@AC crApple fanboi
Running a browser that, without asking my permission, downloads files or blindly allows well known iframes hacks and who's designers can't be bothered to actually fix the problem ain't going to hunt.
But then again, what else do you expect from a company whose product sells pretty much because it is nothing more than eye candy. Why buy Mac when you can get more for less with a PC and Linux?
And if this browser is so good, why did crApple feel the need to forcibly and fraudulently install it on the computers in a failed attempot to boost it's pathetic 1 to 2% market share. Somewhat ironic since crApple are claiming a 7%+ market share, which means that the vast majority of crApple users are installing Firefox rather than using Safari on it's native platform. Speaks volumes.
Opera? Why install bloatware? I want a web browser to browse the web, not do email, etc. Bollox to apoplication convergence. They are always a compromise.