It just makes it seem doomed from the outset.
67 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Oct 2007
So, one of the guys at my college, who actively supports the BNP and is openly fascist can now be arrested? And if I jokingly send 'terrorist' emails, I will get arrested?
"Actually there are no extremist Christians...wanting to blow us up in the name of their respective gods???"
No, there are extremist Christians wanting to blow up Muslims in the name of their god.
I can't say I'm surprised. Whatever the truth is (the kids were failed because their work was rubbish/it was the wrong format/the examiners are lazy) the way 'IT' is taught in schools is awful. Edexcel's IT course papers are verging on the impossible to decipher, or are so vague that you feel you could get marks by doing anything at all.
Then there's the course content...Databases (MS Access) Spreadsheets (MS Excel) and naff 'eportfolios' made in Dreamweaver. The multimedia unit would be ok if I had actually been given any experience in using Flash beforehand.
I use Windows, and Vista at that. I do patch regularly. I have firewall and AV. I don't expect it to keep me safe, so I try to be careful when browsing. I've had an XP computer for the past few years, and done the same. I can't remember the last malware/virus infection I had. Then again, I've also used Ubuntu for the past year, and liked it a lot. Didn't get any viruses on that either.
Maybe I'm just lucky.
Penguin, save me from the flamers!
Looks like that Astrophysics degree I'll be taking will be consigned to the back garden and amateur astronomy...
On topic, science GCSEs are crap and haven't got better...I looked at the textbook for the current double award, and it had got easier than the one I took...last year. No point getting kids into science if they aren't taught anyhting worthwhile (wiring a plug in physics classes? Par for the course...)
"They are the most serious world wide phenomenon currently affecting us"
Right, so they *nearly* crashed into one police copter. In Cardiff. And that makes them a serious world wide phenomenon. Right. If you're being sarcastic and I'm missing it, please correct me, but surely global warming/climate change/terrorism/earthquakes/volcanoes etc are more serious? I've never actually heard of anyone dying/having their car taxed/having their liberties removed over UFOs...
As a student, who's failed miserably to get part time jobs, I'd like to know exactly how all these people intend young people get experience...unless we're given the chance, which happens to be given by good qualifications...
Good on the guy for getting the cert...10 months to pass is good going imo.
Now, this reminds of something the UK government intends to do.
And it has the same dificencies: it provides a single portal for any security loopholes to be exploited. Woohoo. At least it may be marginally more secure than something the UK government implements...but that's not very difficult.
Paris, cos I haven't used her as an icon yet.