that's no difference to the outspill from any of the city's larger night clubs of a Friday or Saturday night. Oh but of course... night clubs pay council tax, council tax pays the police (in part), so it's OK for the local plod clear up *that* mess every week.

Google petrol pumps debut next month

Paris Hilton

US petrol pumps are different?

Unlike the UK, where you typically have to keep the pump handle held (or 'squeezed') in, most petrol/gas stations I've used in the US allow you to put the pump in the nozzle, squeeze the handle, and it stays pumping until it senses that the tank is full. Most UK station pumps also have this automatic cut off when they sense the tank is full. But, the key is that in the US the user doesn't have to keep holding the handle in place and their petrol/gas is cheaper so they ain't watching the dials spin round either.

This average 3 minute wait, I guess, is the time google is aiming for people to use their kiosk advertising whatever mumbo jumbo thing instead, and without incurring pump rage (or nearly as much as some other commentators on here fear)