* Posts by dave harnet

5 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Nov 2007

Puking! protester! forces! Yahoo! 'techie! scum!' to! ride! vile! bile! barf! bus! to! work!

dave harnet

I'm curious to hear why these particular market forces are bad and what steps you would suggest to counteract them?

A nearby company is providing thousands of good jobs.

They are encouraging employees to leave their cars at home.

It's an atrocity. If California can't forgive them (and they shouldn't) I'll grudgingly invite google to move to Limerick. Things have been _too_ good since Dell left and half the town lost their jobs.

How to kill trolls and influence Apple people: A patent solution

dave harnet

Re: The problem with patents

Equating cost and value seems unfair.

Innovation is risky. For innovators to survive, one successful product/idea/patent need to pay for n failures.

Cost is intangible. My painting of a vase of flowers is worth less than Van Goghs, even though my paint cost more and I spent longer at it. Experience, genius, and name recognition are hard to account for.

FSF throws sueball at Cisco

dave harnet

Official Comment

A friend of mine works for Cisco. His 'Official Comment' is "Bring it on, hippies!"

Data breach officials could be sent to the big house

dave harnet

Missing the point

"the government pointed the finger at a junior official they said had ignored procedures to download the data onto a disk"

...ignoring the biggest problem - that it was POSSIBLE for a junior official to download data worth millions of pounds onto a disk. So we will never know if a junior admin has flogged this information fifty times allready?

Yahoo! Bows! To! Mum! Of! Jailed! Chinese! Journalist!

dave harnet


Remember that the west only takes action against morally bankrupt regimes when is is politically and financially prudent.

As long as china is making money, the west will want a slice of the action. From my understanding, Yahoo's only crime here is in cooperating with the chinese justice system. Like it or not, obeying chinese law is part of the price for doing business in china.