* Posts by John PM Chappell

199 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Mar 2007


Cards Against Humanity campaigns to encourage voting, expose personal data abuse

John PM Chappell

Re: I'm a US citizen and I didn't vote in 2020.

Welcome to the Nut House. You know what to do.

Feds urge 3D printing industry to end DIY machine guns

John PM Chappell

Re: Tax / Restrict Ammo?

No, the earlier commentor was correct. It's relatively easy, with a moderately large initial outlay but very cheap per round cost. For a simple hand press, no automated feed, etc, that cost is much lower still but at the cost of time and needing to do tasks in batches.

Apple is coming to take 30% cut of new Patreon subs on iOS

John PM Chappell

Re: Delightful

Probably hardware. ME wasn't actually that bad at all. I mean, it was bad (because it half-arsed stuff and was somewhat incompatible with earlier 9x Windows) but it definitely wasn't the unusable mess some people would have you believe. Typically, upgrade setups were flaky because, truth be told, so was the system prior to the upgrade. Clean installation has always been the way to go, as I think we all know.

Speed limiters arrive for all new cars in the European Union

John PM Chappell

Re: Good

I lost my nerve at around 160 MPH, and settled back to a steady 80 to 90 or so (which would be about the same as your choice). It was fun being able to open up, and it was fun flying along ... but I was conscious of the required braking distance and the fact that a misjudgement could turn me (briefly) into a light aircraft.

Techie saved the day and was then criticized for the fix

John PM Chappell

Re: If you have a secure server room

One of those "Sounds like something we should have" ideas that turns out to be unwanted in practice. Ultimately because it is an increased cost and whenever the alarms go off it was a fault or an accident and not a real incident.

Developer's default setting created turbulence in the flight simulator

John PM Chappell

Agreed, but also a prototype, essentially, so I can believe it. Still stupid (of the design, mostly).

Windows keyboards to get a Copilot key – but how quickly will users jump?

John PM Chappell

I remap the "menu" key to Wincompose, too. It's the only actually useful thing I have ever found to do with it.

Doom is 30, and so is Windows NT. How far we haven't come

John PM Chappell

Re: Telemetry

Good old Clive, a model of restraint, compassion, and enlightened governance of the masses.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Clive for those ignorant, or curious about details.

You don't get what you don't pay for, but nobody is paid enough to be abused

John PM Chappell

Re: azidoazide azide

Azides are bad news ... so aye, definitely not one to go anywhere nears.

Dump C++ and in Rust you should trust, Five Eyes agencies urge

John PM Chappell

Re: Complexity

Apparently I "know C", or at least I know when you cannot know the answer. Interesting illustration, though; not seen it done so elegantly before.

Swedish Tesla strike goes international as Norwegian and Danish unions join in

John PM Chappell

Re: Exactly what destroyed the UK car industry

Completely agree, I was alive for it too, though a little young to actually drive them, on the whole. My parents did have an Allegro and I recall a Metro briefly. They were both crap. Dad ended up with a Ford Sierra that lasted forever. They died because the cars they designed were crap, they built them crappily, and they ran their business and plants crappily.

Musk tells advertisers to 'go f**k' themselves as $44B X gamble spirals into chaos

John PM Chappell

Re: I'm sure that measured IQ values are not worth anything

Press X to doubt ...

Standardized tests (depending on which specifically) top out at 150 or 160 (SD 15 or 16). There are no scores above either 150 or 160.

John PM Chappell

Re: Delusional narcissist

To be fair, heard both glottal stop (what you're referring to) and "in t' ", speaking as someone with Yorkshire family, and a father who considers himself a "dyed in the woll Yorkshireman" (but amusingly, has no real Yorkshire accent anymore, because he left years ago to join the RAF and then went into the Defence industry and spent most of his working life abroad or anywhere else in the UK).

Workload written by student made millions, ran on unsupported hardware, with zero maintenance

John PM Chappell

Re: A quick question

EVE has had something of a resurgence recently, and I was persuaded to come back for a while. I now back to letting the "Omga time" run out on a huge skill queue, but it was fun enough that I may yet revisit it when I get the urge in another couple of years.

John PM Chappell

Re: A quick question

I've had that experience with a touch of the other comment below, too.

Looking at some old code in a project, I came across something that worked, but could use a touch of modernization, which I began. In the course of doing that I came to a part that was pretty arcane and found myself muttering things like "Who the hell wrote this, anyway?" and "This guy knew his stuff, but his comments are awful".

Needless to say, at some point I came across a copyright block identifying my younger self as the author. I apparently knew things back then which would probably fox me today, and I was also much worse at writing code. :P

Yelp sues Texas for right to publish actual accurate abortion info

John PM Chappell

Texas resident here ...

So ... Paxton's acquittal was an embarassment, even to many Republican politicians here, who were disgusted with the outcome. At least he was actually facing impeachment, though. Progress?

Sadly, Texas has a long history (it's not alone in this regard, but it is very notable) of serious political corruption, including with law enforcement (Sheriffs running their county as personal fiefs, running liquor and drugs, etc), to the point that there have been many Federal interventions. It is worth noting that Texas is a *big* state, which makes a lot of this easier in some regards, and that it's by no means typical of the average Texan, but ... still, it is and has been 'a thing' for basically the entire history of the state, alas.

The abortion position has basically no real support on the ground - there are many, though not a majority, who support restricting abortion in some way, even prohibiting it at a state level outside some very narrow exceptions, but basically nobody supports hunting women down and prosecuting them for even trying to get an abortion - and many 'moderate' voters have been pushed into seeking to oppose those politicians who did back this. As 'jake' has noted above, only time will tell if they actually vote their professed positions, but Texas has never been a true 'Republican Heartland' the way many fondly imagine. The cities have always been largely Democrat voters, and the rural areas are mixed but shifted heavily to the Republicans in the 1990s with the whole courting of Evangelical Christians by the GOP. As of today, that is increasingly not holding, in no small part thanks to the previous resident of the White House.

You shouldn't be able to buy devices that tamper with diesel truck emissions on eBay, says DoJ

John PM Chappell

Re: Not since 1968

It varies by state whether openly carrying would be legal or not, but that is indeed the distinction. A concealed firearm, or indeed any concealed weapon, is one "not in plain view, and readily accessible by the possessor"; this means that having it in a container which you can immediately reach, rather than strictly on your person, is also concealment. Many states have a specific authorization for firearms in vehicles (where they are usually in the 'glove box' or 'centre console') for this reason.

Cops cuff pregnant woman for carjacking after facial recog gets it wrong, again

John PM Chappell

Re: "Facial Recognition" is no worse than any other kind.

That's not a police thing, that is the motto of one department (LAPD).

Scientists strangely unable to follow recipe for holy grail room-temp superconductor

John PM Chappell

Re: Based on what I've read of its atomic structure

TamahagAne, but that's my only real gripe. :)

Aliens crash landed on Earth – and Uncle Sam is covering it up, this guy tells Congress

John PM Chappell

Re: Don't tell me, show me.

Okay, I laughed. :)

Pint as is tradition.

Cardboard drones running open source flight software take off in Ukraine and beyond

John PM Chappell

Re: The last thing the world needs

Guided missile, sure, 'Cruise' missile? Not so much. I still upvoted you, though. :)

This US national lab turned to AI to hunt rogue nukes

John PM Chappell

Re: Officially recognised???

I think your humour went over the heads of some, comrade. ;)

Techie fired for inventing an acronym – and accidentally applying it to the boss

John PM Chappell

Re: brightness adjustment needed

Excellent reference. Had to check the link to be 100% sure we were on the same page. :)

If you have a fan, and want this company to stay in business, bring it to IT now

John PM Chappell

Re: Once upon a time, long ago..

Jake's mostly covered it, but just to say that '95 definitely didn't have TCP/IP built in until later, and early NT didn't have it, and for a long time what it did have was notoriously bad. I think NT 4 late SPs fixed that.

It almost certainly was Windows 95, given the time he identified and the mention of '486 based PCs.

Someone has to say it: Voice assistants are not doing it for big tech

John PM Chappell

Re: We recieved one as a gift from a family member

Actually it was always possible to login to your Amazon account and deregister devices. It *might* have not been granular, a long long time ago, meaning you'd need to deregister all devices, but it never required physical access. Failing that call CS.

It's always been possible, precisely because they can be lost / stolen.

Tumblr says nudes are back on the menu – within reason

John PM Chappell

Re: Do you know...

Let's tackle "why?" first. Even in the UK owning a shotgun is hardly unusual, though it's nowhere near the level of ownership in the USA (more on which later).

Shotguns are useful for vermin control, sport shooting, some hunting, and 'home defence'. Rifles are primarily useful for sport shooting and hunting. Handguns are useful for some hunting, target shooting, and as a side-arm ("To fight your way to where your rifle is").

There is a saying here: "When seconds count, the police are just minutes away." Bottom line, the USA is not the UK. It's much larger, and though its population is about six times larger too, even in the cities population density is lower than the UK. In rural areas, even ignoring Alaska, it's very low. Self-defence is not all about "shooting the bad man", there remains dangerous wildlife close enough to settlements to be a regular, sometimes weekly for some people, nuisance. Go off the beaten track a little, or live on a ranch or similar situation and it's arguably negligent *not* to have fast access to a firearm for defence from dangerous animals, in many places.

Now the cultural stuff - It's enshrined law from a principle it inherited from the UK, specifically English law. It's actually the UK which has shifted hard in the other direction, not the USA that has suddenly gone "gun mad", though there was always more of a "gun culture" here, given the historical realities. That law is an amendment precisely because the original 'framers' of the constitution felt it was so blindingly obvious a right it did not need to be spelt out, but some states attempted to restrict access and ownership, resulting in the second amendment. A similar story exists with regard to the first.

In Houston, you could buy a shotgun or handgun, after being checked by the FBI against their database (the 'background check' you hear about a lot) to confirm that you are not prohibited from possessing or purchasing a firearm at that time. There are many ways to be so prohibited, from the essentially permanent prohibition for violent felons, to temporary ones for people facing certain criminal charges, etc. No "pass" from the FBI, no sale (and likely a visit to your home address from said FBI).

No private citizen can own an M16 - that is a military designation for a weapon based on the Armalite AR-15 rifle. It's also not an "assault rifle" (it's debatable if that term even has meaning), it is a ''battle rifle".

A nuclear weapon would be excluded by various laws, including the prohibition on owning "destructive devices". Basically, it is not considered a personal weapon, the law in question is about ownership and possession of personal weapons - "arms".

USB-C iPhone, anyone? EU finalizes charging standard rule

John PM Chappell

No, it doesn't. Ohm's law states that current between two points is proportional to the potential difference between them. (V = IR).

What you're talking about is the power equation, where the terms are voltage, current and power (not 'volts' 'amps' & 'watts', which are units for measuring those); P (sometimes W) = IV.

On a thin conductor, your concern is heat from resistance to the current, since it will reach a higher temperature from the same amount of energy; it will melt sooner than a thicker conductor carrying the same current. 240 Watts is not inconsiderable, and it is impressive to me, also, that USB-C will support it.

To directly address your assertion, for a given voltage, you can only control the current by controlling the resistance: if you increase the voltage, you need a higher resistance for the same current, and the higher resistance means more heat. You cannot really change the resistance of a conductor, you can change input voltage, and that will proportinally affect current (I.E. Higher voltage gives higher current). In short, No.

Microsoft warns of bugs after nation pushes back DST switchover

John PM Chappell

Re: The Chile Zone: Meat-Based, No Beans

"*Zulu time defines the baseline as the time “Zulu” was shown on BBC1 on Christmas Day 1980, that being stated as 00:00:00 Zulu time."

I realize (hope?) you were probably joking, but just for clarity of readers who might not know better, this is not the case. It is most likely based on Sandford Fleming's system, but in any case came from making official already existing usage in the armed forced of NATO, specifically the two most important (in practice) the UK and the USA.

Z (Zulu, from the NATO phonetic alphabet) is UTC (Historically, UT1/GMT), A through M (J - Juliet is skipped) are positive offsets (UTC+1, ... UTC+12), N through Y are negative offsets starting with UTC-1. Twenty-five letters used, one for each offset, and one for UTC itself.

Aviation exclusively uses it (UTC) in communication, to ensure nobody is confused about timing.

Terminal downgrade saves the day after a client/server heist

John PM Chappell

Seriously underrated comment :)

Xcel smart thermostat users lose their cool after power company locks them out

John PM Chappell

Re: "I'll let my badly-insulated apartment reach 82ºF (28ºC) but there are no people"

Also in Texas here. People in the UK have no clue about the climate here. I know. I'm originally from Scotland.

Getting off the plane, when I first came to Texas, the heat hit me like a wave, I stripped down to my tee shirt and asked my then fiancée if it was far to the car. It was nighttime, in November. The temperature was mid-seventies.

After about a month, I had acclimated, for the most part, to the point where locals putting on coats because it was sixty-something did not seem ridiculous to me anymore. The humidity is what make it unpleasant, for the most part - I'd spent time in Arizona years before and very much enjoyed the climate. I was there in summer, with daytime temperatures regularly approaching 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

Voyager 1 data corrupted by onboard computer that 'stopped working years ago'

John PM Chappell

Re: AACS Acronym definition incorrect?

There is not 'altitude' without a gorund reference. Altitude is a flight thing, this is a spacecraft. Attitude is what matters - I.E. Where is it pointing? This is also a thing planes worry about and have controls for. You may be confused because attitude, to a large degree, is how you change altitude, but the control surfaces actually change attitude. (V'Ger uses thrusters, because - space).

Google Maps, search results to point women to actual abortion providers

John PM Chappell

Take your frog pills.

You're off your meds again, aren't you?

PanWriter: Cross-platform writing tool runs on anything and outputs to anything

John PM Chappell


Scrivener is good, and it does more than novels. It is, however, essentially focussed on creative writing and related media (screen writing, for example), rather than being a simple text editor with outlining.

It would cover, I think, what you want, but there is a lot of other stuff you absolutely don't need. It covers that because, as for you, a novelist / screenwriter / etc is not concerned with details of font and format per se, but with proper outline. The text is then submitted to a publisher, usually, who will handle those details, typically in several different versions (large text edition, paperback, etc).

In a time before calculators, going the extra mile at work sometimes didn't add up

John PM Chappell

Electric kettles

"Presumably your electric kettle has to run off a different circuit to your other appliances though, and does not run on 110V?"

No, regular outlet. They cannot make them as powerful as a British (or most other places) one (potentially could be), though, because as we surely all know W=IV, and they're starting with V less than half the value of the UK mains.

In practice, US home wiring is up to the job of running home appliances (well, they'll work, at any rate ... I have my own opinions on the quality of the parts used and relative sanity of the whole setup).

Psst … Want to buy a used IBM Selectric? No questions asked

John PM Chappell

Re: IBM Selectric Terminals

You, sir, are a legend! Well done. Good article, too.

A character catastrophe for a joker working his last day

John PM Chappell

Likewise, though I did not personally witness it, was just made aware after the fact and got the details from those who were actually on site.

Legally speaking, it falls under "knowingly" which tends to get a much more severe response from a court than "recklessly", since you clearly knew you should not have done it.

SCOTUS judges 'doxxed' after overturning Roe v Wade

John PM Chappell

Re: This data storage thing..

Came here to say exactly that. I agree with the sentiment of those horrified by the implications, but the ruling was questionable when it was made, and it's been a *long* time since it was made, during which time successive Democrat administrations (the party most likely to put through legislation making it a legal right) have absolutely nothing to cement that decision.

This situation was not only inevitable, it was actually long overdue and the 'strict' interpretation doctrine has implications for far more than this particular situation. I happen to agree that they should indeed be making narrow interpretations of the text and ruling accordingly, even though I also agree it is no business of the state's who has an abortion (in general).

This is the military – you can't just delete your history like you're 15

John PM Chappell

Re: I don't believe it!

Doing anything unauthorized on a TS system is likely to result in, at minimum, reduction in rank, and very easily can result in doing hard time for the duration, possibly followed by more time once kicked to civvy street. If you're not aware of this, fair enough, but in that case avoid commenting on things you're ignorant of.

Any fool can write a language: It takes compilers to save the world

John PM Chappell
Thumb Up

/Wall /WX

Completely agree. I compile with all warnings on and "treat warnings as errors"; those warnings almost always do warrant some attention, either in improved, or more explicit code and the truly harmless ones, where you really do mean what was coded (and no, it is not a problem) can be dealt with on a case by case basis, with a #pragma or similar.

@Loyal Commenter - totally agree with your sentiment, too.

Debugging source is even harder when you can't stop laughing at it

John PM Chappell

Re: Been there, done that, tipped the swear jar

It should indeed.

ARPANET pioneer Jack Haverty says the internet was never finished

John PM Chappell

Re: It shouldn’t be completed

No, it doesn't care because that's not "the internet", that's just your local device and network access method, your local network (even if that is actually an ISP you connect to, in whatever way) then connects to "the internet" (backbone network) and from that you can access anything else that is publicly accesible from "the internet".

To put it another way; there is only one way to "access the internet" and that is to implement a TCP/IP stack on a device that can communicate with "the internet". All those "access methods" you're talking about are ways for your end devices to connect to other devices that, can themselves ultimately connect to the backbone devices. They don't connect you to "the internet" per se, they connect to another device, which may or may not be networked itself, and so on, and so on. "The internet" was not designed as some monolith that you connected to in a certain was, indeed as 'jake' has implied several times, it's debatable it was really designed, so much as thrown together and played with, then left standing to play with some more. It's fundamentally a collection networks, with their own topologies, devices, standards and so on, that also connect to other networks - which they do with TCP/IP.

This used to be much more visible when local networking used protocols that were not TCP/IP and only used TCP/IP to reach "the internet". Those days are not all that far away for PC users, where IPX/SPX, for example, was quite common.

140,000-plus drivers sent $60m in compensation checks after Amazon 'stole their tips'

John PM Chappell

Re: Alms

Just FYI, you're being downvoted because that is false and a well-known "backronym". Abbreviations are modern, generally nothing before 20th C, tips are (relatively) ancient. If a word existed before the mid or at best early 20th C, it was not an acronym, ever, basically.

Google's 'Be Evil' business transformation is complete: Time for the end game

John PM Chappell
Thumb Down

Re: Wishful thinking

Yes it does. Have used for years and it's running right now in my Chrome installations.

So the data centre's 'getting a little hot' – at 57°C, that's quite the understatement

John PM Chappell

Re: Speaking as a rational human being

Firemen use water or something more appropriate in their judgement (based on what may be present) on vehicle fires because it is a *vehicle*, I.E. Not wired up to mains electrical supply. They would not thank anyone for a real risk of electrocution that comes from inappropriately using water on electrical equipment wired to a mains supply.

John PM Chappell
Thumb Up

Re: I once had to do something similar in a Skoda...

Exact same thing, even down to the A road going dual-single-dual, on a warm day, in a Skoda.

I was young at the time (hence a Skoda - was a gift from my parents who figured that if I were going to crash something, it may as well be something cheap) so no direct experience, but luckily I did (and do) understand some basic physical realities, and I had the "brainwave" of doing exactly what you did.

Passenger and I were not exactly thrilled with hot air being blasted at our faces, on a hot day, but it beat breaking downing in nose-to-tail traffic and a few hours later we arrived at our destination, a little sweatier than we'd have liked but with a working vehicle. :)

Magna Carta mayhem: Protesters lay siege to Edinburgh Castle, citing obscure Latin text that has never applied in Scotland

John PM Chappell

Re: Holy Progress

Close but the actual wording is "naught in my sight" (as in, nothing, not worthy of notice) not naughty ;)

Boston Dynamics spends months training its Atlas robots to perform one minute of parkour almost perfectly

John PM Chappell
Thumb Up

Re: When you can train it to do the housework....

That was genius. Narrowly avoided owing me a new keyboard! ;)

Russia spoofed AIS data to fake British warship's course days before Crimea guns showdown

John PM Chappell

Re: Old style skills

Aye, turns out "sailors" actually being able to sail, is rather more important than being able to read a screen and follow a pretty plot. Who knew?

Tech contractor loses IR35 tribunal appeal: 'Right' to substitute didn't mean he could, say judges

John PM Chappell

I see those who've never worked a day in their lives as a contractor are as clueless and irrationally envious as ever.

This case is a mess, and not a typical example. It went the distance because it does seem like the guy was, to all intents and purposes, functionally an employee and not a freelance contractor.

If he and his legal advice feel they still have a case for disagreeing (legally provable case, not just disagreeing with the result), no doubt it will be pursued.

For those of you who have never contracted, please educate yourself a little - contractors are responsible for all their own costs and benefits, the rate of pay demanded reflects that along with compensating for the insecurity of the position, and base value of the services offered.

If you really think it's easy and a tax dodge, quit your job, set up a "fake" Ltd, employ yourself, your wife and your dog, and go make the millions you think are on offer and that you're worth. Otherwise, do shut up about how unfair it is people with a different contract to you are paid differently.
