Agreed, Dutchman.
In reaction to: In the Netherlands it's not towels the Germans are famous for...
I agree. The Dutch are the worst people to have in your resort or on your camping. They bring their own food, are sticklers for low pricing and consider the Netherlands the best country in the world (shouting this often while commenting on other peoples culture and their lack of tollerance - WHAT?!). Oh, and don't forget the campers clogging up the roads from Moscow to Manchester! They're as loud as the most yobbish Brit, as stubborn as a German, as flirtatious as a Spannish beach comber with crabs (no.. not the animals) and as respectful as Al Qaeda interogators at Abu-Graib prison.
Conclusion: when on holiday avoid the Dutch at all costs! Trust me, I know. I am one. And I feel the shame.