Yet another reason not to buy Apple crap
The phone you can't use as a phone. Brilliant idea there,. Steviepoos.
201 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Mar 2007
A dodgy guy looking to control the media and shape the news so that it reflects his warped sense of "unbiased" reporting sucking up to someone hellbent on controlling every little thing people do on his overpriced, overhyped hardware.
Why does this not surprise me and also make my spine quiver?
Warners have just shown they are the biggest dunces in that collective lump of stupidity called the recording industry. The RIAA (more correctly called the mafIAA) have repeatedly shown hat they believe the rules apply to everyone but them and that they only have profit at heart, not the artists they purport to represent.
How much of the billions that the mafIAA makes actually goes to the artists? Does the percentage even climb into double figures?
As far as I am concerned they are a bunch of robber barons who need to be kneecapped.
Surely not!
It is not as if they are having to move to a bricks and mortar sales method due to falling turnover or anything like that and it is not as if this wqill generate extra income for them by forcingt people to buy overpriced drives because there is a little Dell logo on it.
Oh, wait, never mind. I forgot who we are talking about here. All this will do is drive customers away from Dell even more, due in no small part toi the normal Dell approach to customer service, in this case being none.
The IPad is a fail. It is nothing more than a oversized, overpriced IPod Touch. So much for the "it will change computing forever" bullshit hype.
No web cam, no USB, no SD card slot, no ethernet, no multitasking, no Ogg Vorbis, no FLAC. WTF were Apple thinking?
And so much for "web pages as they were meant to be seen". More like web pages seen as Jobsientology thinks you should see them.
And is that a trademark lawsuit I see coming over the horizon, given how many items there are out there called iPad? Poor research again, Apple.
No doubt, however, the Apple fanniboys will be crawling all over this, posing with then in the street.
You can install any spoftware you choose to, from anywhere, withput any restriction being placed on what you canm install in any way whatsoever.
Oh wait, that's right. You own an iPhone, so you can only install software thaty has been approved by His Holy Exaltedness Steven Jobs through his cult of Jobscientology.
No, you cannot roll back the OS, but you CAN remove and reinstall any version of any software package you own at any time. You can also install any software you wish to that you obtained from your own chosen source on a Windows PC without some self important gnome saying yes or no, you can or cannot install that.
Yet another great actor has died, reducing the quality of the pool to a much lower level of idiocy, banality and lack of greativity, which, alas, tends to reflect the idiocy, banality and lack of creativity of the movie and TV industry in general.
Rest well, sir. You shall be sorely missed.
the rest of the (mis)management of SCO are still carrying on the pointless, ridiculous charade that was the final nail in the coffin of this company.
Why doesn't the US government do the right thing and just put the thing to sleep like the rabid, toothless dog with four useless legs that it is?
Unfortunately this is just more proof that there are far too many people that buy into the bullshit that these modern day snakeoil salesmen flog off. People would rather believe mystical mumbo-jumbo rather than doing a rigorous study of independently verifiable, uip to date infomation.
They screw up and then, rather than take a resonable, measured approch they just shit in the pool, inconveniencing everyone. You can bet that the piggie eyed managers in the bank will be congratulating eacvh other on yet another smashing of the little people while drinking the most expensive alcohol they can lay their slimey hand on and votingin themselves another 50% pay rise.
Just more proof they should all be put on the B Ark.
"We got completely fucked by all the fack that 99.9% of the comments were negative so we will not be releasing them until they are massaged so thoroughly that the results will say what we want them to say, even though everyone with even 1 operating brain cell, thus eliminating all politicians, knows that nobody wants the bloody thing"
Welcome to the world of the iBrick.
Gotta love Jobsientology's quality control checks. Clearly they tested the update on the full range of their products to make sure none were affected by this.
Or is this a ploy to force older iPhone users to upgrade to newer hardware to avoid this new "feature", allowing them to work as Jobsientology wants them too. Until Jobsientology needs to boost the bottom line again and includes another such "feature" into their product, that is.
the iPods, etc, still cannot play FLAC or Ogg files natively, therefore they are still shit.
What is it about Jobsientology when it comes to supporting the patent free FLAC and Ogg codecs? Look how they had a meltdown over the fact that the patent free Ogg codec was suggested for the HTML 5 video tag, claiming the "uncertainty" about pattents on the Ogg codecs, while pushing another codec which as heavily patented. Why would I not be surprised to see Jobsientology had a chunk of cash in the company that owns the patents for the codec they were pushing.
Typical Jobsientology. Form over function.
What is it about Macro$lut when it comes to fixing security issues within their products? If they can be bothered fixing them it6 usually takes months. Otherwise the Eveil Empire basically just bend over, sprerads it's cheeks and farts excuses like "That is the way it is designed to work" or "This is not a security worry"in the face of it's customers.
M$ do not practice "Security through obscurity" so much as "Security through We don't give a flying fuck!"
Hi Tim.
Have a "document" file I want you to look at. Don't worry about the extensions. Windows will tell you if it is an executable file when you double click on it.
Sorry? What's that? Your computer has a trojan/key logger/spamming bot? Hmmm, I wonder how that got there? It certainly couldn't have been that document file you clicked on by some chance, could it?
Wow, look at the files properties. It IS an executable but with Windows hiding the extension and not having any other easy way of showing that it is an executable is, you would never know.
Is Blizzard the Microsoft of the MMORPG world, leaving software on the market that can be easily exploited without issuing a patcvh and then saying "Don't use anythign but our maps"? That is shocking customer service.
As for the gold selling, it will always happen. Lazy gamers, better known as lamers, will always try to buy ingame currency and/or advanced characters rather than start from scratch.
Having seen the graphics in WoW and then seen the graphics in other MMO's I can't help wondering just what Blizzard are doing with the money they rake is becuase it sure as hell ain't being spent on a decent graphics package.
When was the Wow graphics engine last updated? Or are they afraid that would just introduce another bunch of vulnerabilities?
@ty - I must admit I love Windows. I keeps a nice secondary income for me doing private support work on the home computers of people I work with :) Personally, as I don't do graphics, I have no need for MacOS. I use tools suitable for their jobs.
@Jessica - You can keep your iPod. Any personal music device that cannot play FLACs and Ogg Vorbis or tune into the local radio station is as useful to me as water wings are to a dolphin.
@Ajmdy 97 - Whatever gave you that idea? :)
@AC-9:20 - Nope, never been ther. Looks like I have a fanboi of my own :)
As for the rest, I hearby declare you clear of OSthetans to level 4.
for the inevitable flood of fanniboys that have fallen for Jobsientology, aka The Gospel According To Jobs, claiming it is all lies, that crApples never get viruses, that crApples never crash, that iPood and iTouchyselfinpublic batteries are not exploding and the rest of their usual bullshit.
If it didn't stop this sort of "treatment" then those people would not notice any difference between the camps and the torture , sorry, I mean re-education that political prisonors (the vast majority of prisoners in China) are subjected to.
Also the reason that there is a panic about "net addiction" is that those playing the likes of WoW are not out slaving away for a pittance to support the extended family.
worried about releasing a product with bugs or "features". Let's face it. The people that buy M$ software are the real beta testers, not the bklokes cowering in the back rooms of Redmond.
If this was not the case then M$ would not need to continuously bring out patches for their OS and "productivity" products.
However, calling this one a show stopper is rather like George Shrub calling "Job Finished" in Iraq when he did, namely way off the mark.
I think that Ridley will helm a good movie. Now, if only there was a way to get Joss Whedon involved :)
Yes, that is right. In the movie (which was shown on my local pay TV station on Sunday) Special Order 937, which was coded For Science Officers Eyes Only and only accessed by Ripley via a command over-ride, stated:
Nostromo rerouted to new co-ordinates. Investigate life form. Gather specimen. Priority One. Insure return of organism for analysis. All other considerations secondary. Crew expendable.
I think that the movie will be leading up to that point. It certainly is the most logical route as a prequel, showing the path that led up to the diverting of the Nostromo from her scheduled route.
Just how many "us" there were in the "very hard for us to watch", whether the hard was hard enough to drive in nails, how many sought treatment for rug burns (floor rugs not the Donald Trump type) and how many points out of 10 they awarded Paris for her pitiful attempts at a Thai Throat Massage.
Or is this just a cynical attempt to con people other than the vacuous, vacuum headed type that think she is the greatest thing since cliced bread into watching a schlockumentary that has been approved by the Hilton family and therefore will only present the mindless bint in a positive light.
What will they fill the other 59 minutes of the time slot with (note the other minute included opening and closing titles)?
Typical political leech. He claims that he is disillusioned and exhausted. If this was the case,m and he was standing by his principles (as hard as it is to believe have any left after they get elected) he would stand up and say "I quit with immediate effect" and force a byelection.
However, like every other leech he continues to bleed the public for every single ounce of blood that he can before withdrawing his fangs.
Therefore he is nothing special, just another turd floating in a very large, festering, putrid pool of crap.
As far as I am concerned, if you need to install an application to transfer FLACS, OGGs, MP3s, etc to a MP3 player then that player is crap.
Oops, I forgot, the crApple Ipood can't play FLACs or OGGs natively. Instead it passes them through a shitty "transcoder", ruining them in the process. Why is that? Too bloated an OS code? Lazyness? The fact that crApple cannot force any sort of control on FLAC or OGG because they are open source and patent free?
Why is crApple so afraid of OGG and of FLAC? We saw the same recently when crApple refused to support OGG in the HTML 5 video codec support due to "uncertain patent landscape". What a load of bullshit.
They are as bad, if not worse than Macro$lut.
Somehow I get the feeling you are missing the point of the article. He is pointing out that anyone with access to the I'maposerPhone will be able to crack the "encryption", not just anyone doing a forensic investigation.
This is just another example of crApple dropping the ball. How long will it take them to implement a proper encryption mechanism for their product, not just the obviously slapdash effort that has gone into it so far. Judging by how long it took them to implement simple things like cut and paste or MMS, it is going to be a long time.
iJizzinmypants, because that is what all the crApple fannibois will be doing as soon as it is officially announced.
They will be flooding every possible sight, bleating on about how this device will change everything for everyone everywhere, while completely ignoring the fact that every single attempt at a tablet based device has been an abject failure.
And the rest of the world will laugh at those caught in the Jobsientology hype who fall flat on their faces whenm this device turns out to be as market changing as every other tablet device.
I put together my own boxes. This means that I get a far better system for considerably less than what I would pay for a system put together by some marketing dork.
Yes, I have one Winblows box on my network. That is used for gaming and that is all it is used for. Everything else is done on a Linux box, including the second hand laptop next to my bed.
A bloke standing on the side of the road, todger in hand, taking a slash into his ccar's piss tank.
A boon to the worlds exhibitionists.
But this also raises an interesting question? How would a woman fill the tank (or empty the tank as it were)? Prop one leg up on the side of the car?
The reason this looser is a wannabe script kiddie is because he has an inverted penis, pretty much like the rest of his lackwit mates, so he is trying to compensate for this by running scripts created by someone else then claim the "glory" due to him for other sad, spotty faced herberts still living with mummy.
I think the hospitals should, when he next goes in for surgery, operate on him without anaesthetic, but with as muscle relaxant so he cannot scream then have him recover in a room where the temperature is oscillating between frigid and boiling while lying on a metal trolley with no mattress, sheets or blankets and being forced to listen to Kenny G music while strobes flash randomly.
Yet again that cult know as Apple (aka Jobsientology) have released a flagship product that is so buggy it makes Windows Me look stable.
When will people learn that Jobsientology is all form over function, as can be seen by the fact the Ipod is so limited in the codecs it can play or the completely stupid design of those mice.
It should be interesting listening to the fanniboys defend Jobsientology over this one.