@ Mike Moyle
"It's unclear from the article whether the portable jammers are momentary-on or always-on switches. If it's a momentary-on type then, assuming that the user doesn't sit holding the button down for the whole trip, texting or checking e-mail shouldn't be a problem"
i.. erm.. don't own one of these.. non-existent.. devices.. and they are indeed momentary only (well, the one i don't own is.. um..isn't.. anyway). and thank christ someone finally contemplated the possibility that these things are point-and-shoot as opposed to nuke from orbit. feh.
i find.. i mean, i would imagine, simply dropping the call a few times would is enough of a deterrent, and i have seen.. i mean, its safe to say, people would send a text message anyway, assuming the coverage was shite. if i'm in close enough range to hear the convo (which for some people is 14.4 brontosaurii) im close enough to get a jist of the call. if it sounds work related, or family related, it gets left alone, and generally these calls don't go for more than 60 seconds anyway. there have also been the odd occasions where an innocent second user, chatting away quietly, would be at risk of having their convo dropped at which times i have refrained as well.. i mean, would have refrained.. if i had one.. which i don't.. again, the momentary action of the device i don't own means inbound and outbound calls are fine to set up, but woe betide you if you start telling someone with some sort of pride about getting drunk and throwing up all over some poor bastard on the night ride home last night.
here in AU, a lot of operators have moved to 3G (adding 2100MHz and busting up some of the 1900MHz band for 3G time channel and data use), and being the tech deprived fools we are, users are lapping it up like kittens on milk. assuming the time divide channels are set up on 1900MHz as it is with Optus here in AU, these beasties should nuke 3G as well. hopefully someones working on one for the 2100MHz band (how 1337 would that be, unmarked black box with 4 antennas on it. i hear ASIO calling already *jammed*)
i do have a problem with continuous jamming though, as mentioned above, due to the possibility an emergency call etc will be blocked. it is a powerful weapon we.. don't.. wield, and it must be used fairly and with the (sometimes undeserved) safety of the general public in mind.
in other news, i have always thought being able to break into a mobile call would be a lot more fun.. "yeah hi, andy was it? look, we here on the 7:45 all to central wish you all the best with your herpes problem, as it turns out we have passed a hat around and hooked you up some cash to get yourself sorted.." that would totally float my boat.
ohh ohh, and a fun game i play with these hellspawn who play music on their iSheeps at stratospheric levels is to stand as close as possible and sing/hum along and/or dance to what they are listening to. when they stop and ask wtf you're doing, tell them you figured that as they were broadcasting to the carriage, you may as well enjoy it. not only do they often turn it down, they will usually walk about 3 carriages away as well. maybe they only do that cuz i wear chains, enough rings in my face to keep sonic going for years and a dead chicken stapled to my forehead.. *shrugs*
this story would have been better if lester wrote it. in his absence i have chosen the sexy goggle dude to man up the article a bit. im going to make an ASCII art "i want lester" image. then you'll all pay..