Re: Government "help"
If you were OC about spelling then I'd say you're definitely cured now.
18 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Oct 2007
“But he’s a smart man too, Will. He showed me a new kind of windmill he’s invented—goddamnedest thing you ever saw.”
“Oh, Lord,” said Will, “here come the patent attorneys again!”
“But this is good,” said Horace.
“They’re all good. And the only people who make any money are the patent lawyers. Drives my mother crazy.”
“I guess you’ve got a point there.”
Will said, “The only way to make any money is to sell something somebody else makes.”
“You’ve got a point there, Will, but this is the goddamnedest windmill you ever saw.”
John Steinbeck - East of Eden, 1952.
By knowing where you are browsing from they can target advertising at you depending on your location. There is no point advertising something that is not available in your town/region/whatever to you as you'd hardly be likely to bite.
They're an advertising company, how do you think they make money? The better targeted the ads, the more revenue.
Hi all. I haven't been here for a while but why when I click comments does it take me to the last page of comments instead of the first??? It's really annoying as I have to read comments which are relevant to previous comments and the whole thread is f***ed. Or is it just me???
Sorry for posting this here but it's getting on my tits and since the site has been 're-done' I cannot seem to find the appropriate channel to express my... annoyance at this.
@Marc Savage
Get rid of apostrophes, you add ambiguity to an already ambiguous language (Cf. Hollerith's post a few above yours).
@AC 'Perhaps they could learn to spell London correctly and discontinue using the absurd 'Londres'. I don't write 'Marsay' or 'Neece'. Perhaps I should start.'
Londres is French for London just as Genoa is English for Genova, Rome for Roma, Venice for Venezia et cetera ad infinitum, so shut your mouth.
English is in constant evolution, 'horror' used to be spelled 'horrour' (see Jane Austen), again etc., so a natural progression will be for labour to become new labor and colour to become color. This will inevitably happen, but what is the point of forcing change to a naturally evolving system which has worked for centuries, and working well mainly thanks to its changing, adapting, adopting nature? This man Well's should also shut his mouth.
So let's say for sake of argument that we do need a licence to watch iPlayer streaming.
Why are we the British alone in having to pay for content the rest of the world gets free? They need to have some sort of validation dependant on physically having a license, and they could charge a fee for foreign usage. The point I was making, was that I could just move abroad, watch all the uk tv I want on the interwebnet and not pay a thing over my connection fee which I would be paying anyway.
In answer to Paul Warne, I do not currently have any download thresholds.
Surely only license payers should be able to watch bbc programmes this way, not the whole of the planet? I can basically get rid of any TV equipment I have, stop paying the license and still be able to watch bbc progs (and 4od, and the major US channels) on demand over the internet, from any place in the world i happen to be (geo-ip verification is worthless), albeit at a lower quality.
Why should the rest of the world get for free what we must pay a licence fee for?
The license is a load of bollocks, they need to either ditch it or make iPlayer available only to licensees.
It's not even as if I can sit watching a two-hour film with a can of lager (or mug of tea) without a toilet break anyway, at least on itv i can go during the ads without missing anything, which privilege costs me nothing.
Anyway, humourless rant over now.
"We don't bring them up Muslim, Mormon, violent, or prejudiced, 'cos we're not."
So Muslims == violent & prejudiced? Not the ones I know, and certainly none more so than Christians, who for some reason you did not include in your little list of evil things to bring your kids up as. - though I agree they shouldn't be either be indoctrinated into religion or brainwashed into a political / philosophical mindset, which vegetarianism is. They need to be allowed to experiment freely with their thoughts, make their own mistakes and discover their own opinions. As parents we must educate objectively, and prevent them from coming to any harm. Tough job really.
Parents, they f*** you up, etc.