Maybe you should do some research on who Engprax actually are before you publish this nonsense?
Posts by D.A.
36 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Oct 2007
Study finds 268% higher failure rates for Agile software projects
Fujitsu set to be preferred bidder in UK digital ID scheme
Tesla hackers turn to voltage glitching to unlock paywalled features
To improve security, consider how the aviation world stopped blaming pilots
Elon Musk issues ultimatum to Twitter staff: Go hardcore or go home
Rackspace literally decimates workforce: One in ten staffers let go this week
Trello moved 'Facelift' card to Completed on Go Live board
Let's check in now with the new California monolith... And it's gone, torn down by a bunch of MAGA muppets
Test and Trace chief Dido Harding prompted to self-isolate by NHS COVID-19 app
Atlassian sprays more machine learning over its cloudy BitBucket, Jira, Confluence wares
Elite name on Brit scene sponsors retro video games preservation project at the Centre for Computing History
Atlassian to offensively price itself through the post-pandemic patch
Your Agile-built IT platform was 'terrible', Co-Op Insurance chief complained to High Court
Re: Idiots
Kanban is NOT an Agile methodology (although it often gets lumped in there).
To clarify: Kanban (on its own) is a process improvement framework.
The Kanban Method for Software Development (by David Anderson et al) is a means of leveraging Kanban to develop software in a less wasteful way.
Agile is not a process or a framework. It’s a mindset or way of being that allows you to change direction quickly. “Doing” Scrum or Kanban does not make your business agile.
And implementing SAFe definitely doesn’t.
Want to own a bit of Concorde? Got £750k burning a hole in your pocket? We have just the thing
MPs to grill Post Office and Fujitsu execs on Horizon IT scandal after workers jailed over accounting errors
Bus pass or bus ass? Hackers peeved about public transport claim to have reverse engineered ticket app for free rides
Does this only apply to the Manchester app?
Corethree apps are used by numerous public transport companies, including Lothian Buses and Translink in Northern Ireland. (More are listed on their website)
Also, recall the massive outage they had last year:
Accenture sued over website redesign so bad it Hertz: Car hire biz demands $32m+ for 'defective' cyber-revamp
Tech rookie put decimal point in wrong place, cost insurer zillions
Scared of that new-fangled 'cloud'? Office 2019 to the rescue!
Atlassian releases 'Stride', because HipChat isn't hip enough to whack Slack
Teen who texted boyfriend to kill himself gets 15 months jail
ServiceNow's new CEO thinks IT can spare us from corporate re-orgs
Three VoLTEs to victory as it jumps into UK 4G voice offering
Tech, telcos, and digital crusties gang up against the EU's Digital Single Market
Google drops a log into its cloud. A log analyser, that is
Inside GOV.UK: 'Chaos' and 'nightmare' as trendy Cabinet Office wrecked govt websites
Free WiFi coming to UK trains ... in two years
Re: Already exists on Scotrail
You are correct - Translink/NI Railways in Northern Ireland already has free Wifi on all their trains, but it does of course use the mobile network, therefore data rates are generally absolutely dire.
Note that we also have it on our express (Goldline) buses, which is slightly better due to the lower number of passengers attempting to all use the same connection simultaneously.
Car? Check. Driver? Nope. OK, let's go, says British govt
Google Maps adds all UK public transport timetables
iPhone VoIP tussle heats up
Deadfish iPhones send users into deep freeze
Took you guys long enough to get around to reporting this, given that I notified you of it about a month ago.
Speaking as one of those whose phones have been affected, it is a royal pain in the butt. It's blindingly obvious that the problem has been caused by 2.2.1 (or possibly it already existed in 2.2, but just affected less people for some reason). Apple *appear* to be investigating it (since they requested me to send them some files from my phone), but it would be nice if they would actually come out and say so on the forums.
And no, the problem was not caused by yellowsn0w, since many 2G iPhones have been affected by it, and also many un-jailbroken phones. (of course, I couldn't comment on which category mine falls under ;-) ).
The Apple Store replaced mine, no questions asked. Now my only problem is that DHL have apparently lost the replacement whilst delivering it to me...