Speaking of which...
...what happened to the 4G 3310?
24 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Oct 2007
JMiles is bang on above. How can it be that in the many years since the demise of the Series 5 and Revo no one, but no one, has advanced on Psion's keyboard technology? Even more baffling is why Psion have licenced the tech to anyone (other than Amstrad for that p¡ss poor Emailer thing).
The thought of an iPhone with a Revo keyboard has me salivating.
(Paris, because opening up a Psion was always a joy.)
Like the clever saving hinge that also gave such poise and balance to the Series 3, 5 and Revo?
And how on earth can it be that only Amstrad ever licenced the IP to the fabulous Psion keyboard, as seen on the Series 5 and Revo? I am positively tumescent at the fanstasy of an Apple Netbook with that attached.
Oh, what could have been...
...as a plain-old Freeview PVR that you get free gratis and for nothing.
The problem BT has versus Sky is the comparitive lack of content (if hundreds of unwatchable channels full of drivel constitutes content).
As BT's first toe-in-the-TV-water, Vision is quite impressive, IMO. Try it.
. . . you have to put up with the p¡ss-poor "Home Delivery Network Ltd" as the courier, which as even a cursory googling will attest isn't even worth fifty PENCE a year, let alone fifty QUID.
I have spent THOUSANDS with Amazon over the years, and have been utterly frustrated by their total brick wall responses to my efforts to get my items shipped by Royal Mail, rather than this useless shower of incompetents.
Amazon's once industry-leading customer service has taken a dive from which it may never recover over this HNDL business.