@Loki 1
Double pus?
I'd see a doctor if I was you...
51 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Nov 2007
I'd gladly upgrade all the systems here - if it wasn't for one major point.
$IMPORTANT_BIT_OF_BUSINESS_SOFTWARE does not run on anything other than Windows.
If the developer was prepared to spend the £££ required to re-write this product so it would run on $INSERT_OS_OF_YOUR_CHOICE then I'd do so.
But they can't/won't. So I'm stuck with it.
And before anyone else starts, there is no comparable product that isn't also Windows only. Trust me, I've looked.
Yes, using a computer should be like driving a car - In the fact that you're not allowed on the road/highway without a license or an instructor. Pass your test first.
Yes, fixing a computer should be like fixing a car - If you don't know what you're doing, call a bloody mechanic. The salesman is not much help in these instances.
"alternatively the reg can put me on a retainer to prevent such unpleasantness altogether, A pint a week at any of the following pubs would be more than acceptable as payment"
A pint a WEEK? Are you insane?
I'd be pushing for "get me absolutely trollied at least once a week or mildy merry at least three times"
Where have our standards gone to?
I had a dog that ate kinder toys. At one point it also ate a large batch of clothes dye.
Vet said that things would "work themselves out"...
And they did.
Although there's much hilarity to be had watching stunned people as your dog craps out little cars/golfers/Disney characters or pisses a blue line down a wall...
Is this the right room for an argument?
I'd rather know that you can do the job I employ you for than have a certificate that says you've ticked the right boxes on a course.
If I need flexible solutions, you need to be flexible too...
And as for kids with MCSEs that daddy paid for on a boot camp that have the experience of running a network of 3 PCs at home that want a starting salary of £30k+ because the advert for Noddy Training on the telly says that the average is £36k - £37k so they're prepared to come in below average.
The episode of Top Gear where the then Minister of Transport, Stephen Ladyman, was the "Star in a reasonably priced car" is a classic as Clarkson had obtained the true figures for accidents in speed camera areas and subjected SL to a fair bit of humiliation. Basically, the speed cameras had done sod all for the numbers, but a great deal for Government finances
I'm sure it's available from your nearest P2P/Torrent source ;)
The road sign, as it's an obvious choice...
"Sorry to rain on your parade
The DVLA would have never released 'P155 OFF' in the previous incarnations of number plates...
The letters 'I', 'O', and 'Z' (and a couple of others, I think, but those are the ones I remember) could not appear in the final trilogy of letters it was said that they could be misconstrued as numbers, 1, 0 and 2 respectively.
So P155 OFF would never have happened!"
I think you'll find it was I, Q and Z.
If you check the DVLA site you can easily get a plate with "OFF" at the end. in fact P70 OFF is only £250.
Is that is screws your short term memory.
The other problem with weed is that it screws your short term memory.
Finally, given the current "credit crunch", in the words of Freewheelin' Franklin:
"Dope gets you through times of no money better than money gets you through times of no dope"
"Firstly, ever heard of a cover band? If not, they are bands who play other peoples songs, often get paid for it, but don't pay royalties. In effect, there are your cheap MFIkea knock-offs."
Not so. In the UK, the venue must have a PRS license. The fee paid by the venue to the PRS pays the royalties. The venue gets paid by the cover band through their cut on door take/ticket money whatever.
If the cover band wishes to record their covers professionally, then they must also pay the MCPS before any pressings can be made.
I am a gigging musician in a cover band.
And here's a good one for you... If you as a non-recording artist suddenly decided that you want to record your work, you'll have to register with MCPS to make sure that you get paid if someone else covers your work - and you'll have to pay them when you get your CDs made, because you're recording the work of an artist on their books - even though it's your OWN work.