Battle weary
Let's not kid ourselves that the new-wave FTTP companies are all consumer kniggets in shining armour, please. These buggers are just extracting your renal secretions in a different way.
I have resorted to my default fallback of caveat emptor. While marketing are naming these technologies, they're always going to make it look more shiny than it actually is; fibre proper has been around for decades - I built Seimens OLTI boards back when 128k bonded ISDN was the broadest of bands - yet "Ultrafast fibre" is touted as a new, magical technology made from unicorn farts and bose-einstein condensates.
I'm also a little weary of chasing the numbers. On VDSL2:
Data Rate: Down: 79.904 Mb/s / Up: 19.999 Mb/s
Line Attenuation (LATN): Down: 14.2 dB / Up: 17.8 dB
Signal Attenuation (SATN): Down: 14.3 dB / Up: 17.5 dB
Noise Margin (SNR): Down: 3.4 dB / Up: 15.4 dB
Aggregate Transmit Power (ACTATP): Down: 6.5 dB / Up: 14.0 dB
Max. Attainable Data Rate (ATTNDR): Down: 81.264 Mb/s / Up: 25.194 Mb/s
To be quite frank, that's enough for me right now. What I would like to happen is Openreach being held responsible for fucking up existing lines when patching in new ones or buggering about with the cab. There should be Yakuza-style penalties for fat-fingering patch panels. Can we, just for once, make existing tech work properly and stably before we go gallivanting off on some wild chase for ever faster ways of watching a cat try to use a Lexmark door-stop,
Beer. When all else fails, when the bullshit is knee-deep, people want the moon on a stick and marketing won't STFU, it must be beer o'clock.