Breaking News - Reg Hardware to be re-named Microsoft Haters Anonymous
I look at the headlines on this site most days and whenever anything to do with Microsoft is mentioned, whether its new hardware, old hardware, operating systems, price cuts, sales figures or even conjecture, its usually jumped upon by morons who feel that because they own anything branded with the word 'Sony', they are contractually obliged to try and stamp on anything Microsoft related.
People complain about the 'cult of Apple' and the way that some Apple owners tend to think they are superior to others. The jury is out on whether this is indeed true, but at present, I think some of the Sony owners who constantly post vitriolic nonsense ought to take a long hard look at themselves. At present, some of them appear to be so up themselves they're in serious danger of disappearing up their own backsides.
For crying out loud - you've bought a PS3 - well done, I am pleased for you (and I'm not being sarcastic here). You opened your wallet, took out some cash and bought the system of your choice. I used to think that people bought things to meet their own needs - now I'm not so sure. I think that these days, people buy systems to try and feel superior to the owners of other systems. WHY??
I initially bought a 360 Core model because it was cheap, it had a pretty good catalogue of games, and the idea of online gaming on a console appealled to me. OK - you have to pay for Xbox Live - I don't have a problem with that, its not that expensive overall and I consider it to be worthwhile considering a month's use equates to less than 2 pints of beer.
I didn't have a hard drive or wireless adapter when I bought the console - no problem - I could add those when I could afford them, and if I felt they were necessary. I didn't want a Blu-Ray player and didn't want to pay through the nose for one - my PS2 had the first DVD player I owned, but I barely used it for DVDs - when the time came, I bought a standalone DVD player.
So the Xbox 360 met my particular needs. I didn't buy it because I love Bill Gates and I didn't buy it because I hate Sony or Nintendo. A single look at my collection of consoles, (SNES, Megadrive, Game Gear, Gameboy, Gameboy Advance, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, N64, Gamecube, Xbox 1) will confirm that I don't particularly favour any console manufacturer.
I now have a good collection of games for my 360 that I enjoy playing with friends. I'm happy and have FUN with my console, which is surely the whole point of the purchase. I'd like to think that the majority of people with PS3s and Wiis do the same.
However, the constant stream of attempted one-upmanship that I read daily, (especially on this site) makes me sick - do you not realise how pathetic it sounds? I know that this plea will be like a fart in the wind, but just for a moment, take a step back and look at how ridiculous all this bickering sounds - you might be surprised, and perhaps, just a little ashamed.