Re: Today VW ...
Not just auto manufacturers, but *all* manufacturers should have a eye cast over them. A couple of years ago we had the horsemeat scandal. Does anyone really know what the situation is today with regard to what's in the processed food we eat every day? One minute the newspapers are all over the campylobacter in chickens story, next minute the story is no longer current as the papers move on to other shock, horror revelations.
Another example: My sister-in-law was badly injured when a party dress she was wearing caught fire and went up like a Roman candle. Apparently there were strips of magnesium in the fabric to make it glitter. That was four years ago, and then recently we heard about the young daughter of a TV presenter suffering the same kind of thing. Did anyone think of banning such fabrics?
My assumption is that MOST manufacturers spend every waking moment trying to invent new ways to part us from our money, and I also assume that they will be not too bothered if what they do is skating on thin ice legally.