Well if we're labelling people psycho...
Is that whats keeping you off the streets then?
64 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Mar 2007
The French Resistance (almost certainly not as a whole, but enough for the following arguement to be valid) used to go around murdering French women who willingly engaged in relationships with and/or got pregnant by German armed forces. So youre suggesting that the misdeeds of lulzsec and co are around that level?
So either youre saying that its ok to kill women and children, or youre saying thats how bad lulzsec is. Which one?
As I recall (someone please correct me if Im wrong) the burqa is not a religious garment? That being the case, the French need to grow a pair and take the thing off her. If it is a religious garment, then the French law would itself already be contradictory to EU law.
Although "Black Ship/s" historically refers to the American ships that bullied the Japanese into opening trade ports, that was 200 years after the game is set. The Europeans (Portugese and Dutch originally I believe) were around during this period, so I guess CA decided to use a bit of artistic license.
"Sorry, your view of the world just doesn't hold water"
Neither do the opinions of a guy who persistently and deliberately spells Assange's name incorrectly because he thinks it makes him look clever.
Julian Assange is a tit, sure, but at least stop being a cretin and spell his name correctly.
"And do you believe that's typical biker behaviour because it's the only time you ever notice them?"
No, I believe it's typical biker behaviour because every single one, without exception, does this. Then complains when the driver in front makes a bad decision and they dont have time to react.
"It's called filtering. It's in the Highway Code. Not in a "You must not do this!" manner but in a "Be careful when you do this" advisory. Google it."
Actually the Highway Code says "Take care and keep your speed low". Which is odd, because apparently bikers read this sentance as "Do it at 30mph regardless of oncoming traffic".
"I see plenty of vehicles of all classes that treat chevrons as a special extra lane, not just bikes."
Ive never seen anything but motorbikes treat chevrons as a special lane in all the years Ive been driving.
@Loyal Commenter
And did that happen because youre a typical motocyclist who follows the car in front at a distance of no more than 6 inches from the nearside rear bumper? Not forgetting of course the belief that its ok for you to overtake stationary traffic at a junction and that the dividing chevrons on a dual carriageway are in fact an overtaking lane for motorcycles.
Admitting you drive a motorbike automatically excludes you from complaining about other peoples driving, pal.
On topic, slightly dubious about the research. It sounds logical and as a prolific gamer myself it would be nice to believe its true, but Im not sure.
HDM is such an inspiration I figured I'd try writing an article in a similar style. It goes like this:
"John Meehan is the editor of a newspaper that carries adverts for 'adult services', and he may have looked at porn in the past. Sometimes, he has contact with children."
Gosh, that just might maybe probably almost certainly definitely mean that John Meehan is a you-know-what! Scandal!
If you've got the special edition dvd extras, there's a vid of un-named male character engaging in rumpy pumpy with a Darkspawn (essentially an Orc for those who havent played it). Im sure that falls foul of the extreme porn laws.
Wont somebody think of the children who's parents bought them this smut!
Worst thing FASA ever did was selling its IP to the likes of Microsoft. Sure they regret it now, but they doesnt help us, does it? Seeing Shadowrun get crucified in that god awful game was like getting kicked in the knackers. The Mechwarrior games have been passable, as have the Mechcommader titles, but that doesnt excuse offing your most successful IP to a company you know isnt interested in them, but the money they represent.
Like others, Im still waiting for someone to explain to me why any company should be forced to offer its competitors products.
I notice a lot of the people who have already posted seem to think Microsoft bashing makes them incredibly clever. Maybe one of them could explain, but I doubt it.
Microsoft doesnt prevent installation of other browsers. If it did, that would be anti-competitive, fair enough. If these other browsers want market share, they need to advertise and be noticeably better(noticeable to the layman, not the tech-savvy) than IE.
I dislike Microsoft, but I dislike the whining of Opera et al even more.
"Good old Guy" was a terrorist. He wanted to change the way the country was governed not for political reasons, but religious ones. Had he simply lit the fuse when he was caught, he would have become the worlds first terrorist suicide bomber. Before anyone starts hero worshipping as a freedom fighter, take a look the whole picture. We're probably better off that he failed.
It's off-topic, but if you really want to celebrate someone who sorted the government out, look up Oliver Cromwell. Then carry on reading and be grateful we got rid of him too.
On-topic, I have some serious concerns about this, although thankfully the police were bright enough not to demonise a particular race or religion as terrorist in the video.
I live in the area. The kids in Humberston are just as bad as the kids in Grimsby or Cleethorpes. They're all gobshites.
Fact is tho, she hasnt done anything wrong. I work in education and Ive made it very clear to my employers that they've got no say in my life outside of work hours. I hope she fights this one.
"why shouldnt this form of linking to copyrighted material be stopped?"
It should, in my opinion. But youre missing the point, deliberately I suspect. Fact is, Google et al provide the same service as Pirate Bay. So why didnt the music industry go after them too? Its because theyre going after the technology, not the crime. If linking to copyrighted material is illegal, then EVERYONE who does it MUST be prosecuted and/or forced to stop. You cant just cherry pick the easy targets (ie not the big search engines). And if its not illegal for Google et al, then its not illegal for anyone else either.
I think a trip to the hospital is in order for you my good man, as your head clearly needs extracting from your own backside.
If you dont like the story, if you dont like the comments, make use of the liberty you enjoy and just dont read it.
The rest of us will carry on moaning, because thankfully youre not in any position to tell us to do otherwise.
Actually, if you go on Google and search for the actual track you want, eg [coldplay track].mp3 you're fairly likely to find a useable download.
I know people who've downloaded their entire, albiet small, collection of mp3s this way, because they dont know how to use torrents or stuff like Kazaa, Limewire, etc.
Lets assume for a moment that Pirate Bay are telling the truth and they dont host stuff themselves or get cash out of it. They just link to other peoples illegal material. If they're found to be breaking the law, Google MUST also be guilty. After all, you can search Google for ebaumsworld, and thats full of pirated material.
The basis of this case is that Microsoft has a monopoly on the desktop. Except it doesnt. If you dont want to buy a PC with Windows on, dont. Buy one with something else, or nothing, installed. Buy a Mac. There are other viable options out there and Microsoft arent preventing anyone from pursuing those options.
Experts testified in court that, in their expert opinion, the laptop had been compromised by viruses. Experts who, one would guess, have qualifications to back up the use of the term "experts".
So either youre suggesting you know better than these experts, or youre saying that youre suspicious of the innocent verdict just because you havent read the specific details.
Do you work for The Sun at all?
Aria.co.uk charge a 25% restocking fee, regardless of wether the item returned was faulty or not. When I pointed out to them that this was illegal, they basically explained that they didnt care. Since I didnt have the means to do anything about it, I just wrote off the 25% and made sure as many people as possibly knew not to buy from them. Since I work at several colleges and schools and people often ask me where to buy from, Aria.co.uk have lost a hell of a lot of sales just for that 25%.
I dont normally go in for Sony-bashing, but why is the bundle only going to be available in America? Seems like every announcement Sony makes about the PS3 is a big f-off to the UK and Europe. The only reason Id buy a PS3 is for MGS4. If they're not going to bundle it, I wont bother.
There's one massive, undeniable fact that the anti-videogame crowd always ignore.
MILLIONS of people have been playing violent video games for YEARS.
If there really was any truth to their wishful thinking (that violent videogames make people violent) the whole world would be in complete anarchy right now.
[Anonymous Coward]
"What I don't understand is why there are so many people who feel that repeatedly re-enacting cold blooded acts of murder is some kind of human right that must be kept available to all.
Invariably the people who get the most hysterical whenever there is a hint that there may be a clamp down on extreme violence in video games, are the ones that have no understanding of how they desensitise the player. "
What I dont understand is why people with very little understanding of computer games or the people who play them think its ok to automatically assume that all gamers are lunatics who cannot tell the difference between make-believe and reality.
Invariably the people who get the most press trying to endorse the ban of violent computer games are those who have never played one, have never seen anyone play one, dont personally know any gamers and have a lack of imgination so profound its disturbing.
Quote: "In October 2000, the Daily Mail wrote: "Genetic modification could lead to 'zombie' farm animals programmed to feel no pain or stress," for example. And there's plenty more where that came from."
If they'd have thought this through, they'd have realised that this is actually an endorsement. Some vegans and vegetarians argue that it's inhumane to eat meat because of the suffering of the animals involved. Remove the animals ability to suffer, turn them into "zombies" as it were, no more problem.
Apart from herds of herbivores stampeding around trying to eat people's brains, obviously.
The workplace is a place for doing work. I would have thought that was a no-brainer. Staff cannot be trusted to only access these sites at break times, regardless of any written policy you try to put in place. You can argue against that fact if you wish, but since Ive seen the internet logs for various schools and colleges and several public organisations, you'll be peeing into the wind.
The company you work for is not and should not be responsible for helping you maintain your social life. And besides the time-wasting aspect, the security concerns regarding these sites should be more than enough justification for any organisation to block them.