Disney's Star Wars - The Phantom Blot ( returns )...
In a small cabin in the middle of the forest:
Mickey-Wan Kenobi ( with traditional high-pitched voice ) - "Come, my padawans. Come, settle down and feel the Force. Let us practice. Let it flow through you..."
Morty and Ferdie ( in a food fight with Goofy Binks ) - "In a minute, uncle..."
Goofy Binks - "Yack Yack! Meesa thinks this all dirty! Food everywhe' ! A-Yack!"
Mickey-Wan Kenobi breathes deeply, raises his hand slightly, and a broom starts to levitate. It starts sweeping the room of its own accord...
Suddenly, he opens his eyes widely...
Mickey-Wan Kenobi - "I feel a disturbance in the Force"...
A door explodes... Shards everywhere, and smoke... Morty and Ferdie crawl behind Mickey, while Goofy stands stunned looking for some light, while his ears cover his eyes..
Suddenly, a shadow takes shape in the smoke. Then suddenly there are three of them... All dressed in white plastic armor, with their blasters in their hands, the three elite beagle-troopers enter the room. Their names too horrendous to be pronounced, they are know throught the galaxy as 176-167, 176-671, and 176-176.
They sweep the room with their blasters, screaming everyone to look down...
Then, a new shadow takes form in the smoke....
The Emperor himself appears before Kenobi, with his trusted right-hand Pete...
Emperor Phantom Blot - "We finally meet, old guy... Last time we met, I was but a pupil... Now I am the master!!!!"
Pete - "Uh, yeah! What he says!"
The emperor raises his hand, does a slashing movement, and suddenly, the broom splits in two. And three... And they keep splitting until there's an army of brooms, all carrying buckets of water to clean up the place...
A contageous tune starts sounding.. The brooms all start marching...
Goofy keeps running around in circles, looking for the light ( while still having his eyes covered with his ears ), until he trips on a broom. The broom falls violently to the ground, letting his bucket full of water fly across the room, right into Pete, who , as a reflex to catch the bucket, drops his saber. The saber falls right into the Emperor's foot. The Emperor, in his pain, lashes out a large spread of Force Lightning that detonates the remaining thermal detonators in the storm-troopers belts...
Everything is blown into oblivion...
When the smoke and debris dissipates nothing is left of the brooms, beagle troopers, or the cabin.
The emperor is nowhere to be found, and neither is Pete.
Goofy Binks stands beneath a huge pile of hay while Mickey-Wan Kenobi is projecting a Force field to protect himself and his padawans...
May this be the end of the Empire???
( My apologies if the names don't make sense, but I only knew the Portuguese names of the characters... I had to google for these )