I'm disappointed
The outrageous tethering charges are a deal breaker at the moment. Damn you O2... this is the sort of bullshit pulled when there is a monopoly :(
113 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Nov 2007
All city centre apartments round my way (Birmingham) including my own are plumbed up for freeview, BT and Sky, but never cable it seems. You'd think it'd be fairly easy to cable up an apartment complex for cheap, and with the poor freeview reception or lack of Sky+ provision in most places I've been to, I'm sure most would give cable a punt.
So I refreshed their page twice during lunch!
It's not the upfront cost I disagree with, it's these media companies continually wanting to get paid over and over for the *same* product. That and the refusal to distribute their wares on something not invented last century.
I realise build-it-yourself isn't for everyone, but I think if you're serious about back ups and media sharing, you can do much better and cheaper yourself. I currently have a 4u rack (from X Case), an Atom board (from tranquil), a couple of SATA raid cards, and capacity for 10 hard drives. It's quiet, low power, and fairly cheap. I've spent less than £500 for 5tb of storage so far (including legit OEM of home server and several bits from quietpc). The great thing about Windows Home Server is you can add/remove hard drives from the pool as and when you have spare drives, new ones etc, and it all happily chugs along.
I would choose to leave the truth online that pick up a measly £75. It's disgraceful that the BBC effectively requested a flickr cover-up as part of their apology.
As for their explanation-- would the same argument work for me? I'm just testing out my new hard drive with BBC content, honest. Once the test is over I'll delete it all!
Also, as a fee payer, I think the £75 was a waste of fee payers money. BBC just can't catch a break eh?
Yes, it's a server rather than a software solution, but I really like it. It backs up my desktop, laptop, media center PC automatically, and restoring the whole OS is very easy if things go wrong. Restoring a file is a little slow, but nicely done once it's up to full speed.
The added benefits of a server is it can also sit there serving up all my media, with access via the web as well locally.
Clever because if they didn't do it via the promo code, you would have been able to take advantage of their generous price-drop-refund scheme several days earlier :)
But loads of retailers have done this already, Amazon don't deserve this mention tbh. Overclockers for one went down to 15% almost immediately after it was confirmed.
I assumed these retailers aren't taking the hit, but rather doing a bit of an accounting fiddle so these orders look like they came after the weekend? Who knows...
I was severely disappointed, both ways (different planes). They both were really showing their age, the entertainment sucks, and yes, they do already have chavvy patterned seats. On the way back, the seats didn't even have those side-rests most have these days (made it harder to get to sleep on the long flight from Las Vegas)
We flew BA to New York and the flight/airplane was so much better. There doesn't seem to be much difference in price, so I doubt I'd ever intentionally fly Virgin again.
1) The line on the sign up page "Please note we don't use your details for anything other than the C'n'C newsletters" is clearly a lie... you're also using my details for this competition!
2) Once submitted I get an error on the page, which makes me think I'm probably not signed up at all, despite the text...
Look, I love the IT Crowd, just tell me where to send the bribe :)
Ok, you troll'd me into posting. What utter BS are you talking? My launch PSP, which survived coming from Japan via eBay no less, is still gong strong. (I still have original PS1 and PS2s as well!)
I nearly bought a TZ, but went for the SZ instead (via eBay from the US this time). Okay, so I shelled out for the carbon fibre version, but you could hardly call it flimsy. It's been going over a year now, I've taken it with me all over the place (planes, trains and automobiles), and managed to drop it a couple of times.
I like small, and I trust Sony enough to import their stuff and it not break on me.
I'm not monitored to see if I use my water illegally, my shower doesn't cut down to 10% capacity in the morning 'cos it's peak shower time. Yet there is a finite amount of water and pipes... I guess BT could take some service provision lessons from the water companies!
I've always been surprised how easy it has been to get a variety of normal phones to act as a bluetooth modem for my laptop while out and about, mainly nokias and sony ericssons. Had i bought an Iphone, i would have assumed the same functionality was there... shame on Apple. Time and again though we're shown Apple do things their own way, and people for the most part don't care.
I thought that comment was going to turn out to many similar posts about Vista being 'OK for me', but you had a decent point tacked on the end.
The sellers who are building crappy specced, bloatware infested computers are just as much to blame, as are the poor driver writers (glad Nvidia was mentioned, my card is still pretty gimped compared to all the features it had in XP).
Put it this way: would that Mac be running quite as smoothly if Dell had pre-installed their junk on it before you got it?
I've got a HD camcorder and a 10mp camera. On a week holiday to the Isle of Wight we'd generated 20gb of data! Same again for a week on Gozo, and there's the trip to Las Vegas coming up...
We have a media center with 4 tuners and lots of series links... that can record a good 5-10gb a day if left to it's own devices.
Then there's the Home Server storing backup images of all the household PCs, which is currently on 700gb of back up data alone.
I'm not saying I'm an average Joe, but 1.5tb drives can't come fast enough! I was kinda hoping the next step would be 2tb :(