Military personnel found near military bases…
That is a big surprise (secret?).
11 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Oct 2007
I'm a runner, so a garmin could easily set me back the cost of my apple watch, so the cost isn't a factor for me. I'm also someone who doesn't have their phone in their hand all the time so the notifications are useful for me.
As for the need to charge it everyday, I don't wear watches in bed so it doesn't effect me at all.
I wasn't suggesting that they didn't happen, just that I was surpirsed there weren't any comments saying this here. I'm under 40, so have no direct experience of the events, so technically there's a very small chance they didn't happen, as with all historic events.
Getting a mirror on the moon (via a rocket say) is a lot easier than doing a manned mission and doesn't prove it happened beyond any doubt.
In the uk all the prices on goods are just suggestions and the price they ask for at the till is what you have to pay. At least that's what it was like a few years ago.
Of course a lot of shops do honour mis-pricings on shelves, but that is their policy to make you trust the prices you see.
To the "anon coward" above, who clearly didn't look that far into wikipedia about carnassial teeth:
"The word "carnivore" sometimes refers to the mammalian Order Carnivora, but this is misleading. Although many Carnivora fit the first definition of being exclusively meat eaters, not all do. For example, bears are members of Carnivora that are not carnivores in the dietary sense, and pandas are almost exclusively herbivorous. Likewise, some full-time (dolphins, shrews) and part-time (humans, pigs) predatory species among mammals, let alone all carnivorous non-mammals, are not members of Carnivora." (Carnassials are the defining characteristic of the Carnivora order)
I'm hungry...
If you read the article closely it states that "it sends a signal every 30 seconds that records his whereabouts and travel speed", I assume the position is from gps and the speed from the speedometer.
So minor inaccuracies in the position won't affect the accuracy of the recorded speed.