* Posts by Andy

20 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Mar 2007

Firefox users caught in crossfire of warring add-ons


@James O'Brien @foo_bar_baz

@James O'Brien - Yeah, it did get a bit ranty. To be honest it was just a bit of being tired of being told how wonderful FF is and how secure it is. Then opening up a big hole by saying "Hey plug whatever you want in here." Now don't get me wrong plugins for additional functionality\customization are nice, but this is what everyones been ranting on at Microsoft for years for by letting 3rd party stuff mess with your installed apps. To be honest FOSS, Microsoft, Apple, or whoever all make imperfect software to various extents. When it falls to the point of having the user clicking to install something there's noting anyone can do.

@foo_bar_baz - No, certainly not. As I say above no one makes perfect software. Whether companies or individuals have their own agenda or the software written is bad or intentionally malicous then I wouldn't give my implicit trust to anyone. This was more just a bit of dancing around after being told how holy FOSS. Bottom line is FOSS, Microsoft, Apple etc are all run by people. People are all governed by their own interests. Their interests may not match yours all or any of the time.


BTW the ejaculating penis GIF "P" substitution is my idea and I retain all rights to it ;p. There's obviosuly money to be made there :o)

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Firefox addons....security nightmare

This is something I've never understood with FF addons. The hardcore FF fan bois bleat on about how secure their beloved browser is, yet to enhance it (and this is apparently what makes FF so great) you get to install 3rd party addons that you have absolutely no idea what they are doing. Sure it says it's going to block some flash adverts and make you a hit with the girls but what's it really doing.....? Opening up some lovely big security holes? Skimming your contact list for juicy email addresses? Who knows.....?

But that could never happen because it's all been vetted by some Mozilla flunkey's who approve addons and they never let anything get past them......oh hang on..... No wait they've got that covered now "..... each add-on would have to explicitly spell out all changes it makes to any other add-ons." A malicious code writer whould never lie would they!

Or how about just host your crummy 3rd party addon away from Mozilla. Whose going to check it's been certified by Mozilla? A large majority of users, who FF are trying to aim at, will go "Oh wow! This addon changes every occurence of the letter "P" on a webpage into an animated GIF of an ejaculating penis! I must have this addon!" Great they now have penile websites and a whole truck load of malware too. Hooray the great security of FF

Pirate Bay loses trial: defendants face prison time, hefty fines


Not like Google

To the people saying the Pirate Bay were no different from Google is ridiculous:

1) Google does not market itslef as repository for torrents of ripped music, DVDs, software, etc

2) Google have a policy of "Tell us if something is dodgy an we'll investigate". Pirate Bay's was tell us if something is dodgy and we will tell you to go F yourself.

3) The Pirate Bay really need a better brand name if they want to be taken as anything but a piracy indorsing website. The priate ship logo probably not helping much either.

4) Why do people obsessed with getting dodgy copies of CD's and DVD's want to ruin the Internet for everyone? Why would you want Google shut down? Just to prove a point?

Armchair lawyers seem to forgot that the law is meant to be applied in the spirit with which it was meant and not necessairly in a strict sense. e .g. PB's sole purpose is to supply links to dodgy downloads. Google is indexing everything and happens to scoop up the bad stuff. Google attempt to remove this stuff automatically or comply with requests to have it removed should it slip through. Therefore Google are OK and PB are not.

It also doesn't really matter how poor the prosecution is and how wonderful the defence is. At the end of the day it's down to a jury or judge to decide whether a criminal act was committed. If you run a website with the sole intention of linking to dodgy stuff then most people will think this is highly dubious at the very least.

Extreme pron vigilantes are after you


Really bad idea...especially for the vigilantes

So they're going to monitor and grade the material which means they'll have to download and view it; thereby commiting the crime of being in possession of extreme pornography.

There may be a defence for legitimate people being in possession of extreme pornography; i.e. those people with the authority to investigate extreme pornography cases such as police officers, defence experts, etc. A vigilante group, no matter its intentions, will not be covered.

By downloading the torrents they will also be sharing their torrent as they download and so only help to propogate the material easier.

2008's top three netbooks


Samsung NC10

Wot? No Samsung NC10? These amazing little Netbooks have a beautiful keyboard and a battery life that defecates on all other Netbooks from a great height.

Samsung NC10 all the way for me!

Employees sue for unpaid Windows Vista overtime

Gates Halo

Something seriously wrong

Now Vista has some issues but this is getting ridiculous! 15 mins boot time is not a problem of Vista and is a symptom of soemthing else wrong with the company's setup. Perhaps poor network setup as an employee's roaming profile is dragged down from some remote location over dial-up or some deranged software set to load during boot\login is dragging everything to a crawl.

Vista attracts such criticism that is often unfair. A problem exists so it must be Vista's fault because everything else loaded on that PC was crafted by the most skilled programmer and the hardware was bought directly from heaven.

I'm sure the problem didn't exist under XP or some such? Then the problem lies with the IT dept for not checking that "legacyapp.exe" was compatible with the new OS. "My ignition crank handle for my model T-Ford just doesn't work on the latest Ford Focus. These new cars are useless."

PETA cooks up gory game in Cooking Mama protest


Egg gore?

OK the propaganda machine is in overkill at Peta. I have never cracked open an egg only to have copious amounts of blood and feathers come out.

I know it's only a game but to make us feel guilty about eating an unfertilised egg that was never going to produce a living creature is ridiculous.

SanDisk reinvents 1980s personal stereo for the noughties

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I could see this could work if the damn thing wasn't so big; look at the size of it compared to the SD card that goes in it!

If you could make it about the same size (or smaller) as an Apple Shuffle then you have an mp3 player with a capacity limited only be the number of media cards you want to lug around. If it can handle high capacity media cards then you'd only need perhaps a couple and you'd have a fairly flexible little player.

In it's current form though, what's the point?

Linux at 17 - What Windows promised to be

Gates Halo

Bill Gates is a more famous programmer

"...the young man who would one day become the world's most famous programmer..."

Calm yourselves fan bois but I think it has to be said that Bill Gates is the world's most famous programmer. Ask the man on the street who Linus Torvalds is and I'm guessing you'd draw a blank stare.

Microsoft breaks IE8 interoperability promise


This is desperate

This article is so biased it's unbelievable, I know it was written by a mouthpiece from Opera but seriosuly this is pathetic.

1) The compatibility button is for when a page is trying to be displayed in "modern standards like how IE 7 displays modern standards", rather than full standards compliance. Yes, this is Microsoft's fault for not implementing standards sooner but they're not trying to force you out of using standards now.

2) It displays intranet sites in compatibility mode by default. Wow! Who cares? I'm sure most companies will be glad of this. Everyday home web users won't notice a difference or care one jot because they never, ever, see an intranet page in their life. So the writer's calculations is that 80% of all webpage views are intranet and so account for 1/2 of all PC's webpage viewing. Really? If so who cares? What companies get upto internally won't make one difference to the precious little world of the Internet, especially if IE8 is going to behave nicely on a company's intranet as well as the Internet.

Vista SP1 on track for mid-March release?

Gates Halo

Roll up, roll up,

SP1 is available from the Microsoft Download centre:

32 bit version here:


64 bit verison here:


GPS is killing children


Welcome to the 21st century....

Why do people say "SatNavs are useless, what's wrong with a map?" Well hold on a minute; that map you have in your hand is quite a hi-tech piece of equipment produced by highly skilled cartographers using all manner of technology. So I say to you what's wrong with a sextant and navigating by the stars? As you obviously loath technology so much why not dump the car and go for a horse and cart? Where does it end? Using technology is OK and there's no bonus points for using certain ones over others, ridiculing those who use SatNav is bizarre.

To put my like of SatNav into context I feel it is one of the better and relatively unsung technologies recently produced. I drive to new places very little but when I do my little Garmin i3 has proved invaluable in getting me straight to my destination without fail. I've used it to get about to far flung places in the UK and even taken it on a trip to Calais where it got me around fine.

I also went on road trip in America and with the hire car hired another Garmin SatNav. It got me across 4 states without a hitch.

So my uses of SatNav is limited only to Garmin units, but they have worked perfectly.

However, having said that a SatNav is not a brain replacement. Look where you are going and look at what is around you. If you don't like the look of the small windy road don't go up it! If it sends you across a ford you are not obligated to doing so!

Tesco slaps cutlery ban on under-18s


More amsuing age verification

I bought a bottle of Jack Daniel's BBQ sauce instore at a Tescos self-service till. The till prompted for my age to be verified :)

It's good sauce but I'd hate to try and get drunk on it!

Great War diary reveals original Captain Blackadder


Just pay for it!!!!!

I honestly can not believe the level of morally bankrupt, freeloading, entitlement obsessed idiots that seem to use the Internet.

It doesn't matter if you don't like the price. You don't have to buy it. There is no need to own everything that is distributed over the Internet. Let's be honest if the family sold the book for 1p you'd still all be looking for the damn pirated torrent as people seem to have such a huge sense of entitlement that they see no reason anyone should be paid for anything and that the world owes them everything for free.

Would the same idiots that are promoting how to theive the book from the website do the same from a real shop? Imagine a small bookshop with rather weak security, i.e. no CCTV, no security and the cash desk is around a corner so that the owner can't see you. Would you steal the physical book if you felt it was over priced and fortunately (for you) poorly protected? I'm sure that 99% of people wouldn't. However, the Internet allows freeloaders a wonderful anonymity and a disconnected feeling from the onwer\retailer that allows them to ignore any feelings of guilt.

Should any of the freeloaders ever have the opportunity of making any money via the Internet then I hope their fellow freeloading brethren make sure this doesn't happen. There is, afterall, no honour amongst thieves.

@ Robert Long. Eric Oslo was not applying sixth former debating logic, but using a very sensible anology. You, however, seem to be blinded by some technological utopian ideal that just because it is computer based it needs to be worshipped like a Messiah and set free. DRM may prevent copying to varying extents, but "copying" is a method peculair to only a few products. An owner of a vase has no easy method of copying his vase (and then sharing the damn things with the world and his wife). Just because you can copy it on a computer doesn't mean that you have to. Sure the nature of digital media makes it difficult to prevent and it can't be undone; but again doing something just because you can doesn't make it OK.

Record industry pushes ISPs to cut off file sharers


Tired of the pathetic rubbish spouted by the majority of comments

I'd just like to add my support for Smell My Finger and others who have chimed in. No, I am not in the pay of "The Man", just incredulous at the blatant lies, denial and stupidity that passes for justification of filesharing.

1) OK, so you find CD prices are high? Where does this end? Bread's a staple and some of it's over £1 a pop, shall we steal it because we don't want the bread companies to make profits? OK, the music industry is clunking and outdated, going direct to the artist would be great, but why do people extol this as a virtue only in the music industry? Going back to the example of bread, as everyone here hates companies, why not go direct to the farmer growing the wheat and buy direct from him and make your own bread? Naahhh, that's just like too much like hard work isn't it? Really, if you're honest with yourselves, you don't hate companies you just want the free ride? Cynical, moi?

2) Music isn't even an essential, if you can't afford it then tough. Cheap retailers (Internet, High St, and Supermarket) all now sell CDs cheaper than previously making purchases more attainable. OK "The Industry" do take a large wedge of the cash and the artist not so much. How does downloading the file for free really help the artist though? They used to at least get 3p (or whatever) from each sale, now they get 0p. With some artists having to bank roll costs towards video production etc they are effectively making a loss.

3) There is no contest to own all the music ever produced. Prizes will not be awarded to the person with the largest MP3 collection. Buy what you like, leave what you don't like alone.

4) "...a car drives by with music playing and that's sharing...will the industry sue them?..." Don't be an idiot. Sharing the actual music in a format that you can keep is massively different from a transient sound wave stimulating your aural faculty. If this does count as sharing though, and this is what you are so keen on protecting, why not listen to the radio (it's free!!!) and you can obtain as much music (for free!!!) as you want whilst listening. To really stick it to "The Man" why not invite your friends around to listen to the radio with you? Yeah, you're sharing that music now man and there's nothing those vile companies can do about it coz it's legal. Sticking it to the man, man!

5) Yes, there's always been piracy but it's been on a relatively small scale and so it hasn't threatened anyone's (artist and industry) profits to any great extent. The Internet, however, makes this more easy to achieve and so there's a massive threat. Example, a shop suffers 1 shoplifting a week. This isn't too bad, the extra cost of employing security measures (guards, tags, barriers etc) is too prohibitive to offset the loss from the theft. The shop then starts experiencing 5 shopliftings a week and suddenly employing additional security to ward off this loss is a worhtwhile investment. What else should the shop do? Lower prices to make it's products more attainable, protect its profits and employ security measures, or close down and tell everyone to go direct to the manufacturer any buy their stuff?

6) Wind your neck in. Coming up with spurious reasons as to why pirating\stealing\copying\etc is ridiculous. Just because you don't want it to be illegal does not make it so.

7) Legitimate uses of P2P. Yes, there are many. Perhaps the P2P community would like to police itself then? To the person whose a law abiding graphics designer; perhaps a community for sharing your works not associated with piracy would be a step in the right direction? If you align yourself with an illegal group you have no grounds for complaint if it is shut down. If you love P2P, for the love of P2P and not the illegal file sharing, then perhaps start policing yourselves. Kick out the illegal material from torrent sites or networks. Don't let the criminal element spoil it for everyone.

8) If you don't like the industry then do something proactive about it. Set up a campaign for cheaper music prices, no DRM, dealing direct with the artist, re-releases, etc. Raise awareness about this great injustice you so passionately care about! Except you don't really care do you? As I said at the beginning, you just want the free ride!

Motorola signs up for tiny projectors


Here's why.....

I can think of a couple of reasons, maybe all not killer features but could be useful:

1) With portable movie playing devices becoming popular this could be a great feature to expand screen real estate without integrating a bigger screen. You could watch a movie on a train\plane\bus\etc by projecting it onto the seatback in front of you.

2) Viewing a movie on a phone with a group of people is awkward. You either pass the mobile on or everyone tries to crowd round.

3) Caller display for the terminally lazy. You stick your phone down on the coffee table and have a sit down in your sofa. The phone starts ringing but the effort of moving your backside to see who is calling is too great. Fortunately the projector kicks in and shows the associated caller display picture up on your wall. It's your boss calling so you stay seated. No calories wasted!

The first implementation of this may not be great. I seem to remember being unimpressed with camera phones when they first hit the streets and avoided getting one if possible. Now, however, camera phones have become quite capable megapixel devices that are handy for the occasional picture.

BBC Trust backs calls for Linux iPlayer


More open source religious rubbish

Open source is not a religion. Everyone and everything does not have to respect its rights .

The iPlayer should be available to all UK citizens. It is (or will be) - just grab yourself a widely available (to all UK citizens) copy of Windows from your nearest retailer.

Just because the BBC doesn't support your (personal) choice of OS then tough. The BBC needs to hit maximum market share, it does this by developing a platform for Windows first because like it or not the religion of Linux is in the minority.

Google in crusade against neckties



I honestly can't believe the facile nonsense that some companies spew out. It's just a tie for goodness sakes. It doesn't imbue the wearer with wonderful business acumen nor does it allow them to hide their physique behind it.

I've met plenty of fat executives good at their job, they know not or care not about their health but they damn well know their business. This is what I would care about ultimately if I was the Google exec. Can this person do their job the best, physical appearances and fashion sense aside?

I'm not sure putting a fat exec in a t-shirt will make him suddenly care about his physique either. I mean have the Google guys honestly never seen a fat guy in a t-shirt? Really?

Open sourcers rattle EU sabre at BBC on demand player


When will the open source madness end?

OK, I have no beef with open source. It is a very noble and wonderful idea, however, it is not the centre of the universe. Every bit of software does not have to hail from the great open source movement. Sometimes Microsoft may be the only ones delivering the goods (ie DRM in this instance).

What happens when everything is open source? We'll be stuck with an open source monopoly - no company will be allowed to produce anything because that will be against the open source movement man!

The BBC produce lots of content that may not be viewable by everyone:

1) Any streamed media (such as TV) is only really of use to broadband users - not every home in the UK has broadband (or if they do, perhaps not good enough broadband, ie 512 pipes). What's the BBC to do? Provide broadband links to all?

2) TV reception is poor in some areas. You may need an aerial upgrade, boosters, etc or you may just be in the bottom of a valley and there's nothing anyone can do. What's the BBC to do? Setup additional transmitters and relays just for you?

3) The BBC provide WAP content. What if my phone doesn't support WAP? Can the BBC provide me with a new phone or perhaps text any information to me that I might want?

4) My Amstrad CPC and 9,600 baud modem is all hooked up and raring to go. When will iPlayer be ready for me?

Windows (like it or not) has the market share. You want to reach as many people as easily as possible? Then you start with Windows. This is what the BBC has done, and they haven't ruled out other OS' or media players completely.

Hit the DECT: cordless phones on test


X1 - Highly Recommended

Have to agree with the recommendation for the X1.

We have a triple pack of these at home and they're excellent. Agreed there's no fancy features but then I only use my phone at home to make a few calls.

The styling and price of the X1's makes them a winner