Kill (this) Bill...
Kill Bill, the film, contains cartoon sex involving a very young Lucy Liu.
either kill this bill or destroy your copy of kill bill. !
6 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Nov 2007
On my analogue tele when the signal drops I get a little snow and some white noise overlay. with digi, i get ear splitting cracks and pops and an artifact-y frozen display.
same with dab, less the picture.
Surely we can use the overblown/madeup climate change meme for a decent, profit killing purpose for a change - and kill DAB on the basis that it uses much more energy??
Sorry I forgot - climate change is only for extracting taxes and creating spurious new markets for corporate pigs to feed! my mistake.
"Leave them to me, I shall deal with them myself"
"your hate has made you powerful"
"everything is proceeding as i have forseen"
"I am looking forward to completing your training, in time you will call me, Master."
or the all time greatest quote:
"everything that has transpired has done so according to MY DESIGN."
I try to use one of these daily in the course of my work. It feels soooo good, try it.
Its nothing to do with genetically modified crops. Nothing I tells you. Just because massive trials and commercial planting of GMOs rolled out during a similar time frame, remember correlation != casuation.
We dont need pathetic nature to run the biosphere! Monsanto can provide all the seeds we need from a much cleaner more profitable source; their labs.