Oh dear
I've read and watched American Psycho.
I've played Soldier Of Fortune, GTA (all of them), Severance (where you could beat your opponent to death with their own arm), Duke Nukem 3D, Doom, Quake, (insert other random violent game here)
After doing all that (and more), I've yet to mutilate, rape, kill or defecate on any living or non living being...
But don't worry, here comes censorship to save me from all those evil children now, who will just be doing the same things I did when I was younger. Whoops, I just forgot - EVERY SINGLE child is now a gun-toting, knife wielding maniac who no longer gets the vicarious thrill of seeing an 18 rated movie at the age of 14 that I once got.
They go out into the streets every day and rape and pillage their way around their neighbours, friends and strangers in their way.
Yes, indeed. This censorship will make a big difference.
Loved the whole "tired old freedom argument" bit too - says it all really.