Re: Simple explanation
Pray tell, how long did it take for you to find out that an IPv4's octets cannot be greater than 255? Or that a /31 is useless? IPv6 addresses are simply a string representation of 128 bits. IPv4 addresses are the same but 32 bits. If you can't read hex you really shouldn't be messing with stuff like this.
I suspect that's why the initial design called for embedding the MAC in the last 64 bits padded with ff:fe, since that forced you to think in hex and discover how simple it is. Obviously, this didn't work for everyone.
And, if you really want to memorise addresses, you can always go static. Your site prefix is 2a03:dead:beef::/48. Your router is on 2a03:dead:beef::1. Your LDAP&KRB5 primary is on 2a03:dead:beef::10 Your DNS boxen operate split-brain serving one set of AAAA and PTR ( records and recursive service for 2a03:dead:beef::/48 and authoritative, if needed, for foreigners doing lookups on your ip6savvy.example domain. Your firewall blocks anything forwarded in/out on [2a03:dead:beef::]:137-139,445 and keeps a state table of all other traffic out, only letting requested packets back in unless there's a service running. Your workstation in mission control is on 2a03:dead:beef::1337. Eventually it becomes utterly mundane, boring and just as logical as IPv4.
Where is does fall down is all the maddening hoops, MTU settings, tunnel endpoint updates and protocol-breaking new packet types it takes¹ to actually get a sodding connection to the outside world, fending off detractors and nay-sayers while network access providers continue to argue, bitch and moan about how difficult it all is despite the fact that Murdoch's merry band of fraction-wits managed it right across their network without anyone ever noticing.
If IPv4 is so simple, without looking it up anywhere. give me the list of bogon, multicast, loopback and RFC1918 prefixes. No, seriously, I haven't checked my bogons list in a while...
¹ Actually, if you run OpenWRT with the SIT and luci-6in4 modules, it's a doddle. Whatever a doddle is.