* Posts by Stephen

53 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Oct 2007


Sun introduces first Intel workstation in two decades

Jobs Horns

Looks nice and Solaris is

as stable as they come but I'll stick with my 8 core Mac Pro thanks.

Even if it does come with the annoying Fanboi attachment (so named because of the constant hi-speed whining noise they make).

Was the old 386i one of the early pizzabox Suns? - From memory I think so.

Ships pollute more than planes



I'm a fan of the SG idea. The marketing opportunities write themselves;

For the discerning new foodie, wagyu vegan, guaranteed organic.

And of course McDonalds gets the Big Chav franchise. Which has a delightfully elegant symmetry on the 'you are what you eat' front.


Unimpressed Sheilas mock boy racers' todgers


@ lglethal

But it's worth remembering that "the VAST majority of deaths caused by speeding" are actually not caused by speeding at all but rather by inattention and lack of skill. In the last stats I saw for Australia exceeding the speed limit was the cause of the accident in only 3% of cases as opposed to inattention which was cited as the major cause in about 45%. Of course speed cameras don't see where you're looking...

Add to that there is no way of really determining the speed the crash occurred at (the accident investigation tables are a farce dating back to the 1960s) it's up to the investigating officers to essentially tick a box on a form on what they think caused it. Very scientific and statistically valid I'm sure.
