Shurely shome kind of coinshidence.....
But anyway - am I still allowed to make the observation that all the postal vote riggers caught so far have also been members of the Religion Of Peace?
70 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Oct 2007
But definitely with the Americans on this one.. this poor dude might deservedly be up for a Darwin award - but if Joe Public over here were allowed to defend him/herself against our own (myriad) Darwinian candidates - I'm thinking mainly here about the ones that wear hoodies and say "innit" a lot - it would probably be one helluva better place to live.
As for the highly offensive remarks about the cousins from the few ignoramuses on here - I'll apologise on your behalf, Gentlemen, so you don't have to lift your knuckles off the floor or get up...
Here's the original from about 5 years ago - funnier and much better-written than these me-toos:
"When my boyfriend told me he wanted to take me up the Oxo Tower for my birthday, I was a bit hesitant at first because I didn't really think it was my scene. How wrong I was! I mean, yeah, so it's a bit of a strain on the old back pocket, and I admit I did feel a bit uncomfortable initially. But a couple of cocktails helped me relax and soon I was really getting into it - we carried on well into the night. It was a great experience and I really loved it - so much so that I won't let my boyfriend take me anywhere else now! So if anyone ever wants to take you up the Oxo Tower, just throw caution to the wind and go for it!"
FSJ scored a spectacular direct hit on this story:
Money quote (Fake Steve speaking) : "Of course we also have another advantage, which is that our business model aligns our interests with the interests of our customers. The happier they are, the more money we make.
Facebook's business model is the opposite. It pits Facebook against its customers. The amount of money that Facebook can make is defined (and constrained) by the degree to which its users will allow themselves to be exploited."
I don't think I've seen a more succinct summary of Facebook's mission anywhere.
The whole 'fanboy/i' range should be removed from authorised Reg Vocab forthwith. Anyone using either should also be banished. Especially when used in conjunction with 'all-caps MAC' to describe Apple machines.
They are clearly getting the Macintosh confused with 'MAC Address' and therefore shouldn't be reading this publication until they're able to demonstrate having completed a full course of 'Computer Active'.
And could we also table the tiresome 'WTF?' for 'lexicological cleansing' while we're at it?
>>Of course it's true that Saudi Arabia is the main sponsor of Muslim terrorism.<<
Er, how can you call Zubrin a bigot, whilst simultaneously concurring with his basic premise?
Zubrin argues from a very simple perspective. End the petrodollar flow to the Middle East, stem or end the Wahabbism that it funds in the West. That's economically sound in my view.
The BBC may not be so politically neutral these days (regrettable, yet true even by its own admission); but I have yet to see any effort from the market come close to what it offers.
The poster who posited the erroneous ' Freeview ergo cheapskate' theory above, forgets that Murdoch's pivotal strategy is football, something in which I personally have little interest - lose de facto exclusivity for this and his empire crumbles.
I am someone who can afford a £500 TV, yet is perfectly happy with Freeview and feels completely unburdened by the need to pay the Digger or Beardy £40+ of my hard-earned, for 500 channels and nothing on.
For once, why can't people (well, Thatcherite economists and ultra-free marketeers at any rate) accept that good things can and do happen without the greed imperative?
I hope this unpleasant little tosser gets what's coming to him inside... this is truly horrific to the point of not being able to summon an El-Reg-type sardonic comment - I'm just burning with rage; and despairing at what this country is becoming :(
R.I.P. to Christine Lakinski - at least you don't have to live here anymore.
"frothing-at-the-mouth zeal"
Hmm... anyone looking at your post and mine would be able to see pretty instantly which one of us is exhibiting hydrophobia.
How do you know what he did or didn't do? That's the problem with barrack room lawyers or, er, "the likes of" you. First up and shouting loudest, with absolutely no evidence or factual commentary on which to base their conspiratorial assertions.
I'm more than happy to accept that British Justice prevailed with this toe-rag, until I'm informed (with some evidence and the application of intellectual rigour) as to why not.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to hold a rally, then burn some children :sigh:
So the El Reg barrack-room commentards have concluded that he's innocent because he put his beheading videos and Jihadi recruitment material in some obscure Windows folder?
Do any of you philosophy professors realise that it's 'idiots' like this that wish to kill you and to destroy your way of life?
I for one am extremely glad that he's in jail - my only regret about this is that the sentence is way too short.
/I'll get me shalwar kameez