2001 called, they want their exploit back.
246 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Oct 2007
Shirley Henderson plays "Moaning Myrtle" in the Harry Potter films. For those who make their abode directly beneath a large deposit of granite in the middle of the rainforest Moaning Myrtle in the films is the ghost of a teenager and thus in most ways IS a teenager.
Shirley Henderson is 47 in November. Seems to imply that people knowing your real age doesn't seem to make a difference.
Hmm. I can't watch the youtube vid, firewall and all.
However half of me wants to think that surely they would be clever enough to only backlight the part in use, its not too hard to segment a backlight LED.
The other half of me is thinking I bet you are right, cheaper to make probably beats having a product with decent batttery life if they even thought of battery life.
Phones put out the most radiation when making a call or using the internet. In those cases it will be next to the ear or in the hands respectively. Hence, not damaging to fertility.
Heck, I've yet to see any proof that talking on phones a lot causes any problems for gods sake. The last edition of this information I read said the tests were on exposed sperm. Exposed sperm don't last long even if you do nothing, never mind cooking them with a phone.
Yeah, I don't know where I was going with that.
"which might call its non-lethal nature into question in the case of a speeding car"
Surely its better to maybe kill someone in a car crash than definately kill them with a grenade? Seatbelts, airbags and all. Having been in an 80mph smash, I can tell you its suprising how little damage you take. Nothing broken, nothing bleeding. Shame about the whiplash.
One DVD I owned briefly before it was cast into the bin had (I counted) 6 unskipable trailers for other films, 4 of which I already had. 3 "you wouldn't steal a..." clips. 2 minutes of the text. Then a 1 minute into into the menu.
So after watching the disc once I threw it away and went and pirated a copy.
Overall - I think piracy is something you just have to live with. Taking Avatar and CoD MW. Both set world records for sales while at the same time respective industries are claiming that piracy is killing them. Sorry, something doesn't add up there.
You must have pockets as big as guybrush threepwood if you can lug that lot around on the move.
For computing on the move I have a laptop. I have a smartphone and never use it. Its too small and fiddly. Lets not forget the fact that 95% of my e-mails require me to be in work to deal with anyway.
Then I would reiterate what someone said above - when I'm not working or sat at my PC I don't WANT to be working or sat at a PC, hence the only time I have EVER used my phone is when I was trapped on transport and bored. Not worth the price of a jesus phone for that.
I want to make alternate accounts just so I can upvote that more.
I'm all for moving off fossil fuels, but here is the rub. We need energy when we need energy, not when it happens to be windy or sunny. Lets imagine a UK powered by wind/solar/tidal.
Wind power = shit
Solar = great if you don't live in the UK
Tidal = pretty reliable, but it does have "pauses" at high and low tide.
Its not hard to imagine a day with no sun, no wind and at high/low tide we in fact get no energy at all. Woohoo. Break out the mud huts and the candles everyone! Welcome back to the Dark Ages!
Or, we could go nuclear. Reliable energy whenever we need it. We can build it in convinient locations, where power is needed not the top of Ben Nevis. It really doesn't take a genius to figure out which is better. If we go down the Thorium reactor route is even better still.
Well, yes a printer each is certainly not cost effective.
However, our shared printers have a secure print facility whereby sensetive documents can be locked with your user/pass and will only print out AFTER you log in to the printer. This way you have to physically be there and can stop this sort of mix up.
Of course, even with regular printing these things offset each print job such that only a RETARD could accidentally pick up parts of two print jobs and not notice.
Makes you wonder how many such measures actually are in place but the staff are too stupid to actually use them.
Can i suggest that the sample size is biased somewhat there.
In that, the sort of person who doesn't take the time and effort to encrypt/secure a USB stick is also the sort that won't take the effort to check the thing is still in their pocket. Indeed, the fact that they haven't been reclaimed suggests they haven't been missed for long enough to make identifying when they went missing impossible.
I've "lost" USB sticks but never in a public place and never with anything important on them.
I imagine the technical challenge of growing the meat/bone is the easy part. The problem even with reattaching original limbs is connecting the nerves more than anything, they are tricky buggers.
I also wonder how much variation there would be between a regrown limb and the original - a blood vessel/nerve cluster being half a centimetre to the left/right seems like it would be a problem.
This is a study showing that if we do things that can never occur naturally, harm will result.
Unless the wifi chip is directly under the trackpad on my laptop, the signal is going to have to penetrate my thighs before it reaches my manhood. That alone is going to attenuate the signal 90+%, if the signal strength reading is any indication.
Fair play to them, they outright said that their study alone is useless, but that doesn't make it ok.
On the one hand, "OMG they can track my phone" is not a pleasing thing. However, if you REALLY think about it they can track you quite easily through a shopping centre, all they need to do is put together your credit card transactions or something and THAT is a lot less anonymous.
you would stop fucking swearing.
I do wonder why we have swear words. Why make a word that people aren't allowed to say it just makes no sense. I'm not saying people should swear all the time, but if I drop a heavy object on my toe and I swear, my toe should take priority over your ears.
Would such an array EVER pay for itself? I mean, solar arrays down on earth are expensive enough. Add in the costs of getting the things up there...
Ok, so its more efficient up there, there is less maintenance involved - no birds to shit on the panels and all, but does that difference really cover launching into space? Launching 1kg 100km straight up (roughly edge of atmosphere) requires mgh J of energy = 1 * 9.8 * 100,000.
= 980,000kJ assuming 100% efficiency.
assuming about 20% efficiency this array has to generate approximately 2kWh per kg it weighs just to cover the launch energy, never mind production of the array and the ground facilities. I'm also guessing 1kWh of rocket fuel costs more than 1kWh of electricity.
"products are short lived" yes, because some twats made us take all the lead out of the solder so now we have to use crapper alternatives.
"products use less energy" great, now they used 10W not 12. But cost twice as much.
"did not agree to use renewables" What, you mean those giant windmills that actually consume more energy in production than they produce in their lifespan?
Guess which side of the debate I am on.
Well, they don't. That is the MASSIVE problem with a lot of renewables - they aren't dependable.
However, if we can replace a gas power plant with a solar one we are saving emissions. Only works in places with dependable good weather though. Then the nuclear/coal plants that can't be switched on and off at will carry the load at night.
Currently I'm on VM 10Mb. I download happily at 1.3MB/s regularly. So I get the speed advertised. Until they throttle.
Soooo, I could upgrade to the 50Mb package. 50Mb line, no limits. But it costs a HECK of a lot more, when all I really want is 10Mb with no limits. 1.3MB/s is plenty for everything I do. Ok, downloading a 20GB game off steam takes a while, but going 5x faster is not really going to help me. Its still likely to be a "leave it on overnight" job.
as for these 100 and 200Mb packages they are offering, I honestly don't know what I'd do with them. Downloading steam games is the worst I do and I am never in a rush for that to happen.
On the one hand, I have no problem with someone knowing everywhere I drive. 95% of it is to work and back.
On the OTHER hand, if this sort of thing becomes legal we start slapping the things EVERYWHERE and false positives become a massive risk.
Lets say we are tracking a serial killer, he's killed 3 people. So we slap 20,000 GPS units on random cars. It turns out that you get a hit on someone who goes to the same 3 places as the killer and arrest them and later jail them on that basis. Oops, it was just coincidence and their defense lawyer sucked.
I know, its an extreme situation. It probably wouldn't happen on the grounds that 20,000 * 3000 pages is a metric ****ton of paper, but I hope you see the point I am trying to make.
Suspiciously quiet on the recharging front.
100 miles is great and all, but if I then have to plug it directly in to heysham power plant for 6 months to get another 100 miles its not that useful. The glory of petrol is that I can fill my tank in seconds and drive off.
@"silent motorbikes would be deadly"
I know I'm speaking as a diehard car driver, but seriously - I had a guy on a bike overtake me (doing ~55mph) accelerating so hard he was doing a wheelie, nearly hitting oncoming traffic. Until I stop seeing shit like that happen I'm going to have ZERO sympathy for bikers who get in accidents and try to blame the car. For legal reasons I'm not going to tell you what the speed limit was.