(1) built-in recovery and backup (CD, DVD, HDD; it should be able to create a slip-streamed cd/dvd of the current installation)
Already in Vista
(2) force apps to use their own files only - no registry entries by apps apps install in their own program folder and may make shortcut on start-program list or desktop only
Many apps already do this but many apps apuse the registry. Some apps do need to update the registry to store per-user settings and/or per machine config. A few apps have to register themselves in the registry in order to allow other software to find them.
(3) no app install can require a reboot
In all reality VERY few apps require reboot ... but they opt to test less and force a reboot in the installer. Contact those app vendors and give them hell. They're just being lazy.
(4) no windows updates should require a reboot
Sometimes, updates require core OS/Kernel infrastructure to be patched which can only be done after shutting down major OS components. This requires a reboot.
However, the number of circumstances where this is truly necessary are smaller now than before and smaller still in Win7.
(5) all updates to windows create an automatic rollback file
Already in Vista.
(6) rock solid and secure (no BSODs)
BSOD are caused by buggy code running in the kernel. 90% of the time, BSOD are caused by 3rd party drivers. This is why Vista introduced a new video & printer driver architecture that reduced the amount of driver code running in kernel. Although initial drivers were pretty buggy because the infrastructure was so new, things are A LOT better post SP1.
If you're seeing BSOD, make sure your drivers are up to date.
(7) proper device interfaces that don't change with every release driver updates should not require a reboot
Sometimes, changes to the driver infrastructure are necessary (see above). This happens VERY rarely however.
Some drivers require reboot because they cannot be shut down and restarted without rebooting the kernel.
(8) no drm
Then you don't get to play DVD/BluRay. DRM is required by RIAA etc. You don't like it? Complain to them.
(9) no nagware or registration
You gotta prove you paid for it. However, I agree that this can be made less obtrusive.
(10) apps cannot automatically register for startup (except maybe AV & Firewall
This is necessary for some hardware to work. Better still would be to make it easier for you to find out what apps are running and why.
(11) multi-processor capability and transparent support for amd/intel/?
Has always been a feature of Windows.
(12) there shoudn't be but ONE version available with ALL options loadable
Should or shouldn't? I am guessing the former.
Due to licensing, MS shipped versions sans DVD decoder, saving per-copy license fees and passed those savings onto customers that don't need DVD: Vista Home Basic.
(a) can anyone tell me why I can't have file manager functionality?
File Explorer.
(b) can anyone tell me why there are still only 15 hardware interrupts available?
Hardware compatabillity mostly. More interrupts would only make your machine more complex, slower and more prone to bugs anyhow.
(c) can anyone tell me why windows can't do what Irfanview does?
Because Windows is an OS. It can't do everything for everybody. In fact, in Win7, MS is opting to move some apps (Movie Maker, Mail) to a separately downloadable Live app suite. Reduces size, bloat, bugs, security threats, etc.
(d) can anyone tell me why I can't really multi-task?
Because you're a little slow? ;) Windows has been able to Multi-task since Windows 2.0.
(e) can anyone tell my why any app can lock a window in the center of your screen?
If you mean a system modal dialog? Actually, they can't! They manage to achieve a similar effect through trickery! ;)