I would love to be able to support the Green Party, but I can't get past the constant quoting of fuzzy facts and the inability to understand the difference in generating capacity between rooftop solar panels and what this country actually needs. You can't make adults numerate, especially when they don't want to be.
This is my exact problem. I have a few panels and I know what they generate as I built the MPPT tracker that keeps an eye on them. Factoring in the cost and the resources used to make the things in the first place, they don't really make financial or ecological sense. It's the same story with electric cars. Mining the raw materials, shipping them to Japan, making Li_Ion cells and then shipping them to Tesla is not ecologically sound, even if the electricity that recharges them (500 times or so before they're stuffed and the whole wasteful cycle starts again) was renewable, which there's a fairly good chance it wasn't.
Just like Ms May's "reaction" to these latest exceptions that prove evolution, it's all "to be seen to be doing something." Nobody cares if it's actually effective, it's just a sop to the PR people.
Well, hopefully it's just a sop or we've got a real problem with both the major parties deliberately steering us into 1984 with knobs on.