* Posts by Chronos

1257 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Oct 2007

Jeep breach: Scared? You should be, it could be you next

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Re: Why the hell connect cars to the net anyway?

Have an upvote. Not nearly sweary enough but adequately, although in a slightly bland manner, reflects my feelings on the matter.

Neither of my cars even have ODB - well, the Sportrak does but it's an advanced photonic system used in WWII: You short a link on the diag connector and a little man in the dashboard flashes out the fault codes, if any, on an Aldis lamp cunningly disguised as an EML. I'm quite happy with that, knowing that all the bits that make them go, stop, turn and dodge Nissans are connected to the controls either physically or hydraulically and I can examine, verify and rectify any of them without a proprietary interface plugged into a high-end laptop with a very expensive version of the little man in my dashboard at the keyboard.

As for television and entertainment in general, now that Top Gear has gone ginger and they're allowing some fool to commit the ultimate sacrilege of remaking Dad's Army, I have a clear desk policy of fucks to give about televisions and similar nonsense.

It's all related, of course. Modern motoring and broadcasting are squarely aimed at the lowest common denominator because that's where the bulk of "civilisation" sits these days. Soon they won't be able to scratch their arse without a smartphone app to tell them how, measure the efficacy of the act on the irritated orifice in question and upload that metric to Twitter along with a little carefully chosen politically correct anecdote about the event just in case anyone thinks anus scarification is discriminatory or the result promotes competitiveness.

Bootnote: This commentard does not advise the unsupervised scratching of arses. This activity should only be undertaken under the advice of your family medical practitioner. If symptoms persist, please consult a healthcare professional.

HP slaps dress code on R&D geeks: Bin that T-shirt, put on this tie


Priorities. They've heard of them.

Surely these days people have more stuff to worry about than Sue coming to work in a Grateful Dead T-shirt? Fair enough if the employee is customer-facing and fronting the corporate image but R&D geeks? The whole point of employing such people is that they think differently and are about as individual as it is possible to get. Shoe-horning them into a corporate drone shell is just going to piss them off and make them leave - or rebel and, believe me, you do not want creative people to have any reason to make your life more difficult because they will, in many new, interesting, hard to detect and quite possibly brilliant ways.

Your gadget batteries endanger planes, says Boeing



Quite aside from the detection issue and the auto-suppression systems not working with lithium fires, there's a very good reason that decent branded Li-Ion cells come with warnings not to charge below 0C (32F in old money). If you charge a cell below this temperature, it may precipitate lithium metal onto the anode and can short the cell, which is a Bad Thing. At even lower temperatures I suspect it doesn't even need to be charging for the cell to short.

Remind me again one of the reasons why stowaways don't survive in the wheel wells/cargo holds of planes?

Of course, bunging Li-Ion cells into the plane's own control systems outside the controlled environment of the cabin is also a Very Bad Idea, so all of you calling kettle|pot are quite correct.

Mass break-in: researchers catch 22 more routers for the SOHOpeless list


Bloody hell!

Please ensure you turn off prefetch in your browser when looking at the Full Disclosure article. Security mailing lists usually obfuscate exploit URLs by using things like hxxp:// but this article seems to not only have failed to do so but also made them hyperlinks. If you have a vulnerable device and your browser takes it into its empty head to prefetch those links despite the rel="nofollow" attribute - well, let's just say possible unintended consequences, shall we?

Manchester car park lock hack leads to horn-blare hoo-ha


A Transmission Called Malice

Nefarious purposes? Not so fast.

Firstly the front end of the receivers in these modern cars are so wide a simple 5W signal anywhere in the vicinity reasonably close to 433.92MHz will de-sense them. There used to be a repeater on the Winter Hill TV transmitter site until everyone who worked there bought a Land Rover, at which point the output at 433.3MHz de-sensed the receivers of their keyless entry systems to the point nobody could unlock their vehicles when the repeater was open. $DEITY forbid they should use the actual key.

Secondly the FM capture effect means someone with a broken, always on keyfob could potentially jam a whole car park if it is sufficiently more powerful than everyone else's.

Thirdly it could just be someone cocking around with a Baofeng (£25) with no malice aforethought apart from showing up these halfwits who are incapable of using a physical key. It may even have been a rent-a-copper's comms blocking the receivers if said car park was attached to one of those fancy, overpriced shopping centres they have around there. Sounds to me like yet another case of herd stupid.

It's highly unlikely anyone would have been deliberately stopping this lot from locking their cars so they could go through the crisp packets, old car park stickers and chocolate bar wrappers in the door pockets or rifle through the Starbucks cups in the passenger floorwell. You'd have to be pretty desperate...

The yummy mummies' likeable wagon: Nissan Qashqai Tekna



In this case, the Kumquat Takeaway. Datsun has two roles: Firstly it produces the GT-R, as pure a driver's car as was ever made and secondly it produces its other models specifically to allow normal road users to know where all the bellends and school-run scrapers are so they can be avoided. They should put Nissan badges on the wings so you know it's going to pull out on you at the junction and you can take evasive action and do all the driving for them. Again.

Audi performs a similar function. Audis also have the patented spatial expansion windscreens that allow the driver to think they're obeying the two second rule while actually being a fag paper from your trumpet. Detecting the four rings of no confidence in your rear-view camera and flashing up a warning well in advance would be a useful addition for motorway driving...

Okay, I'm generalising, but it's Sunday. Have you been out there today? Christ, it's like the annual general meeting of the blind halfwit bodywork-benders society.

EMEA PC market circling rim, headed for U-bend plunge



It can't be perpetual. Not only are there hardly any compelling reasons to upgrade, I suspect consumers at least are getting sick of doing so. That includes the OS.

Actually, make that particularly the OS. Adverts in apps for a desktop operating system? Really?

Iridium sat comms module comp goes completely TITSUP


Channeling Lefty Rimmer here a bit, but...

Communications Launcher (Iridium Traffic) On Restriced Impulse Spacecraft

No South Park comments, please.

Broadband routers: SOHOpeless and vendors don't care


Re: OpenWRT?

Big-G wrote: ..and, apart from polishing your halo, your point is ?

I suspect his point is if he can do it securely, why can't the manufacturers who, let's face it, have far more resources and cash available to them than he does? You can't expect Joe Facebook to look at a plastic box with blinkenlights that is allowing him to see funny cat videos and make a rational review of its ability to fend off nasties. That's the manufacturer's responsibility.

One would almost think it's deliberate. Almost. Hanlon's razor applies. To pile on the quotes in a vain attempt to sound authoritative, only two things in life are infinite: The Universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the former.

Qualcomm, China shake hands, all is forgiven – if Qualcomm pays $975m

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Re: China & Chronos.

awood-something_or_other wrote: That's rich Chronos. If we're bourgeois what does that make you fucks?

I don't really mind being a fuck. As George Carlin said, in this context fuck is a synonym for fellow. Who's the British fuck? Chronos. Chronos is the British fuck.

Actually, I was using the term ironically. Epithets like "bourgeois" are used by people who, if they're honest, are just a little bit jealous of your lifestyle. Rejoice in it. In case you missed it, Mediatek and Allwinner are Chinese fabless SoC houses. They both flout the GPL and refuse to release sources, which is why I said this is a bloody cheek. Say what you like about Qualcomm, at least they play the game, which is why we have CynaogenMod for many Qualcomm equipped handsets. How many Mediatek 'phones have Cyanogen? Oh yes, none. No source.

So, you see, I wasn't having a go at our Leftpondian friends at all. Apart from your propensity for driving on the wrong side of the road, you're really fairly decent folk.



So when does Mediatek gets its wrists slapped for GPL violations and being about as transparent as a black hole? Oh, wait, I suspect that'll be "never" since they're home grown rather than being bourgeois Americans.

I haven't forgotten Allwinner, either. So when do we get those kernel sources, lads?

Bloody cheek...

Post-pub nosh neckfiller: The Red Dwarf chilli chutney egg sarnie


State of the art sarny?

"It's the state of the floor I'm worried about." </Holly>

UK watchdog grills big biz: So HOW do you use their 'consumer data'?


Slurp it, trade it, sell it, swap it...

...store it, mine it, monetise it?

Damn you, now I'm going to have that tune in my head all day, along with images of the animatronic Chuckie with his face peeled off.

To keep it on topic, if you don't want it mined, don't give it out in the first place. Think before you fill in that form, "do these people really need this information? Can these people validate this information?" If the answer is no to either, simply don't fill it in or falsify. Honesty may be the best policy but sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. If you drop a dead cow down the well of your digital footprint they're going to have to stop slurping the water from it eventually.

'One day, YOU won't be able to SENSE the INTERNET,' vows Schmidt


Smart Metering, step one.

Tie it all together, make it mandatory, farm it out. Eric Blair never in his wildest nightmares saw this one coming. It'll be under the guise of saving energy to start with, i.e. your IoT lightbulb isn't sensing any movement in that room so can safely switch off, not a huge saving assuming efficient LED, but fifty thousand of them doing the same thing adds up. Then you move on to appliances like washers and driers timing their runs for off-peak demand signalled by the meter, which people like because it's cheaper and automatic. All very sensible.

Then your 'fridge gets connected to a supermarket on-line ordering system which lets the do-gooders gradually remove all the sugar and salt from the stuff you like until everything tastes worse than the box it comes in, your telly starts recording stuff you watch most frequently (throwing the odd bit o' propaganda in for good measure when TPTB decide it would be nice, along with facial profiling to see what you react to the most) and your car uploads its geo tracks for the day to the road pricing initiative when the net goes quiet. Get them used to everything happening for them and, suddenly, they're paying no attention to what it's all actually doing. Slowly, oh so slowly, you lose control of your life.

Then you scrape the data and profile folks. Ker-fuckin'-ching, not to mention being a snooper's paradise.

Linux 'GRINCH' vuln is AWFUL. Except, er, maybe it isn't



Sounds like sudo. Expected behaviour, nothing to see, be more careful with your sudoers file.

GERONTIC 'Ghost ship' prowled the undersea cables of the 1940s



Do I sense a new Dirk Pitt adventure? "GERONTIC: Pitt and Giordino discover a ghost ship filled with highly sensitive 1940s communications technology and must race a group of international whistleblowers known only as 'The Vultures' to protect its secrets."

It's a wreck, guys. A ghost ship floats about on its own without a crew. More than that, it's a deliberate wreck. The bloody navy sank it on purpose. Perlmutter would have known exactly where, when, what ordnance was used and the Captain's family tree without so much as demanding a bacon butty. It would be a very short book.

BOFH: Santa, bloody Santa


Re: i can understand it

wowfood wrote: I have the urge

I'd keep that to yourself if I were...


Brits conned out of nearly £24m in phone scams in one year

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Re: Wrong tree

Have an upvote, cleverclogs :-)


Re: Wrong tree

AC: It sounds more like something for the ITU to scratch their heads over but given the scale of the problem that might be as far as they get. How would *you* fix this without breaking the PSTN?

All very interesting technical points. Personally I'd give subscribers the choice between rejecting dubious calls with fine-grained controls, with the caveat that they may be barring legit traffic at their own risk, or continuing with the broken-arsed mess in case they need the old "features."

Of course, none of this disproves my original assertion that it is the broken-arsed mess that is the core of the problem and the problem will remain unless someone with a little more interoperability-fu than I comes up with a solution. If anything, it has provided proof of the issue.


Re: Wrong tree

ACOur CPs can't force anyone in Mumbai to send an ID signal. So if there is no caller ID what are CPs to do? They can't arbitrarily block anonymous incoming international calls as that would be interfering with your service. Okay so perhaps they will allow you to 'opt out' of anonymous calls. But then what happens if your granny is on holiday in Mumbai and needs help and she just happens to be using a phone that doesn't transmit caller ID information?

Precisely that. If I use *227# to signal my unwillingness to receive anonymous calls, it should apply to all anonymous calls, whether wilfully or technically castrated of CID. Granny will just have to get in touch with the consulate, I'm afraid.

Which leads on to the second part of the problem which is that quite a few organisations that deal with sensitive personal information like to withhold their number. GP surgeries often do for example.

Good point, which is why this needs to be discussed properly. I'm not suggesting my rant above is a fully-arsed solution but it makes a much better starting point than the mess we have right now. It may be possible, just as an example, to allow certain government and healthcare departments to bypass anonymous call barring. I'm pretty sure the police are already able to do so if needed. This must not be extended to surveys, market research or political parties, however.


Wrong tree

I shall say it again, the legislators are barking up the wrong tree. The telcos need to enforce caller ID and anonymous call blocking properly, not the half-arsed 10 specific numbers and maybe block anonymous calls if they're in the UK, or maybe not, depending on wind direction and the position of Mars. Caller ID spoofing should be an offence too. If the caller is in darkest Mumbai, the caller ID should damned well say so. Translating the different caller ID schemas is not rocket science for an industry that can now cram video on demand down a flaky fifty year old pair of copper wires.

The problem remains that cold calling, scams and fake tech support calls are lucrative for the telcos. Until that is addressed, this will continue. Giving the subscriber a little control over who they allow to make their 'phone ring would be a good start, too. Yeah, yeah, TruCall. It's not enough to expect granny to pay for a box to stop her getting scammed and mithered every five seconds because some telco wants the termination charges.

Tough Banana Pi: a Raspberry Pi for colour-blind diehards


Re: AHCI controller

PH1: Apparemtly the Sata port is connected to the usb controller

No, it isn't.

[ 1.561275] sw_ahci sw_ahci.0: controller can't do PMP, turning off CAP_PMP

[ 1.572528] sw_ahci sw_ahci.0: forcing PORTS_IMPL to 0x1

[ 1.585288] sw_ahci sw_ahci.0: AHCI 0001.0100 32 slots 1 ports 3 Gbps 0x1 impl platform mode

[ 1.600184] sw_ahci sw_ahci.0: flags: ncq sntf pm led clo only pio slum part ccc

Incidentally, the controller on the A20 *can* do port multiplication with a hack but it then needs the PM connected all the time - it won't run with just a drive connected without removal of the hack.


Re: Seems to me...

Video acceleration is doable, Henry. The 2D accelerated fbturbo driver is a doddle to install. You need UMP and the mali kernel module for 3D OpenGL-ES which is sod-all use on Linux at the moment but a shim layer and a GLU implementation exist to translate a subset of GL functions to GLES. Yes, it's faff, but it is available and is slowly finding its way into distros. The fact that the much more expensive Cubietruck (comparison to the cubieboard2 is wrong since the CB2 only has 100mbps Ethernet) uses the same chipset helps enormously, although the CT has 2GB of memory and a VGA connector.

There exists an XBMC image with acceleration enabled.


WiFi only on Banana *Pro*

The original Banana Pi has gigabit Ethernet but no 802.11 on board. The Pro has both, along with an extended R-Pi "compatible" 40 pi GPIO connector. There's also an BPi-R1 router board with a four port switch and space for a 2.5" HD on board.

GbE tops out around 600mbps in tests here which, although isn't quite as fast as desktop adapters, is still a substantial improvement on 100baseTX. Downside is a dynamic MAC address on the Ethernet, so if you're doing DHCP with static leases you'll need to hardcode a MAC somewhere, either in the fex/script.bin or the OS itself.

If you don't want the snot green desktop, give Bananian a go. It doesn't make assumptions, just gives you a nice, almost pure Debian install to build upon. Repos are pure Debian armhf, no funny business. Accelerated 2D/GL-ES/video is a bit of a ballache but is doable if you follow the instructions on the sunxi-linux wiki.

Oh, and as for "against the ethos of the R-Pi" perhaps it is, but you still get dual core ARMv7 with NEON, 1GB of RAM (minus graphics and stream decode) and SATA on *less* power than the original R-Pi B. The B+ has a switching regulator setup rather than the linear setup of the original B, so it a little more frugal and beats the Banana, but it's still only single core 512MB.

Posted, unsurprisingly, from a Banana Pi :-)

It's BLOCK FRIDAY: Britain in GREED-crazed bargain bonanza mob frenzy riot MELTDOWN


Perspective, people.

You know you're a shallow materialist when getting some cheap tat is worth looking like an ill-mannered tosser running with a flock of other ill-mannered tossers.

Black Friday: Put a steak on it, the swelling may go down. Or was that eyes?

What? El Reg had a cheap dig at Putin?! SAY IT AIN'T SO


Windows 8 and dog pats

I wrote a short essay on my first experiences with Windows 8 and the wonders of shutdown. There may be a few swearies in there.

Philip Morris seeks pay-per-puff patent to help you STOP smoking


Joyetech eVic

The eVic has had a puff counter from day one. It's one of the most annoying features ever to be built into an e-cig. IIRC, the Darwin, Evolv's first foray into variable power, also had a puff counter.

As for nicotine being "more addictive than cocaine" and other nonsensical utterances, that may well be true when combined with additives to enhance that effect along with MAOIs and other naturally occurring substances in tobacco but, on its own, it's about as dangerous and addictive as caffeine.

As for PM and the other big tobacco players (no pun intended), most vapers are happy to be free of their clutches so, frankly, they can just sod off.

WTF is ... Virtual Customer Premises Equipment?


My data went to 65,536 ports and all I got was this lousy browser

Of course, most customers won't notice the change. Heaven knows, they calmly accept the conversion of the once-open Internet with the Web as its interface into a dizzying array of nearly worthless single-function apps.

In much the same way as you have just described hypertext transfer the be-all and end-all of the Internet? Oh, the irony...

Royal Navy parks 470 double-decker buses on Queen Elizabeth


Still utterly useless

...without the tin cans and other screening elements this huge target needs to actually be able to operate. Given that the Brylcreem brigade scuppered the last attempt at updating our carriers and left the way open for the down-sizing of the tin cans, perhaps the budget for rebuilding our screening force should come from them?

Natch, it'll never happen. Aerial superiority is another of those phrases they like to throw out like it trumps everything else, never mind they had to move Singapore to make their case that we don't need to rule the waves. One wonders how the Falklands would have turned out had the Invincible and her Harriers not been available.

Good luck to HMS Queen Elizabeth and her crew. I have a feeling they're going to need it

/me raises glass to a willing foe and sea room...

Symantec: Antivirus is 'DEAD' – no longer 'a moneymaker'


Look on the bright side!

Thanks to Symantec, everyone now knows what the PC decrapifier is for. That has to be a net positive, surely?

Granny's Guardian: Acorn BBC Micro hero touts OAP watchdog kit


Just what elderly people need!

Even fewer in-person visits from family and friends. I'm sure they'll all be very grateful.

US govt: You, ICANN. YOU can run the internet. We quit


Oh gods!

Now it's going to be run by committee with consultations and stakeholders. What could possibly go wrong?

Beer. It'll help.

Microsoft asks pals to help KILL UK gov's Open Document Format dream


Re: Kettle, met pot, pot meet kettle

VRH: "With the practical demise of KDE and Koffice there is no second implementation for ODF anyway so it fails to be an open standard."

What? There are three suites I can name off the top of my head that support ODF: OpenOffice, LibreOffice and the Android viewer. None of these solutions require a king's ransom for the general public to access, so they are both free as in freedom and free as in beer. A free standard simply provides a interoperability - there is no critical mass dictated to qualify as one.

KDE's current issue is their insistence on making every back-end, including those which most definitely don't need any more than a flat file with a few lines in it, into a bloody database and then changing the schema every time someone farts. For the vast majority of users whose OCD doesn't stretch to configuration, back-ends, process economy and wanting their e-mail client to work after a minor point upgrade, KDE is alive and kicking.

Elderly Bletchley Park volunteer sacked for showing Colossus exhibit to visitors


Re: Bad faith all around

BYW, the local Milton Keynes Amateur Radio Club were also ask to leave as they did not fit into the new vision of BP.

They were displaced by the RSGB's "National Radio Centre," which is a fancy name for an advertising hut for the major manufacturers of chequebook tat. The RSGB now do exactly what MKARS did - only badly, with all the soul, intellect and appeal of a putrescent deceased rat - with the sole intention of parting as many fools from the contents of their wallets as possible, as is the RSGB's wont. MKARS showed the public that amateur radio could be interesting. The RSGB simply see it as an income stream.

These two organisations were made for each other, it seems.

Amazon, Hollywood, Samsung: PLEASE get excited about 4K telly



...and I'm not talking 4k, either. I mean content as in value. Why shell out on yet another new device to watch the same old crap? Dad's Army looks just as good now as it did back then, in whatever format, simply because it's *quality*. Britain's Got (no) Talent, however, will just be four times as hideous in 4k.

Blighty's great digital radio switchover targets missed AGAIN


22dB SNR...

...and still glitches on the recovered audio. No, sod it, DAB isn't fit for purpose. No idea why they're so desperate to clear Band II, either.

Finally it happens: MAN BITES DOG - after stabbing himself


Old Rhino Skin.

Shame it wasn't a Doberman. Konstabel Els would be proud.

BOFH: Backup server's failed? We have a backup backup server


The Channel

See, you lot are still stuck with the old hard/soft/service paradigm. The smart money is in HCQS: Halon, carpet, quicklime and shovels.

Typical! Google's wonder-dongle is a solution looking for a problem


Re: Analogy overload

Give me a fiver and I'll tell you how to make it go away.

(Hint: it's called a power button. DAMN! I'll never get my fiver now!)

You're not married, are you? Thought not.


Analogy overload

As usual, Orlowski cuts through the bull and hype and tells it like it is. It's akin to releasing a bestseller with blank pages for you to fill in yourself.

Let's be honest, though, the TV we already have is dull, dreary, repetitive, shallow, judgmental propaganda aimed at the lowest common denominator. Can you really see savvy people paying for more of it? Christ, I might be tempted to give 'em a fiver if they make the existing stuff go away for a couple of hours a day.

Of course, they will get their payoff anyway. What's in it for Google? The same currency you pay them with now: They get valuable data on your interests. The hype just makes it easier for them.

NASA-backed fusion engine could cut Mars trip down to 30 days


Re: Astonishing and nice!

dssf: We might become a rep-Warp civilization in under 200 years, maybe even 100...

Aye, and we may be able to manage being civilised to each other before that, too. Something to look forward to...

Health pros: Alcohol is EVIL – raise its price, ban its ads


Re: In other news...

AC: I was with you until you wrote this. As a non-smoker, I still think back in horror to the time when I could happily be forced to passively smoke someone else's fumes and cough my guts out at any place and time!

I was hoping that would provoke that reply. Sorry to have manipulated you but that nicely leads me into another rant.

There isn't a smoker on the planet who will deny that smoking is harmful. We know it is but once it has hold of you it's very difficult for the head to overrule the body's needs. Until personal vapourisers arrived - e-cigs, if you like. I bought a couple of CE4 eGo kits in January. The second day I just forgot to light up and haven't burnt a strand of tobacco since. This is after trying all the pharmaceuticals and cessation "aids."

You would almost think, given the data about the place on just how much use these NRT products are, that the entire anti-smoking rhetoric is more to be seen to be doing something than actually doing it. After all, smokers die younger and the only people who pay more tax than smokers are motorists. Less pension, more income. What's not to like?

Now look what's happening. I agree you shouldn't have to suffer because of my habits. I agree that smokers' sidestream emissions are harmful to others. I'm sure many other smokers do, too.

What I don't agree with is the removal of choice. It seems Dr. Clive Bates, one of the founders of ASH who were so rabidly anti-smoking that it used to look like a form of zealotry, agrees.

Please note: I haven't stopped using nicotine. I do not intend to stop using nicotine. These things aren't medicine because medicine cures a disease. I'm not ill. I'm enjoying my nicotine just fine thank you very much.


In other news...

A broad coalition of ordinary people today released a report detailing the evils of unenlightened halfwits in ivory towers releasing reports on things of which they have no personal experience.

The report details several harmful behavioural traits these reports cause such as anger, tendency to damage inanimate objects and the overpowering urge to strangle the living shit out of yet another do-gooder incapable of minding their own fucking business.

"MYOFB's" chairperson today said "If we allow these people to continue spouting crap from atop their high horses, time will come when everything down to and including farting in public will attract either heavy taxation or be banned," followed by a loud burst of the trouser trumpet to illustrate his point.

Non-experts welcomed this report with reactions ranging from "About time, too" to "Fuck off, I'm trying to do my bloody shopping here! Sodding surveys..." As we were running away from that bloke, a small group of people standing in the rain outside the pub also gave their opinion on the dangers of unrestrained do-gooding:

"We're smokers. There used to be lots of us but the do-gooders told us we were evil and had to stand outside. Just go take a look inside the pub and you'll find there's nobody in there at all now. This is what they want - to ruin everything even remotely joyful."

Help-desk hell


Before ADSL

Customer on the 'phone, I'm the build manager for our company which was also a VISP. Being technical, I was also second-level support for the VISP arm.

Customer: Your <expletive> Internet is down again!

Me: I'm showing no outage at present. Do you mind checking a few things for me before I call our datacentre?

Customer: I need my e-mail for my business! I'm losing <expletive> money here!

At this point we launch into a diagnostic session where I find that her modem is connected to the fax line, the modem is responding nicely to AT commands and the PPP setup is correct as far as I can tell. Customer is getting increasingly vehement that our dial-up is mams vertical, although my console says it's fine.

Customer: <long trail of expletives randomly laced with other words that make no sense>

While she's swearing at me, I'm on the other line to BT checking her fax line. BT faults comes back with a very interesting cause. Back to line 1 where she's still expounding on my ancestry, habits and probable fate.

Customer: My business is suffering because of your <expletive> incompetence! You're a <expletive> and I'm going to sue you for loss of earnings!

Me: Have you tried paying the bill for your fax line recently?

Cue tumbleweeds. Sometimes you're the statue, occasionally you're the pigeon.

Google shares dive as profits reported down 20%


That'll be...

8K earnings (Beta), then?

Only buy Huawei or ZTE if you like being SPIED ON - US politicos



...meet kettle. Kettle, this is pot. You both seem to absorb all wavelengths of light to a similar degree.

Climate sceptic? You're probably a 'Birther', don't vaccinate your kids

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Re: Climate sceptic?

S: BTW, it is possible to do this *and* innoculate your children.

Precisely. I was prioritising, not excluding.

With regard to the comment upthread, yes, my son does question me and my place in this household. It's his right as an individual to do so and disallowing that would be hypocritical in the extreme. What would also be hypocritical would be to allow him to think that power is fair, so quite often I win by default even if I'm wrong. It prepares him for the real world where this sort of thing is the norm.


Climate sceptic?

No, I'm just sceptical, end of. Bullshit is everywhere.The first thing I do when faced with one of these "truths" is follow the money. If it leads to one of the usual suspects, well, what's new there?

The best thing you can do for your kids isn't vaccinate them, it's to teach them to question everything.

Torvalds bellows: 'The GNOME PEOPLE are in TOTAL DENIAL'


Re: Gnome??

SG: I've tried tint2, but can't think of a use for it additional to those two.

OpenDesktop compliant notification area is one of the reasons I use it and, even then, it's in autohide mode. I use Pidgin a lot and having it iconify to the notification area saves desktop space. I could use Openbox's dock, but it's a bit ugly and doesn't play well with Twinview, which I need to allow me to have gschem and a datasheet in front of me at the same time without having to wear out Alt and Tab. It also gives you a twinview screen specific taskbar which C-D doesn't. Also indispensable is Tilda, having got very used to Yakuake on the F10 key when using KDE.

SG: Plus, for some time, I've felt that Gnome developers in particular have lost the plot. Like storing all configuration information in a single binary file. Fine until it gets broken, just like the Windows registry.

Those who will not learn from Windows are doomed to repeat its mistakes. The other problem I've found with all DEs is dependency on a particular ABI, annoying when you use a kernel and userland other than GNU/Linux as I do, which you touched upon with volume management. Solid in KDE takes this one step further into the realms of madness.

The UI should provide just enough to get work done, manage windows, interface with the underlying OS and then stay the hell out of the way. DEs are increasingly forgetting this prime directive.


Re: Gnome??

I've gone even further and ditched anything that professes to be a "Desktop Environment." XFCE and Enlightenment was looked at and dismissed for carrying the same disease. My session now consists of Openbox, Tint2 and Cairo-dock. What did it for me was bloody Akonadi crapping itself every five minutes and the huge swathe of shit I had to recompile every time KDE developers so much as moved their mouses. Yeah, yeah, cclient, delete ~/.local/akonadi (or something), do you want a refund, blah blah blah, not good enough. Losing the flagship e-mail client on every point release was not good publicity. Stop this nonsense forthwith!

On that note, a huge thank you to the developers of Sylpheed and Claws for producing a decent client that works without some awful, flaky RDBMS/SQL backend.