Re: PS3?
About time too! I often regret removing my PS3 from my home cinema / media setup. This will go a long way to filling the whole the PS3 left.
20 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Oct 2007
With out a doubt Outrun is one of my all time favourite games. I even enjoyed the ZX Spectrum version with it's separate audio tape. I hate to think how much money and school time I spent playing the game in the arcade though. A true classic.
Anyone done a browser version yet?
I was uber excited about GT5 having played all the previous titles, but by the time it was eventually released I couldn't help but feel let down. It takes an age to load, the menu system is overly complicated and frankly it's just a little boring now. It looks amazing, visually, but just a bit dull.
A couple of days ago I downloaded a demo of Forza 4 (something I probably wouldn't have bothered with as I was a GT fan) and was very surprised about how much I liked it. I'll be now picking up a copy and GT5 will be relegated to the cupboard.
.... it's rap music. Or is it rave music. No, hang on, it's rock and roll.
For every generation, something else is blamed on social disorder. C'mon, the issues here are a lot deeper than video game usage.
I believe social networks were being blamed this morning as well.
I already own the extended trilogy on DVD, and as a rule I won't double dip on movies I already own on DVD, but this BR conversion has to be the exception.
I actually watched all three extended movies back to back once, and it was enjoyable but hard going. I think with these even longer versions, I'll have to split it over a few days.
I love the BBC. I think it's good value for money and it does some great programmes. However, my only gripe is that because of the way it is funded, everyone seems to think they have an opinion on how it should be run and what programms should be shown. Everyone and their dog, along with their beliefs believes they are either under reprsented or not represented at all. this is a classic example of this.
Why anyone bothers with Pikey Air I don't know. BA flights are (most of the time) well priced and competitive. I used to have to travel to Exeter from Glasgow a lot and FlyMaybe flights would cost £180! Hardly budget prices. It was cheaper for me to go to Paris.
Anyway, personally I'd rather pay a fair price for a flight than 99p plus bolt ons, restrictions, penalties and being treated like a problem rather than a customer.
I think it's a great shame this has happened. I found it a wonderful "tool" to discovering new music. Thanks to Pandora I discovered that I liked the music of David Bowie. I promptly went out and bought some of his music.
So, as far as I can see, it's the music companies themselves are loosing out. Better to have a %% of something rather than 100% of nothing.
The PS2 was my first DVD player and my only one for sometime. It was a great introduction to the format. It's the same story for my PS3. It's a fantastic BR player, and if you compare it to other BR stand alone players, it's a bargain considering you get a next gen games machine.
And as for the games on the PS2, well, how long have you got...