* Posts by Andromeda

5 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Oct 2007

Powerline Ethernet specialist preps 400Mb/s unit

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Well my current Powerline 200Mb gets 110Mb on the download and 90Mb on the upload with one of them plugged into a 4 gang extension, but both are connected within the same ring main.

Not tested the speed on seperate ring mains but there didn't appear to be any significant differences.

Beeb censors Fairytale of New York


I couldn't be arsed giving a title

This political correctness is absolute bullshit. Radio 1 has been paying this song every CHRISTMAS for the past 26 years without censoring out the word FAGGOT without a single complaint about offence being taken by the word FAGGOT being broadcast to the general population of this country and now anyone who wishes to listen around the world via the internet.

If there is anyone out there that takes offence the word FAGGOT being used within the context of this song should turn of the radio for the duration of the song as soon as it starts just so they cannot be offended by it.

As usually it is the majorities enjoyment that is spoit by the opinions of the minority (but not in this case), it is happening far too much in this country and the NANNY state that the goverment is producing is now rubbing off on normal institutions, as they now believe that they can censor what ever they want with out any backlash from the majority.

I could carry on forever but I suppose I should stop there, but I have just a few more words to say.

FAGGOTS, ARSE, BOLLOCKS censor that you fuckers.

Grumpy old man getting coat, going to car, putting "Fairytale of New York" on at full blast WITHOUT ANYTHING BEING BLEEPED OUT.

Six-month hangover for 60-pint Scotsman



JP, have you been drinking as will because your title is slurred, surely.

I'm not surprised he has domestic arguments if, when he does have one, he disappears for 4 days and is completely inebriated for the duration.

Also after downing 60 pints how the hell could he remember exactly how much he had drank anyway.

I'm just another grumpy old man.

MPs claim IT supply savings


CSA a pile of shite anyway

The father pays the CSA £100 per week and yet the CSA pays the mother £5 a week because she is on Income Support (either she is unable to get a job or too bone idle to get a job), where does the other £95 a week go? This doesn't benefit any of the children within that family, the father no longer has the money to be able to buy his kids shoes or take them out on trips and the extra £5 a week the mother gets isn't going to go very far now is it.

The CSA is only there to make the honest fathers who actually care about their children pay and screw them over.

If the mother works then she gets paid the full amount paid to the CSA by the father minus an admin charge.

When is the CSA finally going to DIE and do our children a favour. I, for one, would be quiet happy to pay directly to the ex-wife instead of that pile of shite government department so that my children benefit from the money and not someone elses children because their father could not be arsed paying.

It would appear to me, and a would like to be corrected if anyone can, that the CSA are quiet happy to hound the fathers that do pay than chasing the fathers that don't/wont/refuse to pay what is due.

I think I will have to stop there before this post gets ten times longer than it is.

Grumpy old man signing out.

Plan for 20mph urban speed-cam zones touted


Grumpy old men

There have been a few comments about public transport being better used to reduce the number of deaths on the road. But its all the governments fault that the public transport systems are such a shambles.

The amount of fuel duty/road tax/VAT on fuel that we pay to the government has increased, yet the amount that the Government invests in public transport (especially outside of the metropolis called London) has been reduced year upon year. Can I point you to a slide that the BBC produced back in 2005, especially slide 3.


The Government is now leaving it up to the local councils to decide where and when tolls on the roads should be introduced and I am 100% certain that, even though the councils say that the money raised will go back in to public transport, the councils will waste the money on hiring 20 more people to push paper work around the council offices and hire another 20 staff to produce statistics showing that things are improving.

I think I have just become one of those grumpy old men.