I would certainly give OSX a try...
... if it weren't for the fact you've got to pay 3 times the amount than I'd pay to build my own comparably specced PC. Plus the OS being locked to propriatary hardware combinations - VM'ing OSX to try it out is not an easy thing to do - and even if you decide you like it and you spend over the odds for the hardware your locked into hardware vendors you may prefer not to use.
Since I need windows at work for my software development (.NET 2/3.5) and all I use my PC at home for thesedays is media and gaming I don't see myself switching from Vista any time soon, I just dont care enough... an OS doesn't have such a drastic effect on my life... ! It would be nice to use something else, but if it was really that big of a deal I would have switched, as I imagine, might a lot of people, but it's not something I'd spend a fortune on doing.
I remember having conversations with mac fanboi's back in the day Apple were still using the PPC chips talking about how superior their hardware was, and that was why apples would dominate the computing landscape in the near future.
It's a few years down the line, apples are now basically PC's with a different operating system. Reality distortion field at work again - or just fanboys trying to find a reason why their choice in OS and hardware makes them somehow better.
People that try and push things on others (looking at both apple and windows fanboy children here) need to take a step back and realise that people will use what they want to use, and that the OS you decide to use does not define you as a person, it is simply unimportant in most cases.