The details of the bailout have still to be negotiated.
Surely one proviso is to end this blatant tax scam.
23 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Oct 2007
Cannot understand why anyone is remotely interested in an OS which is bound to be buggy or worse for at least a year and has no real added functionality. Has everyone forgotten all the previous OS releases?
Anyone with sense will bodyswerve this for a year.
No tech knowledge needed. Even a dog remembers when you kick it.
Another Paypal prob is that they freeze a sellers account at the slightest excuse - eg any trivial complaint or irregularity. This means you have to leave the money with them for many months until they "sort it out" during which time it is earning for them. Only way to avoid this is to keep the account empty but this means making lotsa small withdrawals & paying extra transaction costs to.........Paypal!
On the other hand all banks are rogues & PP may be no worse than most, just dont swallow the "excellent services" baloney earlier in the thread - they seem excellent until you find their hand in your pocket.
Thanks for the info re flashblock - works great, if I want to remind myself how bad a page looked before I can click the fb button then reload it.
I will assuage my guilt about not watching net adverts by concentrating studiously on TV adverts, I may even take notes, as I am sure all those who write annoying flash adverts do, out of a sense of duty.
I hope the advertising industry is able to continue in its proud tradition of increasing the price of goods while adding nothing to their value. I'm sure we'd all hate to see this disrupted.
Why should Dell care what OS you use?They sell hardware.They control their costs by multi-sourcing the bits.When MS deepen the discount for Dell, the Linux option will disappear.
They install Windoze because most people want it. When most want Linux, they will go with it.Meanwhile they use it as ammo in price negotiations.
Linux's savior will not be a hardware company, it will be a distro which works for non geeks.
If DRM is so important how come I can stick beeb shows straight onto my laptop HD using my freeview stick??
The menu lets you preplan your recordings. And of course you could use a PVR - a freeview box with a HD in it - without going near a computer.
Yes it needs an aerial but it's the easiest way of getting digital TV onto a HD.
Yes you cant download later but the no-DRM still applies.Even if DRM actually worked.
Also whats the point of streaming?All it does is degrade the content, you can still record it. Easier just to supply a degraded version for normal download.
Sounds like a case of management not listening to their engineers...surely not!
OK their site says the heat is from waste emissions (fair enuff) and their feed source does not produce CO2. Still unsure how they get the NaOH. Electrolysis from electricity from waste (?)energy or wot? Probably as "This reaction to produce sodium hydroxide also produces hydrogen and chlorine as byproducts"
Still sounds like perpetual motion, but just possible.
Where does he get the alkali from? Its easy to produce it from limestone or sod carbonate. You just heat it up (?) and it expels CO2 into the air.
It can then be used to catch CO2.
Other methods I know of are equally pointless (eg electrolysis)
Anybody know how he gets round this?
Would be cool if he actually had a source.
I remember when it was non-PC to suggest that men and women had different brains - it was obvious that the rest of their bodies differed so Occams razor suggested their brains should too.
Bit political "thinkers" couldn't stomach this - people were equal so their brains had to be the same across race, sex etc.This was first disproved using pupil dilation reaction on seeing pix of babies - women's brains react differently through hardwiring not conditioning.
Nowadays this is no big deal, as the differences between individuals is so much greater than between groups.
However some still maintain that evolution doesnt work and will make vitriolic comments against those working in the field without having done any work themselves. They should examine their motives.
A.C. - show us the data you have which says that all races' brains are identical despite the rest of their bodies being different. You are the one claiming Darwin was wrong. Show us!
I honestly think its safer to have these idiots trying to build their own devices and thus getting caught or blowing themselves up than being forced to recruit people who actually know what they're doing.
Those who rely on the net for this info are easy meat for the security forces, it flushes them out.
Perhaps we should put up some pages showing how to make bombs which are , er, unstable......"when you've made your TNT you must first redistill it at high temp..."
Real Player has always been risky - I remember 9 years ago when many in the UK were still on penny-a-minute dialup people were getting inflated phone bills because it was putting the PC on line without asking so it could report content used. Happened to someone I knew as well as the many reports on the net. At that time I uninstalled it because it stopped my PC defragging.
Ever since it has caused people problems.
Someone asked :" what's at fault ? IE , the ActiveX model or Realplayer ?" Simple - if your app causes a security hole when used with the most common browsing setup then its your fault.