What's the difference with someone just entering your actual, undotted email address? I'm baffled why people think Google is at fault!
Posts by Dan Mullen
20 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Oct 2007
Gmail is secure. Netflix is secure. Together they're a phishing threat
Re: Google claim this but are incorrect
He has simply entered your email address when signing up/buying things. That's why you receive emails intended for him but he doesn't receive emails intended for you. It's the same as him entering your home address and you receiving the stuff he's bought!
This is the entire problem, as a few others in the comments have alluded to. When signing up with an email address - on Netflix or anywhere else - the service should send a verification email. If you signed up, verify the account. If you didn't, don't. It's as simple as that.
This is a non-story. Either Netflix didn't require verification when the dotted email address was used to sign up (or an existing Netflix account was changed to the dotted email), or the developer in question has at some point in the past accidently verified the account. Either way, the blame is not with Google. I'm surprised at the number of people on here that think Google is the one at fault!
Scared yet, web devs? Google smears malware warnings over PHP.net
America planned to NUKE THE MOON

Re: Note on Sagan
Er, what? From a purely scientific point of view, there is no evidence whatsoever that points to the existence of any god or gods, therefore it is illogical to believe in any. If you choose to believe in any, that is your personal choice and is a matter of your faith, but it's not science. NOT believing in something for which there is ZERO evidence IS the scientific way. Doh!
Nympho hauled to loon-cooler after serial bonkathon brutality
Orange 3G data network goes titsup
Tesco heralds 2011 as YEAR OF ANDROID
Orange mobile data chucks punters

Problem affecting 90% of users
I live in Sunderland and have been unable to use any data services on my mobile since last night.
I phoned Orange earlier and was told that it was affecting 90% of users and that their engineers were working on it as a priority. I was given an ETA of 13:00 - well, it's currently 12:58 and I still have no net connection...
Samsung Galaxy S
ROM goodness
There are already a number of custom ROMs available, all very easy to apply as Samsung haven't locked this handset down as well as some other manufacturers have with their phones. If you just want root access, this is as simple as applying an update.zip file from the recovery screen.
The Galaxy S hardware is mroe than capable of running 2.2 (and beyond) - I expect an official FroYo upgrade within the next 2-3 months...

Great phone
I've had the Galaxy S for just over a week now, upgrading from the HTC Hero. I can honestly say it's by far the best handset I've ever owned.
The screen is this phone's USP and, despite it not quite reaching the same res as the iPhone 4, the actual image quality is much better thanks to the 4" Super AMOLED display. Compare it side by side with an iPhone to see what I mean.
Low light snaps are surprisingly good considering the lack of any sort of flash or photo light, and video recording and playback are superb.
I am a big fan of HTC's Sense UI, so I was a little unsure about switching to TouchWiz. However, I find that Samsung's interface works really well. You obviously don't have the excellent HTC widgets available to you, but there are some very nice ones provided by Samsung with hopefully more to come. Also remember that you have the option of installing a different launcher if you don't like TouchWiz - LauncherPro (available in the Market) is very good.
One thing that never gets mentioned is that Samsung provide the excellent Vlingo speech recognition and reader software free of charge (via their own app store). This is usually $10 in the Android Market. You can send texts and emails, make calls, search the web, find places on a map, etc. all by voice control - and it works surprisingly well. You can also have it read texts and emails to you as they arrive.
Overall, I'd recommend this handset to anyone looking for a new Android phone.