* Posts by Paul Synnott

2 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Oct 2007

Hitachi highlights gesture-controlled HD TV

Paul Synnott

The kids will love this...

How many times have your parents said "I have the controls, so I choose the channel" and put on something crap. Now, anyone can control (or interfer with) the TV. Can you imagine the all-out family arguments now?

World of Warcraft asks Europeans to please speaka da English

Paul Synnott
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I play on the Genjuros European server, and this "Please speak in English" request should be enforced all the time. It does say in the realm selection screen to speak the language assigned to the server (English, French, German, Spanish). Genjuros is assigned to the English group of servers, yet it is overrun by Greeks who tell you to "stfu noob" when you complain when they are spamming the chat channels in Greek. Plus, we all know they're all a bunch of ninjas anyway.