Glad I chose VMWare then...
It was a coin flip, but I went with VMWare over Parellels, seems like that was a good call. Actually, it wasn't that much a coin flip, VMWare was cheaper at the time. Go figure.
36 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Mar 2007
I'm getting used to the new layout, but the comments link on articles no longer stands out. I can't easily see if there are any comments on a story, and sometimes forget it's even there. I'll get used to it, but I think new readers may not even notice it (but maybe that was the point?).
Also, glad to see the proper Paris icon returned, all though I think I liked the new iFan / iHate icons better.
Oddly, GM has had HUD technology for years (my friends Pontiac has it), but it's never really caught on for some reason. One problem with his car's system is the windshield has to have a special coating, making it damn expensive to replace if it cracks. I wonder if they've gotten around this somehow?
Maybe Best Buy told the staffer to build the shrine just so they could dismantle it and receive some publicity for "doing the right thing." Perhaps someone hearing that Best Buy doesn't want to profit from his death in bad taste will then shop at Best Buy because they are not an evil corporation (today anyway). Paranoid? Maybe, but it doesn't mean everyones not out to get me. we will know the effects of global warming AFTER it's already happened. There seems to be more and more variables all the time that the simulations probably don't take into account. The weather service can barely predict a thunderstorm 3 days out with any accuracy, I don't know how anybody expects we'll be able to predict sweeping global climate changes a century out!
The picture used may be a bad omen. Does it imply if you buy the player won't be able to afford a disc to play? I really wish one format would win already and the production costs go way down. At this rate consumers are going to be paying a premium to make up for R&D costs and investments into the failed format for years to come...
Until they raise all the rates and slow let commercials creep in. A year? Two? Whatever, cable's monopolies on areas has already proved to suck. It's only with FIOS and satellite that they've been forced to raise their level of service. Let them compete and run out of money, when they go broke a smarter company will step in, by their equipment, and learn from their mistakes. In other words, not spending millions of dollars on Opera and Stern or other celebrities who aren't worth it.
"So you can only use them with one provider, they charge a fair amount for the device, and then lump an activation fee on top. That fee is not a choice, so it should simply be part of the price of the phone, or be 'free'. Honestly. Is someone going to buy one and not get a contract ?"
But then the phone would be $36 more expensive. Most people shopping for phones don't think about fees until their signing the contract and too embarrassed to make a fuss about it. And the phone companies like it this way...
I wasn't around then, but I've been told cable TV (in the US anyway), was originally commercial free. Now I pay $65 a month for 4-5 minute commercial breaks every 12 minutes and an extra $15 month to be able to skip them with my DVR.
I'm sure when I'm ad old man I'll tell my kids about the good ole days of satellite radio with no commercials. And I'm sure they'll look at me funny.
They banned pretty much all unnecessary electronic devices in school period, except for calculators. And graphing calculators could only be used in approved classes. You couldn't have a walkman, discman, gameboy, beeper, etc...
Now of course I had this Sharp electronic organizer which just looked like a basic calculator to the uninformed teacher... So the moral of the story is, why bother, there's always a way to cheat.
Why the distress? Just tell your daughter it was typo and not a real word, then when she gets old enough to enjoy pop culture entertainment, she'll learn the word the "proper" way.
We all have way too much free time on our hands if we can find the time to sue over a typo...
"So how many sites work if you install Linux on your PS3 and run Firefox as your browser?
I bet those problem site's just work then."
Why do people always feel the need to make this argument. This article was written for the people who just want to turn the console on and expect it to work as it is. Not people who want to install an entirely different OS on their video game machine. Most people probably wouldn't even know how to begin to do this anyway unless Sony released an official installation CD.
Is everyone so unimpressed by there PS3 that they need to install Linux on it to make themselves feel better? Please, you either prefer a PS3, or a Wii, or an Xbox, it's your choice. Just because someone has a different preference doesn't make theirs wrong.
Chris writes that "Take the guns out of the hands of these people and the shootings cannot happen."
If you are intent on committing a murder, or a murder suicide, do you think you'd be worried about getting caught with an illegal gun or what you would have to do to get one (making them illegal will not make them go away).
If someone is going to commit random mass murder, they will find a way. He could of just as easily made bombs from household chemicals, should we ban those too?
I'd hate to say it, but you can almost make the comparison to how DRM has *stopped* music/movie piracy. Punishing the law abiding citizen never stops the determined criminal.
"Now here's a thought:
If alien signals are encrypted and we do manage to decrypt them, could we find ourselves faced with an inter-planetary lawsuit for unpaid royalties...?"
Only if you attempt to view the decrypted signal on more than one telescope or upload it to Q-bit torrent.