* Posts by Darren

2 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Nov 2007

BT: 'We did not let anyone down over Phorm... it was not illegal'


sending these comments on

Hey Reg,

Any chance you can get the comments from all of the Phorm stories, compile them into one e-mail/letter, and send copies to Phorm, BT, Virgin and Talk Talk?

I Can't speak for anybody else but if you want to add my full Name and Address to the comments then just say the word.

It's time to start bombarding these companies, and the government, until something is done.

Croydon unleashes cyberwar on barking dogs



I live in Croydon, unfortunately.

Should just be a yes/no vote on

"Should Croydon be bombed?"

it would save a lot of hassle and raise the nations crime prevention percentage by a hell of a lot.