Looks like the numpty responsible for my old firms IT architecture did O2's as well :-)
Talk about not having a clue...
10 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Oct 2007
I know a few people who's automatic reaction to any problem is which pattern can I use to solve it...
I believe this is known as being pattern happy, this is not a good thing.
Our current so called 'architect' is like this, and to make things worse chucks the whole J2EE stack at the simplest of problems - sad thing is he doesn't even do it properly.
Sun ROCKs ;-)
Sorry, I couldn't help it.
Running at 1.2 GHz these things are obviously not very fast in a straight line (says the guy whose main DB is still running on a 900MHz Sparc III), but for certain types of database and web/apps server I'm guessing they are probably quite good.
I will have to recommend them to my firms IT architect - the same Guy who has insisted on J2EE as it is obvious that our system needs to be massively scalable - although I am still wondering if this means going from 2 to 4 users, or perhaps even 8 !
I use RAD6 at work which is the epitome of bloated and slow.
For a few training courses, and just to have a look I have used Netbeans 5.5. To be honest it seems the better product. But then I haven't loaded up a decent sized project into Netbeans.
The RAD products seem to have a conservative lifecycle too, whereas plain Eclipse and also Netbeans can be somewhat more bleeding edge.
Not that Java 5 is especially bleeding edge these days.