CSA a pile of shite anyway
The father pays the CSA £100 per week and yet the CSA pays the mother £5 a week because she is on Income Support (either she is unable to get a job or too bone idle to get a job), where does the other £95 a week go? This doesn't benefit any of the children within that family, the father no longer has the money to be able to buy his kids shoes or take them out on trips and the extra £5 a week the mother gets isn't going to go very far now is it.
The CSA is only there to make the honest fathers who actually care about their children pay and screw them over.
If the mother works then she gets paid the full amount paid to the CSA by the father minus an admin charge.
When is the CSA finally going to DIE and do our children a favour. I, for one, would be quiet happy to pay directly to the ex-wife instead of that pile of shite government department so that my children benefit from the money and not someone elses children because their father could not be arsed paying.
It would appear to me, and a would like to be corrected if anyone can, that the CSA are quiet happy to hound the fathers that do pay than chasing the fathers that don't/wont/refuse to pay what is due.
I think I will have to stop there before this post gets ten times longer than it is.
Grumpy old man signing out.