Brave Browser
Installed it when a FF update broke NoScript.
Never went back.
131 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Oct 2007
"get agreement from all parties on what will be built before they even start anything"
Spoken like someone who has never worked on any construction ever.
- The client changes their mind all the time.
- Depending on who is off sick at the time, the authorities change/reverse/reverse again what they will sign off.
- The architect floats around with vaguely scribbled ideas.
- Components arrive built wrong and you either adapt to them, adapt them, or accept delay of getting them re-done
Didn't there used to be a rule that registrars were not allowed to own large numbers of domains themselves?
Did that get changed or has it just been so widely flouted that now the flouting is put into press releases?
*or insert your own preferred failed analogy. something something cars. something something real estate.
"say you'll pay them via a 10 per cent share of any extra profit their systems generate"
More like: Hi massive retailer, we'll setup the appliances and BI software at half price and support it and in return you give us a cut of the revenue you get selling access to the data back to your suppliers.
It happens.
"they have"
"they would do so"
Your tenses don't match, making it hard to understand what you are saying.
If you are saying they have already emailed, then I didn't get that email.
If you are saying that they have indicated they will be emailing in future, then that is too late, as I've already found out the news via the Reg, rather than directly from the company themselves.
"oh no, can't repair this. Has to be couriered to Dell. I'll build you a new one. I'll even dispose of the old one for you in an environmentally friendly way."
*puts everything into new case
*replaces motherboard
*scrapes hdd for possibly interesting media
*installs ubuntu
"Here you go sir, I've built you a brand new computer!"
Many large corporations have invested untold millions into developing both desktop (AIR) and browser (Flash) based applications for both internal and external use in Flex.
The rewrite cost alone means they will hold onto Flex for some years.
"As HTML5 matures, acquiring the capabilities that Flash has led on for years".
When the enterprise browser install base has good support for HTML5 ( maybe by Windows 9?, 10? ) and some tools come out ( ones better than GWT ) which enable applications to be written in a compiled, typed language, then you may start to see the shift occurring.
"The most common reason for the existence of bad software is bad programmers"
There are a lot of them that's true. But they can be guided by one good senior dev given the time to do code reviews. In my experience, the reason for bad software is vague requirements and impossible deadlines caused by salesmen telling pure lies.
"For the record, however, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone go back and clean up a quick-and-dirty fix"
Then you yourself are a bad programmer. Or one of those fly by night contractors. Personally I will very often replace dirty with clean when a new requirement would otherwise require to layer on some more quick and dirty.
I have a slightly older deskjet.
Ubuntu 10, Vista, Win 7 all work easy
Ubuntu: Forum searching for magic connection string at first ( dnssd://Deskjet%203050%20J610%20series%20%5B83D65A%5D._pdl-datastream._tcp.local/) but now always works
Vista: I gave up
Win 7: Since installing HP drivers connection to wireless router has become unstable
Gah! How did we get here? Every powerpoint is full of fluff, every word doc instantly out of date, every excel spreadsheet indecipherable to anyone but the author, every access db a disaster waiting to happen.
I would rather office died an immediate and final death.
"You wanna go back to Windows"?
Could it be that cloudy hosting is just replacing paying for dedicated/colocated servers that are mostly under utilised and occasionally swamped?
Various statistics abound indicating Linux ( anecdotally, CentOS ) running on most of those dedicated servers.
Not sure what you're getting at talking about Windows. Are you saying that web services used to be hosted on Windows, but are now on Amazon? Sounds... ...dubious.
if( searchTerm.isExactStockCode() )
What an incredible system design. Who could possibly imagine such an algorithm.
A person might think that Mr Edelman is being a bit disingenuous.
Are you sure that the software was commissioned by Netezza?
From the article:
"The partnership between the two firms strengthened, and in August 2008 Netezza acquired exclusive rights to distibute[sic] Geospatial"
Company A has already written a piece of software, and they sell company B the right to _distribute_ it.
Are you saying company B should now have source code rights?