outlook.com too
Email crapped out too?
613 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Nov 2007
Even have a card on file at iTunes at all, I just buy some gift cards once in a while & stick those on there.
Even with a credit balance you still need to provide the password for every in app purchase, these parents must give kids the password & let them get on with it or give them their own account a stick a credit card on file, either way people who do this kind of stuff kind of deserve all they get (or lose)
You can pick up a ready made one pretty cheap, Klaas Olsen do / did one for about £20 if I remember correctly (Helicpoter rather than "Drone" but I used it to check the gutters and I have no R/C flying experience (well, I do now obviously)
Actually, £39.99 now - Catalogue here
Disclosure - Not employed by them, satisfied customer
Sony do this, I have the remote for the Bravia in the bedroom on my iPhone.
I also like the Sky+ app on the tablet, it's a lot better than the EPG guide on the Sky box, tells you when you have recording clashes, helps you sort them out with good suggestions for alternative recordings
Also, I hate to say it but the TV catchup services on the sky box are WAY better than those on the PS3, iPlayer on the PS3 is soooooooooo Sloooooooooooow compared to the iPlayer on the sky box.
All in all, my "dumb" TV has enough "Smart" stuff attached to it for my liking
Or idiots forgetting to release the parking brake when they can't find it in the "usual" place - "this bloke I know" once hired a car in Australia, picked it up and couldnt find the parking brake so drove it one block to the hotel where upon relating this tale to his Aussie mate about no parking brake and performing like a dog was then introduced to the concept of the parking brake as a pedal on the very left hand side of the drivers footwell.............
@ Psyx, yes, but if the traffic jam is that bad you're not moving and even if it's cold I'd like to have the ability to switch the vehicle off knowing that whatever reserve I had in the tank would still be there when I switch it back on rather than the charge evaporate in the cold night air as these reports suggest
Horses for courses though isnt it? I mean I wouldnt use my tablet for "serious" work, it's a consumption device so I use it that way, when I have any "real" work then I resort to the laptop, I couldnt imagine trying to do any of my real life day to day tasks on my iPad, it just means I can check my email from the sofa instead of having to nip upstairs every so often when I work from home :-)
Come on Phil, You've been round here long enough to know that the Anti-linux crowd on El Reg would have read these words from the article "Linux...... Bricked.......... Laptop" and that would have been enough, no need to read the whole thing to find out what I call "The facts"
I wish we could all just get along, why cant we all just be nice to each other?
Have a beer on me
I agree Dave,
Maybe they could do a study along the lines of:
Subject group 1 - Hardened gamers who are able to lay hands on fairly readily available weapons
Subject group 2 - Hardened gamers who cant get hands on weapons
Maybe then we can see how many more weapon rampages there are in one group over the other?
Vodafone owns 49% of Verizon "Wireless", Verizon is MUCH bigger than that.
Also, for once, this is NOT Verizons fault:
"The firm's telecommunications supplier Verizon was called in after the company set up a basic VPN system with two-factor authentication so staff could work at home. "
So Verizon were the SUPPLIER of the network and they found the info on "Bob", they were not employing him.
Virgin STILL do it, My daughter recently moved and was going to sign up for "Broadband and calls for just £4.50 per month*"
I told her, see that star, have a look what is says - Installation fee, line rental from day one of £14.50 or so.
Its just like unlimited* The * is all important, I recently had a debate with Three about this, I was looking at a SIM only deal, £12.50 per month, unlimited data, I was then told if I wanted tethering I'd have to pay £25.00 per month because "you can use much more data if you tether your phone". My reply was "If I have "unlimited*" data then WTF does it matter if I tether or not?" He didnt really have an answer to that so I decided not to join Three.
If only there was some way to stop firms making misleading claims in Advertising (Don't get me started on Plus Net or any of the others pulling this same trick!
"The odds of a 2036 impact are still tiny – an estimated 1 in 250,000 "
So the year after I retire (assuming I dont have to work till I'm 110 by then) I still have more odds of being struck by an asteroid than winning the lottery (Much better odds if I recall, isnt the lottery 1 in 14,000,000 or something?)
"science is still a long way from developing a computer that can communicate as fully and richly as humans can"
Surely the use of some more colourful terms in it's dialogue (in context of course) would add to the richness and fullness of communications:
Also, we know the answer was bulshit but do we know what the question was? (I skimmed the article so I may have missed the question) I mean "Bullshit" might be a perfectly good answer depending on the question?
I Just had a quick look and there is currently a free trial then 10Gig remains free and a deal of $10.00 / month for unlimited storage.
Now that sounds great but, as with all things cloud you have the issues of Data security (even if it is only your old photos and music)
will Bitcasa last?
will Bitcasa have an elegant back out solution should the company fold?
will they get you hooked and then up the ante by charging $20 / month?
Ultimatley will they have a "fair use policy" (since we all know nothing is "unlimited" in this day and age)
Most readers here would have enough cynicism to tell Bitcasa "you can have my data when you prise it out of my cold dead hands!"
Not sure if Tesco direct and places like that do "credit" for their phones and stuff but if you really want an iThingy and want it unlocked so you can use any operators SIM in it then you can get one direct from Apple (with interest free credit if I recall) There must be other stores that sell android winpho stuff without being affiliated with any operator?
"That's what wives are for."
My wife has never done any ironing since I told her not to spend so long ironing my trousers -
Wife - "What do you mean, it harldy took any time at all"
Me - "It must have taken AGES to get all of those creases in the front and back of each leg"!
Maybe it's my military background or my "mild" OCD but over the 20 years we have been together I think she takes advantage of me wanting to "do things right" with the retort of "Well, you'd only (hoover / wash up / iron) it again because it's not up to your standard"
Welcome Tim, I admire your spirit but come on, you have to get yourself a camp and stick to it if you want to be a regular comentard, unless you hate at least two out of the three main OS's / hardware manufacturers then you are going to be real lonely here.
Speaking as someone with an android phone, an iPad, home windows 7 PC and using many disparate versions of unix / Linux at work I confuse the hell out of the average commenter on here myself!
See that, it's a joke alert but I guarantee I'll get down voted for my "joke"
People have no pressing desire to buy a new PC?
I find my home PCM acting as a bit of dumb storage because I tend to consume more on my tablet, no need to upgrade the pc I bought a couple of years ago now. At work the "old" hardware is more than adequate to run the same office stuff it's been running for the past few years. Could the market just be stagnating?
Not sure but I thought the secure boot thing was just mandatory for the ARM versions of surface?
Even if that is true then I wouldn't put it past MS to make sure that the drivers aren't available for earlier versions of windows and I know Linux driver support has improved greatly in recent years but there may well be some lag before useable drivers for surface become available.
"Don't try underhanded tactics either like making the first few levels great and the rest of the game suck"
How many levels of awesomeness should "they" release for free? Personally if the 1st couple of levels are great then I'm probably willing to "invest" in the full game (admittedly after a couple of weeks when I can pick up a pre-owned copy!
I mean I have the iphone4 and an iPad but I was left distinctly underwhelmed by the launch of the latest iPhone 5, I mean you've seen the adverts right, as far as I can tell all they have to say about it is the ear phones are a different shape and it's the biggest iPhone ever, big f'ing deal
As for the iPad mini, what a waste of time. Please tech firms (but mailnly Apple) can we get back to innovation and stop pissing about over silly law suits?