* Posts by Brian

26 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Oct 2007

Open source closes gap on Microsoft's next Silverlight

Dead Vulture


Just tell us what we all want to know. Does netflix work yet?

Sony pulls PlayStation 3 software update

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Mine works

I have a 60 gig and installed yesterday morning (in the US) and it went fine. I was wondering if I should wait to see if there were issues. Anyway, I wasn't too impressed with the changes. The trophies were the only thing I really noticed, and none of the games I have support them.

The google search from the xmb is kind of useless if you can't do it while in the game. I can't tell you how many times I've been in a game and wanted to search for info about the game I'm playing and would love to just pause, switch over, do the search, and go back, but no. You have to quit, even now with the in-game xmb. What a half-assed addition.

I still like my PS3 better than the xbox, though. It hasn't done anything like an RRoD yet, and my xbox died 3 times before I traded it for the PS3.

Bloke crams 13 into Volvo S70

Paris Hilton

Pic, for the curious

Here's the car:


eBayer slaps $714 price tag on $630 in cash

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US woman sues over exploding thong

Paris Hilton

Craig Ferguson

The V String was just defending itself.

Al-Qaeda targets net-connected coffee machine

Dead Vulture


You made it up? And it's in the headline? Sensationalist much?

Stray left foot washes up on Vancouver beach


"Grown 5 Feet"

That's hilarious. What other jokes can we come up with? Let's see...

Canadian football team gaines 5 fold advantage?

Stungun shootout in Colorado leaves slowest man standing


Bad Terminology!

People get the terms wrong all the time. Here's the list:

Taser - A Brand name for a device that shoots barbed wires into it's target and then administers a jolt.

Stun Gun - A Hand Held shocking device WITHOUT wires. You have to hold it up to someone (preferably against bare skin). These are generally small devices that could fit into a lady's handbag.

Cattleprod - A more powerful Stun Gun that is usually much longer and wand shaped. They are used to convince a cow to get a move on, so they are stronger so that the cow can feel it (they're not really made for humans, so they'll hurt like a bitch) and they are on a wand so that if the cow kicks out in response they can't reach you as easily.

Of these, the cattleprod is probably the most powerful, but because there are no barbed wires sticking in you, the jolt is much shorter. So a Taser probably hurts the most. Stun Guns are the most fun. I was at a party once where this dickhead was zapping people's hands with a Stun Gun and making them drop their beer.

SANS sounds alarm on Debian OpenSSL flaw


Mine's the Proton Pack

Dr. Peter Venkman: I'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing. What do you mean, "bad"?

Dr. Egon Spengler: Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.

Dr Ray Stantz: Total protonic reversal.

Dr. Peter Venkman: Right. That's bad. Okay. Important safety tip. Thanks, Egon.

Microsoft orders 65nm Xbox 360 graphics chip

Paris Hilton

360's blow

I went through 3 broken 360's and only one return was for a RRoD. The other's were for dvd drive issues (mine scratched disks for no reason).

When I got the 4th one back as a replacement for the 3rd broken one, I just swapped it at a gamestop for a PS3. I've never had an issue with that.

Paris, because having her image on the page next to my post is as close as a nerdy gamer dork like me will ever get.

How to destroy 60 hard drives an hour


Target Practice

Bullets are cheaper than 11k. And if you line them up and use big enough caliber, I bet you can do a LOT more than 60 in an hour.

Sun's 'Project Copy Linux' goes commercial

Dead Vulture

Inflammatory title?

You're just BEGGING for attention here, aren't you?

Why have Radiohead broken copyright activists' hearts?

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Right on

I do think that NIN has a better long term business model, but you are right. Free will never get anybody any money and that was never the plan with the In Rainbows release.

Amy Winehouse pitches for Bond theme

Paris Hilton

Amy who?

I doubt they'll play her stuff in the states in 40 years. I barely hear her on the radio these days. Probably has something to do with her not having a work visa to come visit us.

Sony to bring GTA IV PS3 bundle to Blighty

Dead Vulture

ps3 sale riding back of game sale?

They say this as though it were a new concept. How quickly we forget the Halo3 xbox360 bundles...

A380 passengers to enjoy 'military-style' urinals


Which is which?

In the picture, the sink and pisser look the same. How many will piss in the sink?

US student planned to ice Chuck Norris



Late to the party, but I'll be leaving now anyway...

Toshiba samples Cell-based HD GPU

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DVR possibility?

Sounds like this would work well in a DVR PC. At any rate, some more variety in the graphics card market couldn't hurt.

US woman spends two years on boyfriend's toilet


I wonder which she did?

Sit and stink or sit and think? I'm guessing the former...

IBM shadow looms over next Eclipse


makes sense

If IBM is the only real contributer, obviously it is going to have an IBM slant to it. Duh.

Microsoft indemnifies Novell Moonlight users

Paris Hilton


Novell is really Microsoft's bitch now, huh?

Paris, because she knows all about bitches.

Vote now for your fave sci-fi movie quote

Dead Vulture

The obvious Robocop quote

"Please drop your weapon, you have 20 seconds to comply."

Boffin stacks 16 PS3s to simulate black hole collisions


xbox 360's XNA kit

Technically, couldn't you write your simulation code (presumably with the cluster/sync code) in XNA? Oh wait, they don't allow network code in XNA. MS screwed the pooch again.

Halo Master Chief armour offered on eBay

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Why so short?

I guess the sort of power that comes with a Spartan suit needs SOME sort of limitation?

I'm going to put MY brain into a robot alligator. And I'll have the strength of 10 gorillas!

Wii-like motion-control games to come to the PS2

Dead Vulture

Why not PS3?

Why didn't they do this for PS3? Was development started before the PS3 was released (seems doubtful)? Do they just think that the PS2 is a more reliable platform in terms of market penetration? Is it a cheaper dev kit for the developers?

Microsoft opens Xbox 360 Arcade


TV shows?

Where would core users put the TV shows mentioned? This unit doesn't come with a hard drive!