* Posts by Nuno

137 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Oct 2007

Ubuntu 13.04 beta touts search privacy - before it hooks in eBay, IMDb etc


Re: "...shaping up to be a high-water mark for Unity fans"

$sudo vi /etc/hosts videosearch.ubuntu.com productsearch.ubuntu.com


Mind out, Apple: Ericsson leads charge against the SIM


leave my SIM alone!!!

I want to be able to use my contract with whatever phone I want, like borrow one if my phone dies, and I want to be able to use my phone in whatever operator I feel like, as in traveling abroad.

Stop this "kill the SIM" nonsense now!

Oh, those crazy Frenchies: Facebook faces family photo tax in France


Re: I'm sorry...

they can always switch back to Minitel...

Google's JavaScript assassin: Web languages are harder than VMs


Dart runs 130 per cent faster

"The goal is for Dart to become twice as fast."

If I did the math right, are they trying to slow it down?

Twice as fast is 100% faster...

STOP, because they are going too fast!

LIVE TODAY: Windows 8 licensing - Speak your brains, believe your eyes


If you need to ask, then you can't afford it!

A pre-ticked box in web forms should NOT mean consent - EU report


Re: Cookies?

cookies are used to give state to a stateless protocol. Without them you are always a new user reaching the site for the first time ever.

Of course you can avoid using cookies by passing the session variable on the URL, but for the user the consequences, for good and for bad, are the same.

ZTE to launch Mozilla-based phone in Europe in 2013


I will call it choice when they give me the same hardware and I can choose which OS I want...

Baby sharks are so HARDCORE they avoid baddies like tiny ninjas


as evolution works, those baby sharks that did not respond to that stimuli by standing still, did all die...

Don't shoot the Windows Live Messenger, cry IM users


Re: I won't be moving to Skype

I think the biggest problem will be for those using an msn client in their feature phones. There's no upgrade path for them...

NAND then something new came along: Nanotube men get $10m


watch out for that reset button coming your way!

Adobe demands 7,000 years a day from humankind

Paris Hilton

Re: Good article

I wonder how many man years have been lost reading this article...

Asteroid miners hunt for platinum, leave all common sense in glovebox


Re: robots

So, for a moment, you really thought they would be doing it with people? really?

Tesla Model S named '2013 Automobile of the Year'


Re: And

why the rant? They never said it was "environmentally-friendly", just that it was electrically powered...

Fish skin points to better LEDs


"conceal them from predators, such as dolphin" - and as everyone knows, dolphins don't use a sonar to spot their preys...

Asus doubles up phone-slate combo's specs with Padfone 2


Re: Big screen Mistake

I would like to see a modular design like this but, instead of a phone sloting into the tablet, a compute module sloting into a small screen (making it a phone) or a big screen (making it a tablet)

Quantum computer boffin 'had to sit down' on getting Nobel Prize call


yes, but is it dead or alive?

Nokia lops UK Lumia prices ahead of Win 8 phones



Ooops, sorry. That only goes for android...

NASA's spy sat snaps Curiosity rover burning tracks on Mars


Why stop for tests?

what will they do if they found some malfunction? take it to the mechanic?

put it in the right place ASAP and then test it with the real subjects of the mission...

GO, as opposite for STOP...

Crucial v4 256GB budget SSD review


Maybe it was the SATA controller that died, not the hdisk...

Ten... Satnavs to suit all budgets


Nokia satnav is great, beeing free, and allowing you to pre-download the maps. But, for route planning, it will need a gsm connection and, while abroad, that can be very expensive

Report: Nokia, Apple battle over ultra-tiny nano-SIMs


That would be foolish

SIMs are great, in the way that you can insert it in whatever phone you want and access your phone service. If Apple had it their way, a software SIM, if your phone dies (battery, water, whatever), what would you need to do to access your phone service?

EC researchers demo multi-gigabit fibre-to-the-home


Re: That's all nice and everything....

I'm not holding my breath either, but because I already have FTTH. I stopped holding it 2 years ago...

IT pros lack recent skills


Re: Fun and Great Games and Beta Deep C Phishing sure does beat any kind of Angling

always nice to see people replying to a Bot...

Dot-brand explosion will shell-shock lazy coders - ICANN


The bigger fail is

allowing non latin characters on the domain.

You see a domain printed on some magazine, you want to visit that domain, but you don't have a clue on how to do it.

Of course you can argue that, for example, people living in Russia already had to use latin characters to use the web. But they already do it! And they can reach ALL the internet using them. They can even reach chinese and japanese web sites...

Toshiba 14in USB LCD Mobile Monitor


"Toshiba expects you to rely on the power coming from your laptop, which is convenient, and fine if you can have it plugged into the mains" - So, you don't want to have the laptop plugged into the mains and, at the same time, you want to do it with the monitor... makes perfect sense!

Asus pushes Prime pre-orders


It's a shame...

..that they opted to make the keyboard incompatible with the previous model.

So, if I buy one of these (and I'm really thinking about it), will I have to throw the keyboard out, when I decide to upgrade to the next model? It really makes no sense (other than Asus wanting to sell another keyboard)

Mozilla promises more speed with Firefox 9 beta


they should only assign a new major version when the code changes break extension's compatibility

Meteor shower falls from Halley’s Comet on Saturday


Nop, it means that if that sattelite comes down 2000 times, 1 of those times it will hit someone

Ubuntu's Oneiric Ocelot: Nice, but necessary?


If you really need it, you can emulate a one level menu system, using lists inside each launcher item:


LG Optimus 2X dual core Android smartphone


dual core CPUs

They are perfect to Atrix-like setups. I would love to see a standard comming up so that I could buy such a screen + keyboard combo, and use it with whatever smartphone I happen to be using at that time. Upgrade the phone, keep the screen + keyboard. Maybe any phone with an HDMI port and an USB port could be made to work with it...

H2O water-powered shower radio


hydro power

if your water is supplied using a reservoir at higher ground, you already have all the power stored there. To not use it is just like getting water down from a dam without generating electicity using turbines: you are just spoiling it! The only downside is less pressure on your tap.

Google admits Android 'both open and closed'


I don't understant what the problem is

Google only released WebM when they felt the code was good enough for public eyes, and they will do the same, as they should, for new versions of Android. They never said that Android development was going to be community driven...

if you want, you can take Android 2.3 and fork it...

Drizzle: Big-Data-happy MySQL fork debuts


not that bad

At least it relates to the cloud, their target audience..

Asus Eee Pad Slider


Atrix concept

I prefer the concept adopted by motorola. I just wish someone would create a standard way for doing it, so we could by a standard dock and connect any Android phone to it. That would also make our dock survive the phone upgrade process...

WTF is... cloud gaming?


not the same

the adaptor won't need an upgrade, as will PS3/XBOX when they decide that you need a new console...

Android malware attacks show perils of Google openness



Google should start a certification program, where developers would pay a fee to see their apps reviewed and certified as "not malware".

People would still be able to install whatever app they choose, but if it is not certified, they would know that they are on their own.

Massive US rocket sends top-secret cargo into space


earth spins what?

it is now proved that earth orbits the sun, so let's use it as our reference...

if the sun rises first in europe and then in the US, that means that earth is rotating towards east and, as so, anything that goes up say, in Florida, after awhile will be on top of California...

Rogue TV satellite brought to heel after auto reboot


even a broken watch

get's the time right, 2 times a day...

Highest point on the Moon found: Higher than Mount Everest



Not really comparable, is it?

The moon doesn't have a sea level to measure it against. If our planet had just half the water, the everest would be higher than it is now...

Google Android 3.0 on track for New Year tablet launches


So what?

iPad 2 will be an hardware device, GingerBread will be an operating system.

That is like bitching Win 7 (or whatever OS) saying: "Oh, but apple is already going to deliver the new Mac Air 2!".

Get a grip...

Microsoft's fear of an OpenOffice


Excel Macros

When OpenOffice get that right (make sure that Excel Macros run flawlessly), then OpenOffice will have a chance on getting market share from MsOffice.

I, for one, don't use MsOffice from many years now, but I don't need to run Macros on my xls docs. For people that do need it, it's a deal breaker.

Actually, that's all they should be working on! Then they can start improving on other areas...

Samsung scents strong Android tablet sales


Android App Market

If there is no 3G, there is no App Market access...

That is why you are not going to see such devices coming out from good brands. Who is going to buy an Android Pad without being able to go to the App Market? not me, for sure.

Apple TV said to enter the heavens at $99


introducing: the i

"the new Apple TV will essentially be a next-gen iPhone without the phone — or an iPad without the pad"

Google turns on SSL encryption for search

Thumb Up


Don't forget the China's censorship. If they don't know what you are searching, they can't censor it...

Opportunity rover breaks Mars longevity record


just wait for tomorrow

It will break it's own record, with 117 days...

Google open sources $124.6m video codec


not really

"it's already game over and irevellent what Apple want or do."

Apple started this by not allowing Flash on iPad/iPod/iPhone. They want html5 only, and they enforce it by not allowing other browsers. In the same way, if they don't want it, they will never allow the VP8 codec inside those devices.

On the other hand, who cares...

Sun sat sends stunning solar snap


not so stupid

the sun is a ball of fire. The hotter flames are blue/white, the colder ones are red/orange. As with any fire...

Why the Google antitrust complaint is not about Microsoft


Yes and No

From a user point of view, Yes, you can start using another search engine. From a business point of view, No, you cannot reach your customers if you don't show up in their search results.

And since Google has a huge search quota, as microsoft in the OS world, they should be forced to respect fairness rules.

Researchers rip iPad apart to reveal Apple's profits



Let's not forget about the cost of warranties. In the end, if a product fails, we all want a new/repaired product, which will add to the cost of the original

Euro astro biz: It's time for solar panels in Spaaace


other idea

would be to build a space elevator, using solar energy to pull the payload, and use the cables to shift the rest of the energy down to earth...