And, let the conspiracy lunacy commence!
How long before this is blamed on some shady group attempting to cover up "TEH REEL EFFEKT OF CO2 ON TEH ENVYRUMENTZ!!!1"?
17 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Nov 2007
Worked fine here (using Orange contract 3G SIM), BUT there are a lot of people having issues with this patch (including no ability to make calls, and PIN-enabled SIMs don't work yet apparently). If you're relying on this working, remember the word "BETA" is in there, and stay away for now.
Oh and @Anon poster of comment #1, your repeat prescription is overdue - put down the keyboard and go pick up your meds.
the only people who'll be worse off are the phone companies and their shareholders, so screw 'em. And while we're at it, the ongoing Text Message costs, and Roaming cost reviews need to produce guidlines/legislation quickly too. We're being gouged by these cowboys in what is, now, a mature market.
I'll bet no more than 18 months before the first price-fixing review hits the industry too.
Paris because, well, you remember why....
Now that "iPhone vs AnyOtherMobilePhone" has become the new "Linux vs. Windows", Apple must be doing something right. Especially if it's pissing of so many non-Apple customers.
However, the iPhone is the only piece of Apple equipment I've owned. The 2G was very nice, but I'm fecking sick of the new 3G iPhone. The constant dropped calls, battery life of about 3 hours, and Apple's fingers-in-ears-singing-la-la-we-can't-hear-you attitude. Won't be buying another one, but then by the time I've got a refund on this one the next Nokia will be on sale ;-)
Paris, because the beer there is expensive.
In fact, it seems pretty sensible. They are simply bringing the law for infringment of copyrights online for commercial gain into line with that in meatspace. Most importantly the ability for courts to jail the worst offenders for 10 years, rather than the current two-year maximum.
In conjuction they raise the maximum fine to fifty grand so they don't need to lock up everyone who needs more than a £5000 slap on the wrist.
Back on planet Earth though, how about these guys just take a stroll down Whitechapel high street on any day with a "Y" in it, and arrest the literally DOZENS of south-east-asians openly selling bent DVDs on the streets. The law is pointless if it is not enforced, for god's sake.
Paris because she knows all about "video piracy" ;-)
'Was there ever a picture of a placard saying "Behead those who say Islam is violent"?'
Nope. The original said "Behead those who insult islam". the other versions are photoshoppery by people who need their irony delivered like a shovel to the face.
Hanlon's Razor applies here: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
Paris because she embodies Hanlon's razor quite neatly...