Re: Why the hell connect cars to the net anyway?
Have an upvote. Not nearly sweary enough but adequately, although in a slightly bland manner, reflects my feelings on the matter.
Neither of my cars even have ODB - well, the Sportrak does but it's an advanced photonic system used in WWII: You short a link on the diag connector and a little man in the dashboard flashes out the fault codes, if any, on an Aldis lamp cunningly disguised as an EML. I'm quite happy with that, knowing that all the bits that make them go, stop, turn and dodge Nissans are connected to the controls either physically or hydraulically and I can examine, verify and rectify any of them without a proprietary interface plugged into a high-end laptop with a very expensive version of the little man in my dashboard at the keyboard.
As for television and entertainment in general, now that Top Gear has gone ginger and they're allowing some fool to commit the ultimate sacrilege of remaking Dad's Army, I have a clear desk policy of fucks to give about televisions and similar nonsense.
It's all related, of course. Modern motoring and broadcasting are squarely aimed at the lowest common denominator because that's where the bulk of "civilisation" sits these days. Soon they won't be able to scratch their arse without a smartphone app to tell them how, measure the efficacy of the act on the irritated orifice in question and upload that metric to Twitter along with a little carefully chosen politically correct anecdote about the event just in case anyone thinks anus scarification is discriminatory or the result promotes competitiveness.
Bootnote: This commentard does not advise the unsupervised scratching of arses. This activity should only be undertaken under the advice of your family medical practitioner. If symptoms persist, please consult a healthcare professional.