Low hanging fruit
Here we go again...
Why are we not looking at other forms of carbon production? Why is it always the demon automobile? For example, using waste heat from air conditioning units to heat stored water rather than running both it and an immersion heater/boiler. Until you do something worthwhile and get those empty buses with the industrial chimney you call an exhaust to stop giving me 1920s diseases, I'll not be considering swapping my small, efficient, 112g/km car for transport with a free nose-full of someone else's armpit with every trip, which glacially slow trip ends nowhere near where I really want to go or something hideously expensive with a "fuel tank" that dies after five to eight years.
Tentative kudos for the mention of H2, though. All those wind turbines sitting in salt water could be electrolysing it rather than destabilising the transmission grid, we could be using the results and returning clean, desalinated water (we're forever being told we don't have enough) as we fill up with fresh H2...
Oh, and get your mates, you know, the ones in your share portfolio that you're hoping to get a consulting gig with when you get unelected, to do their fair share, too.