* Posts by peachydave

2 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Oct 2007

Battle of Britain pilots actually crap shots

Dead Vulture


Dont get me wrong...I spend a fair bit of time on my PC and I'm fond of the occasional Pot-noodle, its just interesting how someone who knows what he is talking about (because he has actually done his research) can publish a paper (which by the way doesnt consist of just the random quotes in the article) and then two dozen angry nerds whom have seen the opportunity for some flaming and spent two minutes feverishly clicking around wikipedia try and pull his work to pieces.

This is why maybe IT-related websites should stick to IT, unfortunately you can sit a gawky, furry toothed nerd in front of a glowy screen with access to innumerable pieces of third hand information and they are no match for a degree and a decade of research.

Igor-style human, animal parts assembly on horizon



"And no need to trot out Chris Reeve anymore whining about how only dead baby mojo can cure people injured by their own decisions and lifestyles."

Being that he died three years ago that would be tricky....