* Posts by Ben Glanton

5 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Oct 2007

Programmers! Close the StackOverflow tabs. This AI robot will write your source code for you

Ben Glanton

On SterIODs?

Am I missing a gag or is there a typo there?

Doctor Who and the Dalek: 10-year-old tests BBC programming game

Ben Glanton

Re: John Connor

Yet is not necessarily an appropriate word than in that context.

Stephen Hawking pushes for posthumous pardon for Alan Turing

Ben Glanton

Re: Poor Catholics

>Something which Galileo was unable to provide, because he hadn't done the maths (which had yet to be

> invented).

Well that's not quite the case - the math's had been done by then. The nice thing for the science camp there was that their models won by starting to advance falsifiable hypotheses - and to impossible such hypthesis on the then classical models. Better yet one of these - the phases of Mercury and Venus was clearly verifiable or fallsifiable to anyone with a simple telescope and some time. The pattern of light cast on the planets by a sun that orbitted the earth was very different from a heliocentric pattern. Happily the telescope was invented right about then and Galileo was exactly the sort of smart guy to improve it into a thoroughly useful instrument.

Galileo didn't formalise the scientific method, but he's at the start of a tidal wave of leaning that last to this day. Pope Urban VIII can be accused of doing back on his word to his mate (he went to the same University as Galielo) that Galileo could publish the result of his work. In disclosure though the report in question took 2+ decades to come out and the 30 years war was a significant factor by then.

Scottish Government scuppers Lewis wind farm plan

Ben Glanton


Outwith is actually a word in fairly common use in Scotland. It's one of the couple of words that made it into the local version of English from Scots. Similar to the whole gray/grey thing.

Suprised me when I moved down and found out the rest of the universe didn't care for our fine linguistic conventions. Nice sarcastic coining on 'inwith', did like that.

Is storage becoming IT's Hummer?

Ben Glanton

Filthy yankee panderers


Wasn't the headline on this one about 'Chelsea Tractors' [UK] rather than 'Hummers' [potty mouthed gangsters and gubbernators] once upon a time? If you are going to pander that hard wouldn't a black and white costume and a handful of bamboo be in order?

Our memories last a little longer than you think Mr Ministry of Information! All go fetch my coat shall I? Cloakroom 101?