* Posts by Andy

10 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Oct 2007

O2 buckles under 3G iPhone demand



Looks like the numpty responsible for my old firms IT architecture did O2's as well :-)

Talk about not having a clue...

Frameworks and the danger of a grand design


Pattern happy

I know a few people who's automatic reaction to any problem is which pattern can I use to solve it...

I believe this is known as being pattern happy, this is not a good thing.

Our current so called 'architect' is like this, and to make things worse chucks the whole J2EE stack at the simplest of problems - sad thing is he doesn't even do it properly.

China promises censor-free Olympic media

Paris Hilton

Journalists get web access

Whooppee doo.

30,000 journalists get net access, never mind the other 1.2 Billion.

It is all a farce. Politicians and IOC and Chines should all be ashamed of themselves.

Enough said.

Paris because she isn't censored ;-)

OOXML approved as international standard?

Gates Horns

MS Trolls

Wow a few posts here that are almost certainly from people in the employ of MS. They lack credibility to the point that they remind me of some of the posts from chinese people on some of the on-line newspapers comments pages with regards Tibet.

I'm all for a Mad Bob Mugabe icon btw.

Sun's 256-thread African journey begins next month



Sun ROCKs ;-)

Sorry, I couldn't help it.

Running at 1.2 GHz these things are obviously not very fast in a straight line (says the guy whose main DB is still running on a 900MHz Sparc III), but for certain types of database and web/apps server I'm guessing they are probably quite good.

I will have to recommend them to my firms IT architect - the same Guy who has insisted on J2EE as it is obvious that our system needs to be massively scalable - although I am still wondering if this means going from 2 to 4 users, or perhaps even 8 !

Operators race to pre-empt Euro data roaming cap


Why aren't they looking at the price of SMS

which is really a total rip.

US Army struggles with Windows to Linux overhaul

Black Helicopters

Oddly enough ...

I thought the military would be more into a BSD style solution.

Polished NetBeans means Ruby


Looks good

I use RAD6 at work which is the epitome of bloated and slow.

For a few training courses, and just to have a look I have used Netbeans 5.5. To be honest it seems the better product. But then I haven't loaded up a decent sized project into Netbeans.

The RAD products seem to have a conservative lifecycle too, whereas plain Eclipse and also Netbeans can be somewhat more bleeding edge.

Not that Java 5 is especially bleeding edge these days.

Wii buyers follow French Connection for consoles


210 euros ?

Sounds incredibly cheap to me.

I've seen them for 239 euros in the Auchan supermarket in Luxembourg.

Male pattern boldness



Great article - really struck a chord.