Japanese Cell phones
Some of the cell phones in Japan are really innovative. I wish they worked in the US!! http://www.kyoex.com/
6 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Oct 2007
They would allow the vendors to offer both Vista and XP on every machine. If Vista is so wonderful all the users would ask for it surely? If not then they would no be forcing it on everyone and would have a true market response to their new product. As it is when you are only allowed one choice that does not indicate customer satisfaction.
I have to go along with Drak and Gerhardt, but with one more twist. I know of at least one business that would switch over to Linux in a heartbeat if (AND ONLY IF) they could get their business software to run on it. (Either by using a Mono-Wine bridge or by having the manufacturer support Linux). The desktop itself is close enough already. They are thoroughly fed up with Micro-dollar and do not want to go to Vista. People need to have the software they rely on working on a new OS before they will switch. That is the largest hurdle that Linux will need to get over if it is to win significant amounts of the market. If I had the dollars to invest I would pour the entire amount into emulation environments until Linux reached such critical mass that developers considered it a MUST platform to support for their products.